My musings regarding protein and racism.

So my best friend’s gone getting his ass whooped by the Marines for the next three months.  We got to talking every day before he left thus I miss him already.
I tried dancing, but I don’t have the right energy level.  My legs are shaking despite the fact that I took the time to make myself breakfast this morning.  I ate a pancake topped with blackberries and a banana.  OHHHH IT was great and I should be rearin and ready to go but that just means I didn’t eat right yesterday:  I had cereal in the morning, shish kebobs in the afternoon and cereal and yogurt for dinner.  Yea… that’s definitely my problem.  I ate like two pounds of vegetables and carbs yesterday.  DAMMIT!  That’s what I get for eating what sounds good at the moment.
I need proteeeein.  But I had a pancake this morning so I had about 35 grams of protein.  It’s gonna kick in tomorrow though.  ::rolls eyes::  I need whey.  I don’t have any because I’m at the studiooooo.  I need protein powder period.  I used the last bit this morning in mah PANCAKE!  OOH I wonder if we can stop at GNC after dance.  I don’t have any money on me.  Grrarrrr.  I’ll stop tomorrow, I just talked to my mother.  ; )  And I need cat food for my stray cat pet.  But I can’t find that at GNC… o.O
So NOW I’ve gotta rummage through their entire selection/website and find protein suitable to my needs.  This will take me hours.  Damn me changing my formula!
I just got a call from this girl I’m to teach a private lesson to later on today.  I don’t know if I get along with her real well because she seems to make things up as she sees fit- like my prices and my times available.  Nor do I have an idea anymore now if I’m actually teaching her today.  This is going to be hella interesting.  But it’s a hip hop private- that’s the only redeeming thing about it. 
I don’t know, but she strikes me as one of those people who use their ethnicity as an excuse why something doesn’t go their way.  I can’t stand that.  I hate people like that with a PASSION. 
I believe that your ethnicity is a GIFT; it’s not a barrier or a burden.  And I’m not saying that because I haven’t experienced any sort of racism ("Oh, you’re white so you don’t understand what it’s like to be persecuted")- that’s bullshit.  I am slammed down by many of the people I meet because not only am I white but female, and am a hip hop dancer.  Racism runs both ways- something that a lot of people are too ignorant to understand.  But I still don’t understand why in the hell it matters.  SURE, a lot of white hip hoppers dance white and it’s kinda funny sometimes but it’s a whole different style almost.  It’s who they are and who is anyone to scorn that?  Make fun of, sure, lol, but flat-out get pissy?  Fuck that.
But anyway.  Color is color and it is a gift no matter who you are.
If you can’t grasp a concept or someone’s picking on you, maybe it’s because you’re actually doing it wrong or can’t grasp it.  Maybe if someone calls you a white dancer… maybe it’s actually because you’re a white dancer.  Is that always such a bad thing?
So… I’m going get started on my research.  Joy! 
ALRIGHT I’m WATCHING THE TRASH TRUCK pick up our dumpsters.  That’s the coolest shit ever.  It just throws around those dumpsters like NUTTIN!  WOO-HOOOO!!  Cheap entertainment!  Hella sweet!!


Wearing::  Black sweatpants I won from IDE a month ago- they say IMAGE down the side and Live for the moment on my thigh.  My shirt’s hot pink… yea… hot pink… and says FIERCE on the front and GANGSTA on the back.
Last ate::  A whole bunch of chocolate.  I, um, raided my dance director’s "Kid Treats" bucket.  Hehe. 
Listening to::  ‘Hollowpoint’ by ABK
Feeling::  Keen yet tired.

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