Rainbow ramblings.

I build paths.  From my own mind, out to others. 

Bunches of them.  There are trails coming from me, going everywhere.  Yellow, red, white, aqua… like many streams of consciousness…

Usually, they meet a dead end.  My little feelers come back from probing others, empty handed, and I lock myself up again.

Many of my feelers are probably green with fear, some of them are black because I have already given up on receiving any sort of emotion from the other person. 

One day, I’m going to find someone who I can actually connect with.

Anyone.  A random person on the street.  I don’t care.  Green meets green, black meets black, purple/red meets their twin.
The few people I connect with, I connected with at least 5 years ago.  Maybe it’s totally my fault- after everything I went through in the past, I’ve turned all my feelers black.  Maybe it is.  I don’t know anymore. 

Sometimes I think it’s a shame.  I lay myself out on these paths I’ve built and no one realizes that I am sitting there, practically naked, just waiting for someone to step up and say, "Oh.  Hey.  That’s what it’s about." 

That’s it.  All it takes are a few simple questions.  Or, I mean, maybe even a random, "You look pretty today."  That’s always nice.  Instead of just getting griped and bitched at. 

When you’re a teacher figure, you’re looked at differently.  I’m not old enough to trade juicy gossip with the parents (ICK), nor even old enough really to commune with the other teachers who all have husbands and babies (all they talk about, yes?).  And the kids… well, they’re young yet and that’s breaching authority/student protocol.  Y’know?

Whatever.  I’ll keep building my little roads.  No big.  They’re full of colors, thoughts, hopes and dreams.  They’re quite pretty, actually.

I just wish that a few people knew who I am inside.  There’s just a few people who can look at me, the perpetually happy/hyper one, and see what’s underneath. 

I don’t want them to have to ask… and I think that’s selfish of me.  But even so, I want them to recognize all that I hide and all that I’ve buried.  They don’t have to know exactly what I’ve gone through to respect my past and myself.

I’m completely rambling… I’ve basically gone off the deep end.  I’ll be back eventually. 

It is a long road ahead of me to recovery.  I know that.  Jeana is behind me though, I know that now. 
She said things that were so, so true.  Since they were so true, it released this amazing weight off of my chest. 
She said that no matter what, she would be there.  A phone call away.  Every five minutes, if I needed.


Wearing:: Khaki shorts with orange accents,white tank, white sweatshirt.
Feeling::  Rather nauseated and miserable.

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December 11, 2007

I think we all have this deep desire to be known and to know others, even as we hide from ourselves and from others. It creates quite a little war inside our bodies. Thinking of you with much love.

December 12, 2007

Eventually you’ll get what you want and have those relationships that you want. I know how you feel when you say you can’t talk to this group of people about this and you can’t talk to the other group about that. I’ve always distanced myself from people that I work with. I don’t know if its because I know I won’t be there long and I don’t want to start new friendships or if its because of the agedifference. When I was at McDonald’s, I got along with everyone. The older as well as the younger. When I was at OfficeMax, I stayed close to the people who worked in the department with me, but other than that, no one else. At Osmose, it took me a while to open up to the people I was working with. It was just five of us and I was the only girl. I didn’t even talk to many people in the other department. Until my friend, Dawn, came. I think I seen that she was just starting and was an outsider so we clicked right away. But now at work, I don’t talk to many people other than my boss. All other conversation with anyone is work related. It sorta sucks. I would like someone to say “So how was your weekend?” “How was that thing you were dealing with?” But oh well…I’m fine without it.

It’s not at all selfish to want people to understand *you* without having to ask. I know how that feels. I moved to Boston from New York and was miserable for a long long time, because even though I HAVE friends here … I want to have friends with me who just *knew* what I was feeling … without the explanation … it sucks. Things will get better, though. Slowly maybe, but they will. 🙂

December 12, 2007

*hugs* I feel the same, as I know most of us do. I’m not really sure what the rainbow feelers are about, are you going Sci-Fi movie of the week on me? lol j/k!!! I get it. I’m not really sure what to say since I’ve pretty much given up on forming any “real” relationships with anyone. Just hang in there and, of course, most importantly, always be yourself.

December 16, 2007

Slightly ironic, but this entry reached me.

January 2, 2008

I do know what you mean. It’s not something you can expect to happen, knowing from being me for over 32 years & not finding that someone either, but you can’t give up hope that someone will appreciate & understand you in person one day. I know online, the beauty of it is we are blessed to meet a lot of kindred spirits that otherwise would not have been possible back in the day. Hang in there. {X}