No comment about Schpankeh!

I have cruise line auditions this Saturday. I haven’t said anything about it lately cuz I haven’t wanted to jinx it. ^_^  
My ballet teacher is going as well, so this time I’ll be with someone. Yay! I’m excited.  Good luck to me. 

I don’t think I’ll make it though because I’m definitely NOT a size 6 and they’re looking for sizes 0-6.
But it’ll be good experience and a free dance class! Yay- I like those! 

And tomorrow, Jeana and I are going do… something. We’re always at a lack for somethin’ to do. We’ll probably drop by CD Warehouse and I’ll buy a slew of CDs and she’ll buy DVDs for ridiculously cheap… cuz that’s just how we broke people roll.  And then go to the mall or slum out at some random place.  Woo-HOO! 
Maybe throw some lemurs at stop signs.  You never know.
I just need a good change of scenery right about now…

Holy SHIZZLE my brother called the house last Friday (He’s in the Air Force!) and was leaving a message. So I PICKED UP THE PHONE and TALKED TO HIM!  

::dies briefly::
::recovers to continue entry-ing::

My brother and I… we don’t talk much AKA at all  . We’ve ignored each other for the majority of our lives and I think it has to do with the fact that he’s 7 years older than I am so we’ve never had much in common.
But we talked for an hour last Friday night and I realized, "Hey, he’s a really funny motherfucker!"  
He’s a LOT like me, too, so it was kinda weird to talk to him and listen to him do things that I would have done.
And we laugh exactly the same. I have a KRAZEE loud and distinctive laugh- you can hear me laugh for a block.
I’ve had friends pin me down in a crowded mall a few stores away because I was laughin’ at something.
I can’t help it- I’m just good-natured.

Anyway, it’s eerie because neither of my parents laugh ANYTHING like that. 

And Kelly called… He actually sent me an e-mail saying he missed me. I was very touched- he’s not really a ‘feelings’ sort of ninja.
He found this journal, actually, and left some sort of krazee ass note… ::Goes find it::

""""damn, im too awesome for words. all i have to say is im gonna miss ya when im in iraq. i know thats not for a while but still. ok, i left my note, keep cool and remain semper fidelis.

kelly a.k.a. the southwest baby killer (allegedly) """""

Ok, so he’s a little weird, but who isn’t?  We’ve been friends for at least 5 years… he was one of the first people I met/befriended when I moved here.  Plus, he’s a Juggalo.  No other words needed.  : ) 
He’s deporting this summer but he comes on leave before and afterwards… so everythin’s shibbeh…
Have a great weekend! 
HAHAHAHA Peace.      … What?

†   INMATE   †

Wearing:: Dark gray cut off capri sweatpants, maroon athletic top, white sweatshirt
Last ate::  Green apple.  I’ve been so hungreh lately.  : /
Feeling:: Besides hungry?  Content, I guess.
Reading::  ‘Rogue Planet’ by Greg Bear

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February 1, 2007

You’re doing a ballet freedance? What about your leg?

Is your bro HAWT?! *giggles*

February 1, 2007

RYN: Oh, I saw “ballet teacher” and assumed it was a ballet freedance. Sorry. I hope both leg and back are with you. *sends psychic wellness waves* You’re gonna kick ass and take names. =)

February 1, 2007

wish i had opportunities to use my dance in like that but..alli do is plan my wedding and screw it up lol.

OH OH OH!!! I wanna get some PICCIES!!! RAWR! I LURVE Dark hair. *drools* *laughs and kicks self* sorry about that. Hey, do you have a messenger?

February 1, 2007

good luck…dude me and my brother are 7 years a part…kelly is just ather part of the famil lol <333

February 2, 2007

RYN: We’ve talked over the last year and a bit. I’ve realized it doesn’t get better, and that it’s just not going to. The strangest thing is that for so long, I thought we were perfect for eachother. But now it’s so obvious that we’re not. This must be how people felt when they discovered the earth was round, not flat.

February 2, 2007

Cruiseline as in you’re interviewing to work as a dancer on a cruise, or is that a dance show? I’m such a blond with dance-lingo.

February 2, 2007

If it’s to work on a cruise, my friend did that and she had THE TIME OF HER LIFE! She also got to travel the world and pay only for tourist-stuff on her days off. Definately a worthwhile experience when you’re young and not tied down with commitments.

February 2, 2007

Thanks for the comment! I didn’t know there were juggalo’s left in the world! More power to ya! Good luck with the cruiseline thinger!

February 2, 2007

RYN: There’s no Sam’s Club’s here in Toon Town, BUT I have heard of it. People were tasting dog treats, you say? Puzzling! I guess it’s good they didn’t have taste sampler’s for the subject of my blog, huh?!? You say you “moved here” [to Texas], where’d you move from? And why? (If ya don’t mind my askin’…) Ciao, my Juggalo friend.

February 2, 2007

my sister is 9 years older, we didnt get along until she moved out. we have a great relationship now

February 3, 2007

0-6 is like so tiny, zomg. ;-; YOU ATE AN APPLE EARLIER!? GTFO; I TOO, DARLING! It’s pretty rad that you and ya bruvva get along and stuff. 😀 I love my half brotha(and sister) of anotha mutha. They’re silly geese. They’re the only siblings from other mothers I keep in touch with.

February 3, 2007

I have a half sister who is a year older than me (other than the other two I spoke of). I no like. Not at all. She was such a “c-u-next-tuesday”. T__T She’s bulimic or some shit. . . So one of the rare nights when we used to be together, I fed her a strawberry and she thought she puked up blood. 8D It was grand.