School, ISS, and Road Rage

First day of school was actually uneventful, more or less.  The best event that happened was that I looked really good- a byproduct of not doing anything to yourself all summer and then all of a sudden doing everything.  It was pretty cool.  I have English, Delta (my 2nd semester of English), AP Government, Pre-Cal, Speech, and Economics. 
       I walked into English the first day and handed my teacher (whom I sort of knew) my schedule and he took one look at me and goes, "No."  I smile and say, "What?"  He glowers and shakes and says, "No!  NO!  Not YOU!"  I go "… Yes.  Me." 
       I like government a lot.  Fuckin ballin.
       Pre-Cal is going ok so far.  The teacher’s pretty awesome, she knows my name already… which is pretty impressive.  I’m actually understanding some of it, so maybe I’m not giving myself as much credit as I deserve.  O.o  Maybe, I don’t know.
       Ms. Brisco’s been out all week because her sister died, so we’ve had a substitute.  This motherfucker I sort of knew when I walked into the class (and who I know now way too much) sits behind me and bugs the shit out of me so it’s pretty entertaining.
       Economics is a blow-off course so far.  It’s common sense shit… it almost insults my intelligence, however meager it might be.  Plus I’m in there with a load of idiots, so it drives me crazy.  But, lol, they are some great entertainment!!  O.o
       Second day of school I spent in ISS.  One AP put me in for my shirt (I was wearing two tank tops… and suddenly they’re illegal?), and then Elaine (hall monitor) would have thrown me in for my pants (they were too baggy and I had my pant leg rolled up) except I was already in there.  They changed the rules and didn’t tell anyone. In ISS I was busy telling Mr. Trevino (AP) that true law didn’t work that way and you can’t all of a sudden change laws without letting anyone know… He was handing out encyclopedias for everyone to copy, and he got pissed off at me and handed me the bibliographical index.  I was like, "You fuckin nut…"  But I actually managed to keep my mouth shut.  It wasn’t that bad though, because Mr. Glenn (an old substitute and cop) is the ISS teacher and we sat there and talked about guns and cop stuff and I was like heh heh cool ok. 
       Yesterday went ok.  Had a lot of homework.  I did some of it!  ::celebrates::
       Today, me and Jeana were driving to school and she pulled onto Circle Dr.  A Durango was coming around the corner and she was apparently going too slow so he rode her bumper.  Jeana sped up to get him off of her ass and he backed off, but she slowed back down to the speed limit and he tried to eat her bumper again.  He is screaming and cussing in his vehicle, and his middle finger was everywhere.  He careened into the other lane (still screaming at us and flippin us off) careened back in front of Jeana and slammed on the brakes, coming to a dead stop.  Jeana slams on the brakes, we all get whiplash, I’m now rolling down the window and I’m screaming at him; Jeana’s just watching and making sure the motherfucker keeps driving.  We pull up to the 290 stoplight, and Jeana makes sure there’s space at the intersection (Buddy’s Corner Store), so if we need to, we can pull into the gas station.  Motherfucker gets out of his motherfucking Durango all dressed up in a dress shirt and tie, still screaming and shit, but now coming towards us.  Jeana wrenches the wheel, and I don’t remember, but I might have been halfway out the window yelling at him to get back in his motherfucking car.  He goes back in his car; the light turns green and everything proceeds smoothly until we stop before 1826.  Jeana’s in the right lane stopped and waiting to turn right; the aforementioned dude is still screaming and cussing in the lane next to us, one car behind.  I watched him as we had passed, and he saw me and started freaking out all over again.  LOL It was so funny the dude fucking forgot some sort of medication.  But anyway, both of us started to move, so I waved at him, acknowledging him for the cool adrenaline rush he’d given me and Jeana.  Ungrateful nutcruncher threw a handful of fucking change out his window.  It missed Jeana’s windows, but he was still screaming and if he would have been anywhere near me I would have broken his finger.  And then I went to school and I don’t remember what happened. 
       I guess this week hasn’t been too bad, fool.
       I don’t know what else is up. 
       I have seventeen weeks left before I GRADUATE.  Although I think I’m going to miss some of my homies, I’ve grown a lot of true ones over the years, for real.  It’s pretty cool. 

      Anyway, that’s about fuckin it.



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May 8, 2007

Alright. This is my bookmark. I’ll be back to comment on these on forward. 😉 Hope you don’t mind the plethora of notes & trips down memory lane. I will leave ya with this: You are a beautiful, awesome & amazing young woman. 😉 I look forward to getting to know ya more & hopefully chat with you one day. 😉 Take Care, Peace, Love, Health & Happiness, K. Talk Soon…. {X}

May 9, 2007

What an entry. First I was thinking of how screwed up the dress codes are & then I was laughing @ this maniac going crazy @ u 2. What a nutcase. Some ppl are friggin’ idiots. He obviously had too little 2 get worked up about if he needs this to get his blood pressure up every day. Remember my ratio, 2/3 ppl R assholes. Just count how many u run into on the road each day. If it was AZ, he’d have be

May 9, 2007

been shot by someone else with road rage. lol. Who knows, maybe he has been by now. The change stuff was hilarious. Who throws change out of their car at other drivers? lol. funny shit.