Note to self:

Despite the greatly appreciated garbage disposal like attitude of my stomach, going upside down after a big meal is still NOT recommended.

*Nods importantly*

Oh and in 30 minutes I teach my nightmare class:  age 7-9 kids in TAP shoes (my only little kid class).  Hopefully next week this class will be taught by a different teacher because I’ve already had one girl drop out because of the "disorganized" conduct of the class.  Ugh.  This age group is NOT my cup of fragrant tea.  9 and up, PLEASE!

*Sits, making faces at stomach*

*Grumbles*  Stupid ass eating lots stomach shit woo ouch mmm food hungry eating all freakin’ day (BUT I GOT MY ONE HANDED STALL!  -A one handed handstand freeze, for those not up on the lingo.) bitchy stomach salad though and oooh beef fuck BLAH!

I ate too much- I’m eating a LOT lately.  But it’s okay- for some reason I’m needing all of it.
LOL This new girl tried one of my classes and her mom (after class) says to her:  "WOW [Insert girl’s name here] did you see the teacher’s arms!?"  To which the girl replied, "No!  I was too busy staring at her leg muscles!"
Heh heh heh.    Comments like this, which seem to be coming more frequently, make working out every day worth it.  (I bodybuild as a hobby.  And by the way, I have snakes running down my forearms now.  YESSSS! Childhood dream achieved!)


Wearing::  Chlorine splattered cut off sweatpants, maroon athletic top.
Last ate::  1/2 a dressingless tex-mex salad.
Feeling::  My stomach hurts, fucking eating full meal before handstands hungry though not any more ouch had to eat but too much maybe gezis I gotta watch that how am I – …oh, I’m grumbling again, aren’t I?
Listening to::  ‘Bong toke’ Kottonmouth Kings

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September 25, 2007

Hail Gezis! Or Jeebus! Or Beezus, his brother, the off-white sheep of the holy family. God: “Who turned the sacramental wine into grape juice? Jesus?” Jesus: “No, it wasn’t me! It was Beezus!”

September 25, 2007

7-9 year olds…. I think I would end up having a breakdown. Hey, at least you aren’t teaching 2-6 year olds XD Now THAT would be a total nightmare.

September 25, 2007

Should your new name be She-Hulk now, Miss Snakes on Arms? 😉 Hope you are doing good. Haven’t heard from you in forever. I won’t even guess what the source of your stomach problems are… mind only need wander back a few dozen entries or so….;) sorry. Hope you feel better soon. Peace. {X}

September 25, 2007

Woot! Woot! for achieving one of your childhood dreams. You totally rock!

September 25, 2007

wow. it’s great to have somebody comment who is a dancer!! Thanks for your note, and my dad said he’ll buy me a new one. Thank god. lol

September 25, 2007

Ive done those 1handed-handstands…or I was drunk thinking I did it & really I was crashing on my face…I LUV KMK ~ BONG TOKE thats my Sat morning wake up song…sometimes I wish I smoke…

September 26, 2007

ryn3: It’s weird you say energy. I wish I felt like that all the time. Thank you, tho. 🙂 I have a few more pics to be posted shortly. Family ones. My nephew did NOT want to take a pic with me. Later he asked me to jump around in his birthday bouncer–>which I know you’d have loved. lol.–> I told him he was mean & wouldn’t take a picture with me–> he said sorry. very cute. Even if it was becau

September 26, 2007

Stay sane & be good. And don’t be a stranger. {X} p.s. When can I see a new pic? If you drool over my cookies, I want to at least drool over your rock solid bod. 😉 Peace back atcha, beautiful. Hope all is well at home & this finds you well happy, safe & well. 🙂

September 26, 2007

RYN: I am totally going to put pictures of my dream homes (plural — who can have just one!!!! hee hee). I’m thinking that moving out of my apt. wouldn’t be a big deal if I was making forward motion and possibly getting into a house! What fun to think about it. It would make the move amazingly worthwhile.

September 26, 2007

RYN: Thank you so much! Glad you like the photos, I work hard at what I do. I’ve danced for about five years total now, and my husband and I compete in the International Standard and American Smooth styles. Soon we’ll tackle Open Latin and Rhythm, which are a lot harder for us — so far, we’ve only ever done class/syllabus stuff, which is pretty easy compartively. 😉 We work hard, though.

September 30, 2007

your so sexy it drives me wild

September 30, 2007

I once met WWE Diva, Victoria. She has been a favourite of mine for sometime. Not only is she an exceptional athlete, but she is very well toned muscularly. Some guys are put off by this, but I haven’t the foggiest idea why. She, like you, takes care of herself, and should be emulated and appreciated as such. Have a really nice day, ya hear?!?

September 30, 2007

i love your entries they make me laugh!!

October 1, 2007

hmm what was i on? i could have been in a good outrovert that spelled right, intro and outro…whatever anyway. ooo u so sexy !!!!!!!! lol i’m in a good mood again today except i cant figure out whats wrong with the cable…yes we have cable now.