Road trip- ATL.

Jeana & I are planning on driving to ATL in a week and a half so I can attend the last auditions for
So You Think You Can Dance. 

Lookit me, ma!  I’m branchin’ out!  Taking risks!  *GASP!*  Hahaha!

But honestly, this way I can be like, "Hey bitches, ‘member me from Chicago?  Why didn’t y’all send me through?  I NEED THIS!!!!!" 

: D

And I can see Shane Sparks again. 

I just have to make sure I (we) don’t get in trouble.  I mentioned that to someone at dance and she was like, "Yea, girl, that’s ATL!  I would!"
And I was like, ‘No.  I’m not talking about clubbing, I’m talking about getting arrested.’
::scratches head:: 

I have a migraine right now but it’s getting better.  I taught tap tonight… THAT was a nightmare. 
I wanted to hide.

Yea, my head is not really all back yet.  It’s 2230… time to go hooooome…
Hey, I can watch X-Files at 2300, there’s cable here! 

-†-  INMATE  -†-

Wearing:: Bright blue tie-dyed bell bottom pants (Yes, they’re hardkore), white shirt with a smurf on it.
Last ate::  Some crackers, pepperoni.
Feeling::  Like I need to sleep forever.  (Which I will, once I go home…)

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March 22, 2007

That’s awesome. Never say die. You rock. =)

March 22, 2007

cheer cheer ! Heres an oreo! lol

March 23, 2007

Good Luck this time around, go kick some ass! I want to see a pic of what you were wearing, nice description of the pants. lol. And hey, if you read the Questions, you best DO the ?’s as part of an entry. Don’t cheat. lol. It’s only fair. 😉

March 23, 2007

Good luck!

March 23, 2007

You go girl! I might even get cable just to see you!! *huggles* You can do it. I’d lick Shane though on the way out. RAWR baby. He’s HAWT! Hehehe. *coughs* I mean..yeah…professional. *nOds*

March 23, 2007

goood luck hunny!!!

March 23, 2007

Best of luck! lol and Enjoy your million winks, sounds like your in need.

March 23, 2007

girl to guy ratio there is 6:1 if i remember right. other than that I found nothing of interest in that city.

Wait, isn’t that a t.v. show?! Your trying out for it?! WHat?!

March 24, 2007

Don’t ever stop. :3 Dance all over their faces. BREAK (dance) their faces. :] I love your ambition and persistence. j00 = da balls. <3 But why would you get arrested? xD

March 25, 2007

Ya have to love “Persistance”. And it looks great on ya! If I could give you some advice, though. Ignore the dance moves you may have seen on my “Who Knew” blog, located on my page. Though funny, I doubt the judges would see it that way. Good luck and break a leg, my friend!

March 26, 2007

RYN: Your input is always welcome. Feel free to offer your two cents. =)

March 26, 2007

No Cheating! U gotta do them. Don’t make me spank you. lol. 😉 RYN: Thank you for your support & kind words. I think when you are a creative writer & artist, when you hit ruts, it hurts more & bleeds into other stuff. It sux. I’m trying tho & made some progress today. I have to keep kicking my ass in gear & good things will come. You are a sweetie, so thanks again, ur words helped-Now do the ?’s!

March 27, 2007

ryn: mm cheerios and milk – sounds like the goodness of childhood. it’s too bad most baked good are so dense in calories; it really stifles my baking =P best regards on your plans to audition. never let go of that drive if you can help it =)