My pz sign rant & diary name…
Ban a Christmas wreath  (see link)?!  Grrr… I don’t get the people who say banish crosses, banish dreidels, banish the freakin Budda for fuck’s sake.  If you got a problem with something like that, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN PLANET AND RULE THAT EMPTY SHIT. 
No one cares about your insecurities or your phobias.  The world is a vast, diverse and often divided place.  Get used to it. 

I do not have an anger management issue nor do I have a temper.  But this is one thing that can irk me if I pursue it.  Obviously I am pursuing it.

BOTTOM LINE:  People speak out to get attention.  (Whether it’s a noble cause or a messed up one.)

Like the KKK rally that was held at Austin’s capital on Veteran’s Day?  You KNOW they did that shit just to get media attention.
And you know who egged them on?  The Anti-KKK rally that was held at the same time at the same place. 
People are idiots (Yea… I’m generalizing, so don’t bother to note me to tell me you are a smart individual).  There are no smart people in this picture, unless there was some person (so idiotic we might be able to call them smart) had an Anti-Anti-KKK rally. 

Moral of the story- if someone is talking out of turn to test their limits and you voice disapproval, you’re fueling their fire. 
So, leave the KKK alone- they are like babies and merely want attention.  Unfortunately, most of what they do is within the Constitutional Amendment of free speech, so ragging on them is just…
[[Exercising your own free speech.  Yea, I know.  Sigh.]]

Then again, I just MIGHT be a hypocrite because if I would have known about it, I would have loved to go to the rally and punch me out some KKK. 

And then get thrown in jail. 

But what got me started on the KKK?  Lord!  Ugh.  I was talking about peace signs

Random fact:  When I was in elementary school I got in big shit for drawing peace signs on my homework- the teachers told me it was the sign of the devil.  : / 

But, ugh, true American soldiers fight for the right of free speech and they know this… 
I am not a big fan of Homeowners Associations because they remind me of little communist neighborhoods anyway.  But alrighty then, moving on.  You can leave me flak if you want… I understand both sides, trust me, I just needed to get that off my chest.  Hehe.

I just got done with four and a half straight hours of teaching.  I’m exhausted and my voice is all scratchy.    But I made it…  

And for the OD theme of the week,
How did I get my Diary name?:

It started from one of my favorite songs, ‘Walls’ by Dark Lotus.  Blaze says "Inmate 14278" in the best part of the song…  I’d remarked on it and the nickname stuck for the website (thanks to the webmaster) I helped update.  worldwidejuggalos I think.  It’s since been disbanded but from then on I’ve been known only as Inmate.

Seems to stick with people- something about me being crazy or something.  Haha.  ^_^ 

And as for my diary title, it changes.  They’re always snippets of my favorite songs though.  : )  Like now, "You’re the Reazon" is a Twiztid song

I’ve changed my hip hop competition SOLO song.  Uh-huh… it was gonna happen I guess.  But now it’s to ‘Multiply’ by Xzibit.    It’s pretty sweet.


Wearing::  Dark gray cut-off sweats & vibrant blue/white halter w/rhinestones & a white rhinestoned sweatband.  ^_^
Last ate:: Reece’s peanut butter cereal- easing the scratchy of my throat. 
Feeling::  Tired.
Fingernail polish::  OMG NONE! 

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November 27, 2006

RYN: I did it once to a chick I met twice…I also met a guy for the 1st time & told him he goes onto the NZhondas forum…So once in a blue moon I can

November 27, 2006

lmfaoi love dark lotus…i’ll take a picture of my favorite darklotus shirt as soon as i can ^.^ Also…i believe bras are the devil creation

November 28, 2006

you are crazy, but a logical crazy.

November 28, 2006

ryn: y thank ya =] mwaha those lil brain cells are gonna be jumping off a cliff by the time ive done with em =] xXx

November 28, 2006

Thank’s for noting me hun, I just read your post but can’t comment cos I have no idea who the hell KKK are lol I’ll do some research and then come back! :p

November 29, 2006

I totally agree about the whole banning idea. To me, it’s just absurd. You don’t like something so minor like that? Suck it up, and grow a pair.

November 29, 2006

ryn: I can’t believe you asked them!!! ha!!! yeah I guess it’s pretty typical for guy to brush while on the loo… I asked my bro and he does but hes never dropped his down the loo! I once dropped the home phone down the loo cause i had it wedged between my ear and shoulder and went to flush the loo… big mistake! haha well its been nice chatten to ya! cyaz =D

November 30, 2006

I agree with you. The go to another country to have a “better life” then they want to change everything. If you don’t like it then LEAVE! We don’t go there and start changing stuff

November 30, 2006

Hiya, thank you for your lovely note! Hope you are okies, Hugs, Sophie xx

November 30, 2006

How are peace signs signs of the devil? I don’t understand that at all. :/ Which really is the thing that pisses me off the most. Is wanting people not to die a thing of the devil? Oh well. I guess there are somethings I’ll never understand. 😛 But in the spirit of this rant, I say: Happy Holidays Merry Christmas 🙂

November 30, 2006

yeah mine is infected right now. the bellybutton is always 99% of the time going to get that way, just because its such a “meaty” piercing. thats what my boyfriend calls it. its skin and everything, not just cartlidge. it hurts right now, but I wanted it bad enough, Im not just going to take it out and waste 30 bucks, and everything when I know I can get through it. =]

December 1, 2006

“Random fact: When I was in elementary school I got in big shit for drawing peace signs on my homework- the teachers told me it was the sign of the devil. : / ” WHAT THE FVCK? D:< Also, what of freedom of expression? DOUCHETARDS. Jesus those sorts of things drive me up walls. D: And I agree with you; the main point being that the world is diverse. The world seems so small without diversity

December 4, 2006

I’m getting ready to get my degree/certification in Elementary Ed. I remember during one of my classes being told that I couldn’t use the word “rubric” to describe a scoring guide because it has Satanic connotations because “ru” means red. Now, it what language I have NO idea but it just goes to show how stupid people get. I found you on random…

December 5, 2006

I can’t believe that these “hippy’s” who were your teacher’s would mistake your doodle for PEACE, as a sign of the Devil. Are they truly f*cked or what? As for banning wreaths, f*ck them too. I don’t like wreaths only because the door doesn’t shut right, but as for the symbolism of it all? It sends a good message. SEASON’s GREETING’s & GOOD WILL TOWARDS MAN(& woman)…

December 5, 2006

I think it’s simply a case of people afraid of offending other people. To hell with that. I’m ALWAYS offending other people. Probably because I fancy myself as a “realist”. That just means I don’t buy into the B.S. of it all. Someone doesn’t like my wreath, then look away! You don’t like my tattoo’s, hey turn around motherf… But I digress. Peace out, friend!