Ooh… zesty!

I’ve sung the 100 bottles of beer song down to "-400 bottles of beer on the wall".  Did you know that?  Doubtful.  Tee-hee. 

I sang it through lunch and the following class -math- once. 
It drove everyone around me nearly mad and I was punched several times, but I perservered!  
Eventually, James also translated it into binary… we sang that obnoxiously too… 



Anyway… I’ve hit that predicted rut with my hip hop solo, ‘King Kong’.  I have just under three weeks until I compete it and it’s only 3/4 of the way choreographed and not clean at ALL.

Actually, my ‘New York’ solo I finished choreographing BACKSTAGE before I walked out to compete.  It was pretty nervewracking… but it did foolishly well under the circumstances.
Last year’s solo I finished a week or two in advance.  Yay!

Hip hop frustrates me to tears sometimes just because everyone expects my work to be awesome… and honestly, I’ve only taken about two or three years of hip hop and I haven’t really been trained. 
I have the biggest problem with controlling my moves and keeping them from being krazee wild.  Sigh.

My body decided today that it had had enough of this diet crap so I’m upping my caloric intake by 75– we’ll see how it goes from there.  I had to feed it excessively today in orer to keep the migraine away… ICK!  All of my diet entries are private cuz whenever I’ve posted that I’m dieting, people always start telling me what to do and it drives me NUTS.  Eating is an integral part of my career… thank you, I know how to do it. 

Yesterday, my mom and I almost got sideswiped by a Viper () coming back from Big Lots.  (Heh heh, Big Lots.) 
We pulled out of an intersection and heard this ZZZERGCHHH and the Viper screams into the lane next to us, LOSES CONTROL, veers into incoming traffic, then pulls it back under control. 

My mom said, "That was…" 
I finished, "A Viper."
She continued, "We just…"
I finished, in total awe, "We almost got hit by a VIPER."
(We spend waaaay too much time together, if you can’t tell  .)

Umm.  Ok.  That’s it.  Peace.

†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  Black fleece pants, black sports bra, purple long sleeved, midriff sweater & large dangly black earrings.
Last ate::  Some cashews and chocolate covered raisins.
Feeling::  Vertigo… bad juju.
Nail polish::  Rembrandt!

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Daaaaance! :] lmao. One zero one one zero one to you too. *huggle* –

January 22, 2007

You’re gonna kick ass. Hardkore. =) You can’t force inspiration. You have to let it hit you.

January 22, 2007

Dodge Viper?

Hehehe…Vipers are HAWT! I’m sure you’ll do fine. You got that fire to kick arse, girlie! *huggles* I believe in you, now quitcher whinin’ and get yer arse out there and get it done!! w00t!

January 23, 2007

haha that sounds fun! i wanna do that! thats a lot of bottles…500! lol xx

January 23, 2007

hehe yay for bottles on the wall =] xxx

ryn: they made perfect sense. *huggles*

January 23, 2007

Hahah! 99 bottles of beer on the wall in binary! You officially are my hero. 🙂 Good luck with dance, too! I’m sure you’ll pull it off. I want to see you dance sometime! If you’re ever in St. Louis (which you won’t be, because it’s teh suck) let me know. 😉

January 23, 2007

RYN:Thanks 4 the Lotus referal.It’s a nice car,they handle nice, but not really my ‘cup o tea’. I’ve never driven one 4 real, but I’m confident that my PS2 translated the driving experience fairly accurately, whenever I played “Need For Speed III” As 4 the song, I kinda hate that song, too -no offense! Tomorrow try “Row Row Your Boat” or “Drive Drive Your Car” Have Nice Day!

January 23, 2007

aww…they closed our big lots a couple of weeks ago 🙁

January 23, 2007

your pictures are impressive as is the variety of dance styles you do. I was a bboy for a few years nevr got that great, it almost always had a back seat to capoeira. took ballet for a few weeks before my schedule became too difficult, that was painful.

January 23, 2007

DA-da-da-da-DANCE~ <3 XD Heh, Heh, anti-eloquent. XD; I feel so primitive and icky when I swear too much. Say if I swear in front of a meek little person, I feel like I threw a gernade in their mouth and pimpslapped them. XD; A bit much, but. . . I know you can pwn that dance, Shake it like bread crumbs on chicken, and whatnot~ :B Kekeke. But don’t try TOO hard, just play around a bit.

January 23, 2007

That’s like forcing a story. :3 ChaknowmhatImean, mang? It just won’t come out, dawg. Be chill and let it come naturally. (AND IT IS. 8D) ~Peas and Bob, Dani

January 23, 2007

RYN: Yeah, Dodge Vipers don’t generally exist in my realm… I’ve only seen one in real life before at a car show. (high five) Go team.

RAYN: 😛 You made perfect sense. But then, us Aries girls can understand each other. *laughs* thank you for being about when I needed some kind words. *huggles*

January 24, 2007

I worked with a girl who said the alphabet in morse code. I really wanted duct tape on those days. ballet was painful we stretched and did things my body had never done before

January 24, 2007

Hey…yeah i’ll be fine …my paerrents are crazy…imight take my ex up on his offer of staying withhim for a while thank you for being there <333

January 24, 2007

RYN:yes but the only problem is the ex lives in NY.the next time i’ll be up there is july and if i have to get out of ere sooner i know a way for me to get out of here and not freak outi would have to call my brother but that means explaining whats going on and he hates frank too so he would mess him up big time..so we try to aviod getting don arrested before he gets married..but all will be well

January 24, 2007

RYN: Well thank you for referring to my “mind-numbing drivel”, creative. I look forward to reading more of your work. Have a nice day!

January 25, 2007

lol sounds like something I would do, and with regards to your note, I did like the t-shirt thank you