Prom was a bust, but oh, today was great.

Wearing::  Reebok athletic top and black cut-off sweatpants and Nikes.
Listening to::  Nothing.
Last ate::  Scrambled eggs and hot dogs wrapped in a tortilla with salsa and crackers.

So, yea… Prom, Saturday… NO PICTURES SATURDAY!  I went to dance and functioned through all four hours of it, then went to Glamour Shots.  The pictures were NICE.  I should be getting them beginning of next week or something.  They were nice.  I’ll try to put some of them up on here when I get them.  Word.  I made friends with everyone there, too.  The lady that did my hair and make up danced, so did one of the photographers, so we joked around a lot.  A lot.  o.O  It was awesome, and I made great pictures… Sorry, I’m really excited.  I didn’t know how great of pictures I made. 
Oh, yea, ick, prom.  Bad.  Horrible.  But we went to Red Lobster beforehand and I ate the Grilled Shrimp Ceasar Salad, and some of Jeana’s food and some of Wes’s food.  People leave a whole bunch of good shit on their plates.  Hmph.  I couldn’t let the majoirty of that go to waste!!!  I ate a lot, ooh man, it was great.  Mmmm.  And we took a limo, it was an excursion limo so it was massive.  I went with seven other people, and I went personally with one of my best friends.  It was cool.  One guy that went really made the night not worth killing myself over.  He’s fucking funny, he’s a stoner and he kept it real.  He rapped the whole night, kept me entertained.  For real.  Yea, one of my friends wore a kilt to prom.  I just felt really really out of place.  The whole prom thing was utterly pointless.  I mean, I don’t get along with the majority of people at school but I didn’t realize how out of place things had gotten since I’d been gone for five months.  It was actually pretty depressing because I looked great (my hair and makeup had been done at GlamourShots) and no one NO ONE told me I looked good, or even okay.  Nope, no one.  It was pretty fuckin jack.  I never try to look good, and that time I did and, well, it’s just not worth my time.  >.<
BUT!  After prom we went to the International House of Pancakes at 2:25 in the morning and I ate banana nut pancakes… I was really losing it and laughed the whole time, drooled, drank five glasses of water, and dumped everyone’s leftovers in my take-out box before I left (after they did).  They’re just weird… hell, I had pancakes & french toast for the next two days.  How ballin’ is that!?!?  They really missed out! 
Today I did eight pirouettes, beautifully.  It was completely ballin.  I started hyperventilating and screaming and muttering… I only do that shit in my dreams, for real… it was so unreal.  It was absolutely awesome.  And then I did eight two more times, and then I did seven several times, and six… I will never again struggle with five pirouettes, LOL.  That’s where I am in my pirouettes- I can usually do four flawlessly and five will come every once in a while…  What I think happened… was that I turn really really well when I’ve had caffeine, and I’d drunk a frappacino (that took me thirty minutes to consume) a half an hour before.  My body had gotten really shaky and I’d gotten this burst of energy that was absolutely insane… I ran around the studio room trying to calm it down and then I just wound up doing my solo pieces two times in a row each of them, and then another time… and then another… and then my body started to calm down.  It was pretty scary.  I tried doing a back walkover, lol, and I fell over.  I hate it when my body shakes.  Something to do with low blood sugar- it runs in the family.  My mother and my brother both get it.  >.<
And one of the moms from the studio gave me a graduation present to go see ‘O’ by Cirque while we’re in Las Vegas this summer… I am so damn excited because I have never seen the Cirque before…
And my parents got really pissed at me on Tuesday because there was supposed to be this useless graduation meeting about procedures (where they tell you not to fuck it all up, basically) and I refused to go.  I went back to sleep and they got really mad.  I thought the whole thing completely useless; the less I can revisit high school the HAPPIER I will be!!
Pz, sha-bam, and don’t fucking kill yourself.


Oh, yea, and I made a quiz on quizilla, too————–Which Original Star Wars Character Are You!

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May 21, 2006

My teapot and I never talk to eachother anymore, things are just way too busy you know?

May 14, 2007

I wish I could have graduated early, skipped graduation & prom. lol. My friend’s brother’s sister asked me like MEGA early when her b/f & her broke up. Then she was going to go with him again when she thought this one girl who lost her date wanted to go in my friend’s group. It was really gay. When she bothered me again, I told myself, if she is with her ex, I’ll just tell her to go. I should

May 14, 2007

I didn’t want to with the those weird ones. lol. But, eh, I digress. One of the girls in our party’s b/f was an idiot & didn’t want to go to the Cubs game the next day, so on the plus side my bro & now sis-in-law went & it was a freakin’ blast. 🙂 Good for you to not waste food. I’m the same way, but rarely take other ppl’s leftovers. You really drooled? lmao. And damn, if I would have been

May 14, 2007

dancer as adhd, too. I wonder if that is a requirement? 😉 lol. Just kidding. She is really good. I think she is in a group in CA called the Young People of America or something like that. She moved back to IL, but I think she wants to go back. She’s pretty cool. She’s cute too, very tiny, i think your age, but she views me like an Uncle to her. 🙁 I can’t say the same. lmao. She’s not my niece.

May 14, 2007

what’s a pirouette?

May 14, 2007

red lobster rules by the way. I go there with my Dad, prolly a good place to treat him for Father’s Day….hmmm, thanks for the idea. 😀 I shall do the Star Wars character survey. I wonder if I can get Fett? 😉

May 14, 2007

Jedi Master Yoda, unknown species. You are very introspective, and sometimes your shy nature makes people either take you for granted or underestimate you. Yet, never fear, for you may often run solo but you have mighty powers at your disposal and you will never hesitate to help others… whether they’ll accept it or not. >>>I can do a mean Yoda impression. “Hear it you, must.” And his laugh.

May 14, 2007

Who were the other 9 characters? Was Fett one of them? The answers were funny. “Making ppl do my bidding” was one of the funnier ones. 😉 Can I repost the link? Let me know. I am off to do more. 😉 They look fun. 🙂 {X}

May 14, 2007

80% on the work out one. 😉