Psycho Cat: My wake up call

FIRST and FOREMOST I would like to say that Count Chocula tastes like hot cocoa!

Now, from our commercial break right on to the story-
Last night was the first night my new BLACK cat, Midnight (What an appropriate name… you will see, HAHAHA!), was allowed to roam the house.  She wound up sleeping on my bed.  ^_^  Hehe, awwww. 

Now.  It’s 0600.  Something wakes me up and I move my body around.  The cat launches out of my bed and tears down the hall, through the living room into the dining room somewhere.  I go, "Okay, no big deal.  Bye, you cat." 

I roll over to go back to sleep. 

I’m in that state of half awake/half asleep when I hear a gigantic "MRRRROOWWW!"  The cat tears into my room, claws ripping out carpet and launches ON to my bed… ON to my stomach.  I jumped, to say the least. 

I sit up and the cat RUNS off again.  I’m grumbling angrily because it’s 0600 and I hear this SCRATCH BLAM Like the cat just ran into a door and was scratching at it.  So I get my ass out of bed in a pitiful attempt to save the furniture.

In near darkness, I grope my way through a long hallway and stand in the doorway between the hallway and the living room. 

Scenario break:  My house is dark.  It’s a French colonial- wood paneling, full of doors, large.  Also, for Halloween, my mother creates this ghoul/skeleton figure that stands at the door.  It’s as tall as I am and wears a heavy black monk cape.  If I am not prepared for it, that thing will scare the shit out of me!!

That’s exactly what the ghoul dude did at 0600 in the morning.    As soon as I see it looming watchfully over our door, I JUMP straight in the air however… Before I even land… the cat comes out of where it was hiding behind a cd tower right next to my feet.  "MRRROOWWWWWW!"  It tears the fuck across the house.  I yell reflexively as my heart leaps through intense acrobatics, "JESUS CHRIST!"
Immediately I worry that my dad heard me use a biblical name in vain- no worries though he was somehow sleepin’ through this circus event.  Was I jealous!!

((my dog was luckily safe, locked away in the sunroom- she thanks you for your concern))

Anyway, finally I track down the cat, let it play with a toy for a little while, then catch it and bring it back into my bedroom.  I dump it on my bed and tell it, "SLEEP!  NOW!"  It curls up in the middle of my bed before I realize that I have to sleep in my twin bed, too. 

So I have to carefully move the cat, scared I’m going to evoke it’s psycho tendencies…

and then I went back to sleep!  Ahhhhhhhhh

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow morning will bring…

Peace and health.  : )


Wearing::  Black muscle tank, black crop jacket, black bondage pants.
Last ate:: Count chocula.  DUH!
Feeling::  Like I need to work out.

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November 4, 2006

haha, sounds like my cat at midnight

November 4, 2006

I wish I had a cat. 🙂 Stupid allergies. I did something like that, though, but instead of a ghoul it was a life-size elvis poster. ryn: That sounds about right to me – because only those who are ignorant when it comes to war would ever have the audacity to glorify it. If they ever experienced it or edjucated themselves on it, there would be no way they could go on like that. And if only >>

November 4, 2006

society came up with a better was to glorify strength and bravery than through war. Well, I guess we have sports, but… I think to society as a whole war is viewed as being more – “mature,” I guess. I’m not sure if that’s the right word though.

November 4, 2006

hahaha kittys are fun O.O you said groped lmfao

November 5, 2006

So the cat was going psycho over the ‘figure by the door’? RYN: I’m intrigued by the Police tazer incident, given your young age. As for me, I think I’d try it just to say I tried it. I think I’d want the one that shoots the electrodes into me, as I’m told they pierce the skin. I’d wear those scars like ‘badges of honour’, from a time when I was foolish.

November 5, 2006

I’d also like to get dressed up in one of those padded suits and be attacked by a police dog…, or several. That looks like fun. Fully-Protected fun.., but fun nonetheless. 🙂 Talk to you later, Juggalette! Keep smiling 😉

November 5, 2006

Eeeeeee! XDD Awww KITTIES! <3 I have two kitties. :3 I love kitties like a fat kid loves cake. Eeee! XDD Jesus, I love kitties. Where did you get the kitty? :O

November 5, 2006

aww…i miss my kitty!!..yeah mine was like that too…..she always found places to hide OUTSIDE of my room, when i wanted her to be INSIDE…lol

November 6, 2006

Septum is the area between your nostrils. It’s been compared to a bull ring. :p

November 7, 2006

Ahhh… yes I also know all too well waking up in the wee hours of the morning due to a cat going crazy. I also have a black cat, named Raven, but he likes to bite my fingers so I will pet him at 3:00 in the morning. I tried to be smart and put my hands under the covers but then he bit my nose… Anyway, I hope you get some sleep and cat doesn’t wake you again. <3 always Rachel

November 7, 2006

Nice story and one I can relate to. Except my cat of demon terror was named rightfully after Al Capone. And get use to your cat going nutz at around 6am cuz that is when they really are awake. I hope you don’t like sleeping in late…LoL… But if you get it neutered or spade depending if its a boy or girl, it will calm down. A bit… Sweet dreams, Aries…