OD survey. How I waste time…

1) What does your online diary name mean, and why did you pick it?  Uhh.  Inmate?  Uhh.  It’s a nickname.  NIIICK-NAMESIR!

2) When did you first get an online diary? Well, I started in my sophomore year of high school (I think) so it was in… 2002 or something like that.

3) Why did you first start an online diary?  I’m positively adamant about not talking about my feelings so I needed an outlet, some kind of therapy that didn’t include voicing my issues.

4) How did you find OpenDiary.com?  Nooooooo clue.  That one wasn’t committed to my memory banks.

5) When writing an entry, do you believe you are writing for you or the reader?  I am writing for me and in the process of writing for me, I write for the world.

6) When writing an entry, are you completely honest? Yes.  One of my best, and worst, qualities is that I don’t lie- with that said, why would I lie in my own diary??  In IRL, if I am tempted to lie I completely avoid the topic/situation completely.  I’m REAL good at that.

7) Describe your writing setting: Most often plopped Indian-style on the dance room floor, using one of the music computers.

8) Is anyone that you know (in real life) allowed to read your diary? There are a few that know it exists but I don’t think they read.

9) Do you know anyone in real life with a diary, which you are allowed to read?  No. 

10) Has anyone found your diary that you really didn’t want to find it?  No.  But then, I’m very careful about that.  I teach around 100 kids, ages 6-19.  If they were to find my private thoughts… I think they might rethink me as a role model.  (Thus the reason I don’t have a Myspace… but then again, it might be cool to have 100 friends.  Hehe!)

11) Do you believe writing in your online diary is therapeutic?  Most def!  DONK-EYSIR!

12. How many entries do you have? 224- 4 FO and 11 Private.

13) Do you have any entries that are private? Yep.

14) If you answered yes to that, (without getting too personal), why don’t you want people to see them?  Probably because I’m ashamed of my train of thought.  Also, when I need to write but can’t stand to relive the past in order to give background info which in turn, would give meaning to the entry to anyone besides myself…

15) How many favorites do you have?  Around 10, I think; I’m really picky about my favorites because I don’t have a lot of free time.  I have to relate to them and admire them and enjoy reading their entries.  And, this might be selfish but w/e, they have to seem to care about my life, too.  You know?

16) Do you know who your first favorite was? Blech.  Too long ago!

17) Who on your faves list has been on it the longest?  Toontown Juggalo.  : )  And the Ensor has been on there for a heckuva long time, too.  : ) 

18) Which of your faves is most similar to you? Why? This is hard.  All are SO similar to me and all are MILES different… so goes the story of the world.

19) Which of your faves is most different from you? Why?  See above.

20) Your entire faves list has updated – whose entry do you go and read first? Second? Third? Fourth? And fifth? The most recent.  I start at the top and go to the bottom.  Like I said, all my favorites are important. 

21) Who is your newest fave?  I think… Hime.  Hi.  : )

22) If you could meet any of your favs in real life (and you knew for sure they weren’t an ax murderer), who would you pick and why? *Blinks*  Toontown or the Ensor… I’ve known them the longest.

23) Do you talk to your favs online? Some of them.  : )

24) Have you ever written an entry while too intoxicated?  No.

25) Do you feel accepted by the diary community?  Hell yes.  Amazing…

26) Have you secretly fell in love (or had a crush on) a diarist?  Maybe.  o.O  Who wants to know?  Hehe!

27) Have you ever read an entry that really moved you?  Yes.  And notes that have moved me… 

28) Has anyone written anything that made you cry? What was it about? No but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t moved, or sad.  Me crying is simply too foreign of an event. 

29) What are your favorite kinds of entries to read?  I love to smile so, things that make me smile.

30) After writing an entry, how long do you wait to see if you have notes?  Not long.  Not long at ALL.  Heh.

31) If you don’t have notes, do you feel let down?  Yeah… I’ve gotten spoiled.  O: )

32) How many notes do you usually get?  Usually more than I think my entry deserves but I huggle each and every one!!  CLOMP! <~ That was me latching onto my notes.  MINE!  Heh heh heh.

33) Did you know the more notes you leave, the more notes you get?  Of course! 

34) Do you delete mean or nasty notes?  I have never deleted a note.  I’ve never had reason to.  I have made a few private that made me uncomfortable but for the most part, I believe in freedom of opinion and I don’t get offended easily.

35) Have you ever left a nasty note and not signed your name? No!!  If the truth is what I think the person needs to hear, then I will sign my name and they can get back to me if they wish.  If I think the truth isn’t what the person needs to hear, I don’t leave ANY note.

36) Have you ever left a note on a person’s diary, just to make them feel better?  Yes.  And lots of times I wish I could do more… : (

37) Do you keep a paper copy of your online diary?  I really would like to.  But do you realize how much PAPER that would be!?  SIR!?

38) Do you go back and reread your past entries?  Yes.  : )  A lot of them make me laugh and a lot of them have quite a bit of soul.  And randomly, I’ll go into other peop

le’s journals, into an entry they’ve probably forgotten they’ve written… and leave a note.  Keeps everyone on their toes.  Hehehe.  O: )

39) What’s the most interesting thing you can think of about Opendiary? That I’ve made friends and relationships here that I value (although maybe not in the same way) as much as IRL relationships.  The support here is incredible.


Wearing::  Khaki/orange board shorts, white tank "The Dance Zone", white fancy Nikes.
Feeling::  Pretty good.  Procrastinating.  YEA.
Last ate::  Potatoes.  Mmm.  Carbs, how I love thee…
Reading::  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s whole Sherlock Holmes volume.  I’m on the Scarlet something…

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November 8, 2007

Great stuff. And we shall meet! We will dance and be silly and you’ll deck out my Christmas tree all Star Warsy. =) And, regarding #26, I want to know. =)

November 8, 2007

the support here is incredible. just like you told me to not drop out of school. so.. just for you.. i’ll keep going (and some for me but i dont want to let you down,, ARG!)

November 8, 2007

#23 made me smile! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii right back at’ya 🙂 Oooooo Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes… I’ve always wanted to read all of those, I find them so interesting. I need to find a whole volume somewhere, I don’t think my library has one. I agree with the support on here. I’ve been on other diary sites and the sense of community and support is not even CLOSE to the greatness that is Open Diary.

November 8, 2007

Love this survey and potatoes sound yummy! I baked like 10 little red potatoes last night and I love to munch ’em straight from the frig. ‘cuz they are delish!!!! =) Big hugs to you.

November 8, 2007

This I will have to steal & comment later. Might be fun.

November 8, 2007

(17)- I feel so happy & proud [As face blushes with pride.]

I started my diary my sophomore year of high school as well, and that was 2004. We’re the same age, so…