Placidly maturing.

So, life’s been treating me good, unlike my diary which likes, as soon as I finish writing it and clicking Submit, to cancel on me and delete my entries.  It’s a lot of fun.
Anyway, school’s ok, I have three weeks of school left after tomorrow (beginning Thanksgiving Break on Wednesday).  It’s kind of depressing, actually.  Which makes everything really funny, because I always thought everyone was insane when they said, "You’ll only miss it when it’s gone," and now I’m like, "Hmm… that’s probably true."  I mean, I’m going to be lonely- no underclassmen to pick on (No underclassmen to pick on me, more like it LOL), no Jeana to get in trouble with, no Nathan to be white trash with, no James to make dirty jokes with, no Bald One to kick me, no Katie to make faces at, no Greg to chill with, no Kyle to refuse, no Jake to laugh at, no Jordan to threaten, no Robyn to puke at, no Smiley One to be creeped out by, nobody to intimidate, no Tommy to drive me insane, no "My Hero" who meanmugs everyone around him with plaid boxer shorts and light pink collared shirts with a belt buckle the size of Kansas, no Kelly to say the weirdest shit on the planet, no Payden to (*not*) play hackeysack with, no Daniel to say "What’s up Dancer girl…"
Greg actually wants to bang but… I don’t need that.  So he’s all pissy.  That whole male thing having to prove yourself, and being a teenager and wanting to rebellious on top of that… pssh.  Fuck that, I proved myself there aint’ shit to me like that anymore.  I have bigger problems now than my ego- or worrying about anyone else’s. 
Sigh.  Thanksgiving is a horrible holiday.  It’s the worst holiday.  So says Kelly, "White man kicked me off my land."  Plus, the whole dinner thing?  It’s like… let’s put together the little amount of food in the world that Kara doesn’t like, serve it, and call it a holiday.  Oh, let’s make her cook half of it, too!  It sucks, homie, lol.  Stuffing… yams… turkey… The only thing good about the dinner is cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.  Hell yea.
Dance is ok, too.  I have off this entire week, and then I have rehearsal on Sunday, and I perform a dance on Monday night.  One dance?  It seems like a waste of makeup to me, but oh well.  My parents have bets that by Wednesday I’ll be bouncing around so bad they’re going to have to chain me down.  I’m just kind of excited that I get to watch TV tonight… I’m going to watch tv on a weekday!  Holy SHIT!  I don’t know what to do with myself… I have so many choices… I mean, this is prime time!  Yea!  I’m so excited.  That’s what I’m going to do right after I’m done online…
Fuck Pre-Cal… that’s why I don’t have a second period.  : D   Homework time…
Yea, and my ex… haven’t talked to him since he was supposed to show up when he came on leave after being in Iraq for how many months???  He promised my ass that he would see me when he came down, he fucking promised not once but twice that we would solve all of our issues, we would get over each other, and everything would be ok.  He fucking pissed out of the whole thing, and e-mailed me back when he left  I’m back in North Carolina.  Sorry I missed you, I didn’t have time.  I was like FUCK that I can’t take that shit from someone I thought I trusted.  He e-mails my best friend when it’s convenient- his last e-mail was "Hey, I just got out of jail."  

I can see how the graduation of high school can be such a change in personality and habits and friends, but… the one thing I will carry with me until I fucking die…
The motherfucking red and black, no matter what, homeboy, PZ!


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May 9, 2007

I love Turkey, mash potatoes, gravy, etc. & love pumpkin pie. I miss Thanksgiving the way it was. Back when Survivor Series was held on the day & all the cousins came 2 our house. My Mom & Grandmother cooking in the early morning & from the previous evening. Those were the days. The good days don’t last forever. 🙁 I miss my Mom & those good times.

May 9, 2007

Sorry about your friend. Broken promises are not good. Did you see him again to kick his azz? lol