NOT good.

Wider Death Penalty Sought
At Least Six States May Expand Use of Executions

By Emily Bazar
USA Today

(Feb. 7) — At least a half-dozen states are considering broadening the death penalty, countering a national trend toward scaling back its use.

The Death Penalty Debate

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Lawmakers have proposed legislation that would increase the range of crimes eligible for execution. In Texas and Tennessee, for example, legislators want to include certain child molesters who did not murder their victims.

"The hope is that these monsters will see that Texas is serious about protecting children," says Rich Parsons, spokesman for Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. Dewhurst, a Republican , is working with state senators to draft legislation that would make repeat offenders subject to capital punishment in some cases. "If they understand they could face the ultimate punishment, " they might "think twice," Parsons says.

Virginia is considering bills that would make accomplices to murder, as well as killers of judges and court witnesses, eligible for the death penalty.

"I’m a believer in the deterrent effect of the death penalty," says Republican Delegate Todd Gilbert, a state prosecutor who sponsored two of the measures. "I know a number of states are reconsidering their position on the death penalty. — I feel confident Virginia’s system is set up to work."
Lawmakers or courts have temporarily halted all executions in 11 states in the past year, most of them over concerns that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment, says Richard Dieter of the Death Penalty Information Center, which he says takes no position on the death penalty but has been critical of how it is applied.

In December, a convicted killer in Florida took 34 minutes to die and had chemical burns on his arms after a lethal injection procedure. After the execution, then-governor Jeb Bush  created a commission to study possible improvements and halted executions until the commission releases its report.

Other states with proposals to expand the death penalty:

— Missouri. Gov. Matt Blunt said in his State of the State address last month that he wants a mandatory death penalty for the murder of law enforcement officers. Blunt, a Republican, says the state must protect its public servants and the death penalty would be a deterrent. "This is the type of crime that calls for the death penalty," he says.

Robert Blecker, a law professor at New York Law School who specializes in the death penalty, says the Supreme Court  has found mandatory death sentences unconstitutional because they don’t allow defendants to present mitigating evidence. Blunt says his measure will take that into account.


— Georgia. GOP  state Rep. Barry Fleming has introduced a bill to allow a judge to impose the death sentence if at least nine of 12 jurors – not all 12, as now – voted for it.

— Utah. The House passed a bill Tuesday making murder of a child under 14 subject to execution.

State Rep. Paul Ray, a Republican, introduced a bill to allow the death penalty for killing a child during abuse, sexual assault or kidnapping, even if prosecutors cannot prove intent to kill. He expects the House to vote later this week.

"We’re going to send a message that if you kill our kids in Utah, we’re going to kill you," he says. "In Utah, I don’t think we use the death penalty enough."

This shit is krazee.  Typically, I try to stay out of politics… I’m not truly an opinionated person… unless something rubs me totally wrong. 
And, ladies and gentlemen, we have found something! 

I have been up and around and on the message board for this article for the last 45 minutes if not an hour. 
I am so fucking pissed. 

I believe in the death penalty… for murder.  Remove the killers from our society and make room in our prisons for those people who deserve a second chance. 
Our tax dollars don’t go very far, and America is already trillions in debt.

THIS IS STUPID!  I’m now engaged in an arguement over illegal immigration (which some people are ridiculously demanding to execute while we’re executing all the child molestors and rapists and hey!  Everyone who breaks ANY law!  ). 
I hate arguing.  I really do.
SONOFABITCH why am I involved in this, I have work to do!! 

I’m sorry.  I was under the impression that America was a free country. 
I was under the impression that we received a dominant place in society because we were civilized, democratic, proud, a melting pot of cultures. 
If we utilize the death penalty for child molestors and rapists… next we have the death penalty for drug traffickers, robbers, prostitutes…
Have we all lost as much faith in humanity as that?  I am ASHAMED of this country for the first time in my life.
If this country starts turning into a Nazi Germany, a communist Russia…
I’m going to kill some motherfuckers. 

†   INMATE   †

Wearing:: Black bell-bottomed jazz pants, black leotard, see-through purple sparkly no sleeve top thing and black crop jacket.
Last ate::  A piece of cake.  o.O  Hehe.  Mmmmmm.
Nail polish::  Onyx with glitter topcoat. 
Toenail polish::  Dark green glittery stuff.  o.O  Emerald, I think.<

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February 7, 2007

what a curddy thing.

February 7, 2007

How to make an upside-down cross in the text.

February 7, 2007

well both ca leade to the other… so…i don’t know

February 7, 2007

haha, WOW. You are a deep, deep person. Congrats on the interview?

February 7, 2007 read that, it’ll make you feel KINDA better. The part where they seperate them is really sad. But it’s really quite romantic that they’re together. Random noter. Tee hee.

February 7, 2007

“If this country starts turning into a Nazi Germany, a communist Russia… I’m going to kill some motherfucckers.” Obviously not with the death penatly…***snicker*** 😛 Just teasing.

February 7, 2007

Long time no speak. Death penalty talk makes ma anxious… I heard the quote once “Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?” My opinions are just that. But then again, if something happened to my daughter I’d want whoever was responsible to roast… haha. *shrugs*

February 7, 2007

yeah. I’m feeling much better now..and I can actually enjoy the new house..when I’m actually at home!..lolz

February 7, 2007

hahahaha sorry but this actually cracked me up!good on you, stick with your views!RYN: lol fanx, yeah it’s pretty hot here in summer, I’m down in New Zealandour weather’s actually very unpredictable4 seasons in one day!

February 7, 2007

Im NOT not saying for rapests…but what if an innocent man got the penalty for it? Its pretty easy for a male to get convicted or rape if a woman wanted him to be.

February 8, 2007

re quote ” cruddy”

February 8, 2007

yep i grew up on skimmed or semi….full is disgusting

Hmmm. I’d have to say I support killing child molesters and rapists. I’ve been the victim of both. And drug trafficking is ALWAYS tied up in murder. RYN: Edited. More KRAZEE shite, mOn. 😐 I’m going ballistic.

February 8, 2007

Republicans mess things up. Democrats fix them. Then Republicans are elected again and the cycle continues its bullshit. I have a hunch that this country will either be run on sex or following a Utopian Idea. . . soon. Utopia sucks, and it can eat my nuts, though. Rape is a psychological thing. Shit like that surfaces and resurfaces . . . And since people are so concerned about tax $, they want

February 8, 2007

the prisoners to just die. Taxpayers put money into running jails and feeding prisoners, etc. Pissah. I believe in a second chance. I believe that people can be wrongly convicted.

February 9, 2007

You’re just a little spitfire on this topic aren’t you? We have more in common than just being Juggalo’s. I can dance…(pretty fly for a white guy), & I concur w/ you on this topic. Killing murderers, especially those of the most heinous of killings, I say yes. Kill a cop? I say F*ck yeah! Child molester? Depends… that should be determined… by a forum of Juggalo’s. (Or us…!)