My Epic Lil Vacation. XD

Friday afternoon, James picked me up to begin our 2 hour trip to my best friend Jeana’s house.  My boyfriend, Kelly, joined the two of us and so, the adventure began.

The arguing began right away, both the guys bitching about my navigational skills (I was sitting copilot)… aka my tendency to announce, "Hey, you were supposed to turn left back there!"
My arguement, like always: "HEY NOW.  I got Jeana to Atlanta.  There’s nothing wrong with my skills!"  Which is totally true.  Unfortunately, leaving Atlanta I did lead Jeana an hour in the wrong direction.  Oops.  And of course, the guys knew that.  I gets no slack, man.  XD

Anyway, we meet up with Jeana in an IHOP by her house.  IHOP visits are always colorful… but we haven’t been kicked out yet.  Fork fights, flipping dairy, rock paper scissors… Yes, we ask to be put in the corner.
Played the original Mario Bros. when we got back to her house.  I used to be fantastic at the game but am now too ADHD to be successful.  It is quite sad actually.

Slept on the couch with Kells that night.  Small couch.  But luck has it that he is built kinda like a birch tree and I am most commonly referred to as a midget so this wasn’t a problem.  The problem was trying not to wake up James.  …Yes I mean it like that.  I got 2 hours of sleep that night.

Saturday morning I drank tequila with my cereal.  (There was NO coffee (WHICH IS BULLSHIT!) so I was looking for something to help wake me up.)  Now, I’m not an experienced drinker and I’m kinda ADHD (um, a lot?) and like I said earlier, quite small.  It is for this reason I think that Jeana doesn’t want me drinking.  That shot was enough to put me straight ass giggling for about 6 hours.
James was the only one with me when I took what was my first shot- ever.  I took about half the glass then decided it would be super smart to take it slower.  Lol.  We agreed not to tell Jeana although Kells kept giving me suspicious looks throughout the day so I finally leaned over, conspirationally, and said, "I had teQUILA with my CEREal!"  And he just about put his head through the wall.  (By this time we were in the middle of San Antonio but I’ll get back to this later.)

We were visiting Jeana for the purpose of celebrating her 21st birthday.  I was supposed to have planned it and made it really fun but I got fucking swamped last week and spent more time battling a nervous breakdown than getting anything extracurricular done.  We got to the Riverwalk in San Antonio (I navigated us there quite effectively, thank you.), me giggling maniacally during the majority of the ride.
We wandered the Riverwalk for a bit then decided to go to the mall but Kelly’s leg started being a pain in the ass so we had to sit down, and eventually ended back at the Riverwalk’s Rainforest Cafe for lunch

It was here we nearly ended up in a fistfight over the checks, Kelly took his meds, James tried stealing used souvenir cups and the waiters sang to Jeana for her birthday. 
My bf’s meds knock him out so we piled into the car (me feeling kinda like a failure because nothing got accomplished except for lunch) where he zonked the fuck out in the backseat. 
I drove back from San Antonio though… highway driving.  Go me!
When we pulled up to Jeana’s house, Kelly was still asleep.  We decided to leave him in the car, since we knew he hadn’t been sleeping well lately. 

I went for a long walk.  I had so much shit racing through my head, I couldn’t handle the party goin’ on inside the house.  I returned, sat on the porch until the smokers (sans Kelly) piled out of the house for a break.  It was then that we heard a WHOOMPH from Jeana’s car and the dome light went on. 
We kinda stared at it for a while but none of us did anything. 
A few minutes later, the door opened and it was another few minutes until James went to check.  He came back and announced, "Yup, he’s on the ground.  I don’t want to get shanked."
I rolled my eyes and headed over…

…completely unprepared.  His legs were still in the car but his upper body was twisted onto the ground.  I don’t know to this point in time what happened but he looked bad… like he’d gotten run over.  I didn’t think he was conscious and it was obvious he’d hit his head when he’d fallen out.  It took me a while before I got him focusing and awake…  Powerful meds are a funny thing, especially when taken in high dosages (as he needs to for his broken ass leg) and James’ complaint about not wanting to get shanked was a very real one. 
I got him water, and he got back onto the porch… chunked the water somewhere and told me to go away.
Well, I’d been upset before this escapade so this threw me over.  I walked inside, muttering and throwing stuff, ended up outside in the back trying not to bawl my eyes out. 
Anyway, it ended better than any of the previous escapades (yes there are more but this has been the worst to date) ever have.  We actually talked about what was going on with him. Granted, both of us were crying by the end but it was so needed.
He was alright afterwards, too, which was the amazing part of it.  Laughing and pokin fun at everyone again.  The boy is a TRIP, Jesus Christ…
The lights weren’t turned out until 0400 Sunday because the house had more company that was playing Dr. Mario (retarded!!) into the wee hours of the morn.  ^_^

Kelly was so alright, we even had sex again that night… but I did set off the burglar alarm while we were in the garage.  THAT was classic. I mean, it shut itself off before anyone heard and we then finished lol but yea… not sure I’ll live that one down…
I got 4 hours of sleep that night. 

Now I’m back at home and I have one day off (I’m gonna sleep all day tomorrow, lol) before my crazy-ass weeks start again.  Sucks.  I have decided to get my tongue pierced though.  That’s super exciting.
Tonight is lame.  I miss the action and the companionship of being in a house with 7 other people.  And I miss Kelly, I got spoiled.


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November 24, 2008

Glad you had a fun trip but sorry for the problems you had.

November 24, 2008

sounds like your addicted to coffee. …almost had 1st note

November 30, 2008

Hey chick…how have you been? I just wanted to let you know im back on OD for good now! Well take care~