Points of interest. WHERE!? ::points!:: There!!

I go through spurts.  Sometimes I write in here EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Other times I struggle to write once a week.  : /


Not much to report anyway:

I’m playing a LOT of Command & Conquer: Red Alert.  (I miss the SIMS!!)  I’m working out every single day.  I’m even doing cardio.  BLECCH.  Hehe!  My body fat is 18% on average.  It fluxuates like krazee donkey buns!  DONKEEE! 
I’m pointedly IGNORING the other numbers on my scale because they suck and don’t matter.  What DOES matter is my muscle mass, being self-confident, and that I can fit into my favorite shorts that I had to put away 8 years ago. 

For some reason I’ve started getting really frustrated sometimes and my self-esteem can really do some crazy things.  Yesterday I was so down on myself and today I was dancing in the rooms in the minimum requirement of clothing like WEEEEOOOOO!!  Ehhh.  Yep.  Six months no period (just keeping track, sorry); I actually love it because now I’m all female (sounds scary, huh?  Heh) and have none of the cramps and mess that comes with it!  I’m not concerned about going to the doctor anymore… but I still need to get Medicare.  Medicaid.  *Blush*  Whichever.  But I’m not really sure how to go about it- their website is so damn confusing!!
::shakes evil fist at evil website::
::conjures evil army to battle evil website::

YAY Amazon!  I ordered Cypress Hill ‘IV’, Rammstein ‘Herzeleid’, Beastie Boys ‘Licensed to Ill’, Stephen King ‘The Dead Zone’ (book) and the 1st season of X-Files.  I am EXCITED.  Capitalized and everything!  ::nods importantly::

Next week I’m going get my driving permit from the DMVFDMV, if you will.  I’m excited but my parents haven’t given me a date when they’re going to take me (I’ve just decided this on my own) so half of me is like, "Ugh, it won’t happen yet."
Which it WILL.  Because I will WALK all 30 miles if I have to.  ::makes face::  But someone has to pick me up.  

Kelly and Jeana are gone.  I am alone.  Except for Craven.  But he’s almost nonexistent.  o.O  Whatever.

I put a month old half gallon of milk in the business dumpster earlier today.  Didn’t put it in a bag.  I wonder if it’ll smell tomorrow?  Any bets? 

At the dance studio we’re starting our new fall season and we’ve had a few people sign up specifically for my classes because they’ve heard I’m such a "high-energy" teacher. 
How AMAZING is that!?  I’m actually getting known around town for being a great teacher.  YAY! 
But that doesn’t really help me get out to LA.  I gotta teach everywhere.  But first I gotta FUCKIN DRIVE! 

Yay for next week!
::celebrates with confetti and streamers:: 
Umm.  Right.  Leaving now.

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black pants, one leg rolled all the way up, red sports bra and white button down thrown over it.
Last ate::  Ham/turkey/lettuce/MUSTARD(!) sandwich.
Feeling::  Content.  : )
Fingernail polish::  Blue… green maybe?  Aquamarine?  Turqouise?  I don’t know… but it’s SPARKLY! 

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August 23, 2007

Yay Rammstein album! I love Rammstein, that band is awesome. Good luck with getting your permit 🙂 FORCE your parents to actually take you driving. I haven’t FORCED my parent and apparently I need to start doing so…. and YAY for popularity with your teaching!

August 23, 2007

Yay Amazon! Yay excellent dance reputation! I’m gonna get my license from the KMFDMV. =)

August 23, 2007

Oh .. go get that driver’s license hun so you can get elsewhere.. Best wishes with teaching dance.

August 23, 2007

BTW I love your pics!! Go you!!!! I took one stage dance class in theatre and the lady just made me hate it. She used to teach and coreograph professional dancers and so she really didn’t understand how to break things down to us theatre people who have never taken a formal dance lesson. She just kept saying that we looked like two year olds and she would always bug me about my hip not beingloose enough for me to swing my leg back in an airobesque (sp?) I think. I know she meant well, but I never understood what she wanted of my body and especially my hips

August 23, 2007

RYN1: I would be happy to learn you in astronomy. =) RYN2: That would explain why my relatives are so crappy.

