Praise Allah! says Frankenstein.

The most I can say is that I am trying to keep busy. 

I have been extremely successful;
Life has been krazee. 

I’m even nursing an injured quad.  I pulled it jumping off of an elementary school’s stage while trying to teach/keep control of a dozen rowdy young ‘uns doing the chicken dance and conga lines.  Colorful.  Yes.
I pulled it because I’d overworked it the few days prior.  I’ve been dancing 8 hour days just to keep from thinking.

Let’s see… nothing else.  Really.  I’m just trying to regain my place in things.
I don’t like being an upset individual.  At heart I am an annoyingly positive optimist.  I prefer good moods and I’m patient. 
When faced with personal obstacles I react like a cornered animal.  And I don’t like that feeling.

Jeana and James are coming over tonight.  We’re having a little Halloween party… with tons of food.  We even have a *Nightly menu*:  (Appetizers) People Chow, Ghoul Eyes, Goblin Munchies, Bloodied Brains, Spicy Rat Parts, Spinal Cord Wraps and Devilish Eggs (my specialty, hehe).  (Side Dishes) Potato Bugs, Swampy Thing, Zombie Parts.  (Entrees) Bat Wings w/Swamp Dip, BBQ Worms.  (Desserts) Witch’s Treats and Spider Cookies.  (Beverage) Toxic Water- the ice ring has gummy worms sticking out of it).

I’ve been eating like krazee and it’s good.  I know after Halloween I have to pull all that back together but this is just part of me trying to come back together.

We put up Halloween decorations all over the house.  There’s a Frankenstein head and two hands sticking out of the ground outside.  Every time I see it I giggle because I swear he’s saying, "Praise Allah!" and facing west (or is it east?) at 1800.

I’m trying to ignore my dad. 
I’m going get some coffee to nurse with my quad.  I hope it heals quickly.  I went for a walk just a little while ago to work off some sugar and that had been a real bad idea.  My quad protested.  Lots.  : / 
But I finally exchanged a few words with this neighbor ninja who I always see while on my walks.  Very interesting. 

Speaking of which, I haven’t talked to Craven since we broke up.  So much for us staying friends. 
Every relationship begins with a friendship and if necessary, ends with a friendship.  If it can’t… Sigh.  Grow some balls.

I know I haven’t noted in ages.  I haven’t even updated in ages.  I appreciate everyone who noted my last entry.  I needed your support and even though I haven’t had the strength to respond yet (or maybe ever), know that your words were much appreciated.
God bless.


Wearing::  Black baggy pants, gray camisole, black sports bra, bright blue ice pack around my quad, knee high pumpkin toe socks.  Very hardkore.  ^_^
Feeling::  Like I’m 10 years old again… only 10 years in the future.  If that’s possible?
Last ate::  People Chow.  (Chocolate Chex party mix.  I’ve eaten almost all of it- it’s excellent.  LOL.)

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October 27, 2007

Hope your quad feels better!!!!!! 🙁 (should I give you a sad face, like “ouchie! awww”, or should I give you a happy face for “get better!!!”? I’ll stick with the sad face… haha) 8 hours…. a day… dancing… non stop….? seriously? You must be truly passionate!!! I totally envy you. Gosh, I can’t even write eight hours a day… I get too frustrated lol Hey, do what youlove, only be careful and try not to get too hurt while doing it! *hugs* Oh, and Have a great Halloween!!!!!!!!

October 27, 2007

So glad you’re enjoing a fun and fab evening. Sorry about your quad. Be gentle with yourself, honey. Big hugs.

October 27, 2007

WTF??? No big & random words that stand out in your entry…Whats wrong???

October 28, 2007

Being injured as much as I have (lifetime),I’ve never considered using coffee as a remedy. Do you pour it onto the inflamed area? Is the coffee hot or is iced-coffee better (for swelling & such)? I’m glad you’re keeping busy, though I do miss your notes. I gotta take the bad with the good, I suppose. Please do check out my 10-27-07 blog. It’s dedicated to you. You ARE my favourite ninja! Caio!

October 28, 2007

Sometimes anything to keep from thinking, right? :] I hope you feel better soon, though! Pain is definitely not a good thing. :[ Hahah, who knew Frankenstein was Muslim?!

October 28, 2007

Oh how was the party? It sounds like it would be awesome! I went to one this weekend and it really sucked.

October 31, 2007

You need time to heal here. Quad injuries suck. big time, ya crazy stage jumper. You need to rest, goofball. Halloween is a bad time to readjust diets. I’m not a candy eater, tho. So it pained me to buy 3 bags of candy. lol. Maybe I can give it all away. lol. My teeth have had enough abuse. Thank Heaven for water. Those dishes sound nasty, you know that, right? lol. I’m sure they look cool, tho.

October 31, 2007

lol->frankenstein. be mindful of thieves & vandals, tho. so you would be zero now, but feeling 10 years older like a 10 year old. Are is that 10 years older as in 29? Sheesh, 29 wasn’t so bad, because ya know, it was 29. lol. 3 years ago. 🙁 But if you need some lovin’ to feel younger, than all ya gotta do is call. 😉 lol. Stay strong, my friend & don’t be a stranger. We are all here for you.

October 31, 2007

ryn5: Those are all good tips, so definitely be mindful of them, dear. Hope this finds you safe & well. Happy Halloween, ninja. {X}