Pulse Dance Convention

…Was great. 

I took initiative in Laurie Ann Gibson’s class *GASP*-

   She was forced to stop and watch me in a room of 500 kids and she wound up telling me I was beautiful, and I had IT, except I just needed to improve my memory of choreography.  WOW.  O.O

I now have a poster of Shane Sparks above my bed, (this isn’t the actual picture:)

signed To: [Inmate], Shane Sparks.  My mom got it signed for me while I was in class.  She even told him, "Hey, my daughter tried out for So You Think You Can Dance where you told her that you would love to see your choreography on her."  Shane PULLED UP HIS HAT AND actually SMILED and said, "I remember saying that.  I don’t say that to anybody."  The whole room had gone silent and my mom, not particularily fond of being in the spotlight, stammered her thanks for the sign and left.  But now I know that while I doubt he’d remember ME, he remembers me.  How BALLIN.
(Oh, and do we all realize that Shane Sparks is as tall- er, as short- as I am?)

I shook hands with Wade Robson…  a living, breathing genius.  Wow.  Hopefully some of that rubbed off on me!


And I basically ran into Chris Judd  after the workshop (I’m reallll smooth like that) and he said he thought, by the way, that I was great and deserved the scholarship I won. 

Oh, yes… I received a scholarship for the Pulse next year.  YAY!

So what if it’s a lower end scholarship?  I GOT NOTICED in the biggest convention I’ve attended since I was 12 and it was full of my idols and I didn’t let it intimidate me (my worst habit).  I learned a lot.

And Dave Scott is amazing.   The routine he taught was my favorite.  At the end of the convention, he was stepping onstage and I was backstage (since I was part of the Crew) trying to keep up with him.  I did damn well, actually and some of the teachers even stopped to stare at me.  I stopped.  Heh.

Mia Michaels is just gorgeous.  I love her as a teacher and as a person and as a dancer. 

Yes.  That’s it.  I’m tired.  I’m going to lots more stuff.  I think I get a break on Thursday.  o.o
*Waves*  Bye!



I’m alive right now.  That’s all that matters!  : )

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December 3, 2007

Wow, I only recognize one of those people lol Wade Robson is HOOOTTTT wow…. he sounds familiar, but I’m not sure if that’s because you’ve mentioned him before, or if I’ve actually heard of him somewhere o.O Glad you had fun, yay for scholarship!!, and just plain yay 🙂 I think I may have to start googling these people to see who they are lol

YAY! I’m so excited for you!

December 3, 2007

I knew you would be amazing! Congrats on the scholarship! I bet the Jedis wishes they could move like you! =)

December 3, 2007

i’m going to smile and nod and believe i know any of those. but thatseems cool and stuff. RYN: that was the strangest note i’ve gotten in a while. Chris

December 3, 2007

Yay! I’m glad you had such a great time!!! RYN: Yeah, my life is really rather complicated no matter how hard I try. LOL

December 3, 2007

wow. it seems like everything is really coming together for you. good luck i know you can keep it up

December 3, 2007

ryn: that football game made me so.. so sad. i dont know if you know of wvu but our school has a habit of burning things win or lose, but we only burned one car this time.

December 3, 2007

Very freakin’ cool. Sounds like the equivalent of me meeting a room full of wrestling or comic legends! I am very happy for you, babe! Hopefully this continues a good string of luck & good breaks ahead! Keep bustin’ your azz. Good things will come. 🙂 {X}

December 3, 2007

The name “Wade Robson” sounds familiar. I don’t know if it’s from you mentioning it, or if I’m actually familiar with his work. Chris Judd I have heard of before. As for your progress, success, & scholarship, I am SO very proud of you. I wish I could brag you up more & show you off to my friends. Make ’em all jealous because you’re INMATE. I’ll just wait until you’re “infamous” or legendary! Cya

December 3, 2007

That’s so amazing! Great job!

December 3, 2007

ryn I think the flappers were in the 20s, but yeah, still close enough! And good to hear that it all went good for ya!

December 3, 2007

Omigosh! I’m beyond thrilled for you. =) So many great things happening for you. Yippee!!! Don’t forget me when you’re all famous and stuff! hee hee Actually, I’m serious, ‘cuz I totally believe in you. RYN: I love The Wizard of Oz!!! I quote lines from the movie all the time. ** giggling ** Still raining here. Holy cow!

December 4, 2007

ryn: Hey “Blue” could mean down & depressed. Thankfully that interest explains it’s the color. Same about “Better off dead”. lol. Could be pretty depressing see? 😉 I particularly like your “Being a Dork” & “Loser” clubs. lol. What did it take for you to gain entry into those interests? lol. You’ll see how sad rain is out here by my rain calendar, my friend. Too bad I didn’t start last time. 🙁

December 4, 2007

Ryn2: I have had knowledge shared by wrestling gurus, but never from my idols. I’ve talked to respected comic writers, but knowledge has not been holistically endowed as you must have had. So I can only imagine while you have experienced the school of higher learning & osmosis. ;D Good Job, young jedi. Of course they are in the north. Not much in the SW ‘cept the Grand Canyon & Sedona & I Seen ’em

December 4, 2007

babeh, that’s FVCKING AMAZING. 😀 Way more than amazing. You have SO much talent and I’m glad that you shined through the static of other people. Bravo, babeh! KICK SOME ASS.

December 4, 2007

I really admire your passion and talent. :] you inspire me so much. I can tell how hard you work, with the passion you have. You seem to be so bouncy and peppy. I admit I get frustrated too often. 😛

December 5, 2007

Congrats on your scholarship!!!!!!

December 5, 2007

Ahhhh….I melted when I read Shane Sparks’ comment. *Insert cartoon hearts flying out of ears”

December 5, 2007

I just looked up Wade Robson… and wow, he IS a genius, just like you said! He memorized the choreography from Michale Jackson’s Thriller at 3 years old, was choreographing (is that a word?) pop stars like Britney Spears and N’Sync in his teens… wow. That is nuts. RYN: thanks for sharing the song (chant?)! 🙂 Believe it or not, it is inspiring. I like that Gibson shared that with all of you, it sounds like the main purpose of that convention was to inspire everyone and keep them dancing. I’m amazed that, given that they seem “the best” at what they do, they decided to come together and create something so fun and motivating for other aspiring dancers.

December 6, 2007

WHOO HOO! Good for you!

December 9, 2007

Just remember us when your famous. ~DK