August 23, 2007

RYN3: A party? YAY! RYN4: *smiles* It gives me warm fuzzies to know that you occasionally think of me.

August 23, 2007

RYN: It’s ’cause we’re awesome, my little dancing Jedi dynamo. =)

August 23, 2007

Thats so excellent that you’re building your rep. It’s so important to do that!!!! The milks gonna smell andddd I luff not having my period too. Whoo sex all the time. Just kidding. (Sort of.) Yea, we do seem a bunch alike.

August 23, 2007

RYN: Hey, there’s no problem with yay-ing things =D and I reacted the same way to Ewan McGregor when I saw Moulin Rouge (now my favorite movie) I was like “Hey he looks familiar…” and then I realized he played Obi-Wan and I was like, “dude… you’re KIDDING!” I didn’t believe it until I watched Star Wars again. thanks for the hug! 🙂

mmm early XFiles RYN: I used to meditate everynight before bed to help myself relax … now I’m lucky if I get to once a month. However, I’m going on vacation in early January to visit Austin for a week, and I’m SO STOKED … I’m sure I’ll be doing a lot more thinking then, too. Prepare for some serious in-depthness 😛

August 23, 2007

Who wouldn’t want to get lessons from the best teacher around?!!!! =) Medicaid is for retired folks, you want Medicare. The forms AND the website are confusing as h*ll. Good luck with the license. Honk! Honk!

August 23, 2007

RAD AND A HALF! Thanks for the note inmate!! Rammstein kicks ass. It took me forever to convince my parents I wasn’t a Nazi for listening to it. (I used the argument that Lynyrd Skynyrd weren’t KKK just ’cause they lived in the south) I WON! Hey, have you read the Gunslinger series by Stephen King? That shit changed my life, hon. No kidding. Good shit right there. Thanks again!!!

August 23, 2007

RYN: *lol* ok…thank f*ck I saved sh*tloads before deciding to buy them! I gotta pay them off quick, coz Im getting charged the interest 19% !!! Thats $120 a month until the $677 still owing is paid…*cries*

August 24, 2007

i’d join your class ooo cyphreshill and rammy i just got celldwellers cd, u should chek it out yeah i should start exercising everyday too

August 24, 2007

this entry is very interesting.. lol it made me smile.. 🙂 thanks for the notes.. take care!! ~*~*Noreen*~*~

August 24, 2007

If you get yourself a license after walking to DMV, wouldn’t you be able to steal a ride home? lol. 30 miles, you’d be in HELLA cardio shape then, wouldn’t you? 😉 Kudos to you for staying cardio psyched. JUMP ROPE! 😉 Here’s one for your self esteem. With no period & being mega beautiful, you are the Greatest Female alive. 😀 Give yourself a pat on the back OR your own piggyback. lmao. 😀 {X}

August 25, 2007

Muscle Mass: I remember years ago when WCW was still around. There was a wrestler who I really admired named Scott Norton. This guy was solid muscle, & not built like these body builder types like Batista and such, but like a solid object. I can’t recall what his body fat %-age was at, but they (Bobby Heenan) said it was basically just on his face. Absolutely solid. I should have a pic of him…

August 25, 2007

-on June 15th of my blog. He was very impressive with his straight/ no nonsense style of beat your opponent into oblivion wrestling. X-Files: You purchased Season I. Awesome! I can’t help but wonder if perhaps my nonstop mentioning of that planted a seed in your mind. If you go to http://www.imdb.com, I noticed there that their FAQ is about the X-Files this week. Might be worth a looksy! L8ter!

August 26, 2007

Sparkly is good. Whether it’s nail polish or just a state of mind. Sparkly is good, sparkly is wise. 😀