
I did 13 consecutive pirouettes (turns) on Halloween night.  There were even witnesses!  The girls thought it was pretty bad ass.  As soon as I finished, I ran screaming out of the classroom, "MOM!  MOM!  I DID 13 TURNS!" 
She pretended I wasn’t hers.  Heh.
I have a bunch of cool shit on video camera… as soon as I figure out how to transfer the videos onto a computer, I’m at least putting my version of Soulja Boy on YouTube.  I plan to take over YouTube with that.  I’ll let y’all know.  ; )

We had no trick-or-treaters Halloween night.  We’re too ghetto, I suppose.  So I just watched X-Files.  Yay, X-Files!

On another note, Pakistan is now under martial law.  I bet right now they were wishing I was there keeping things under control.
I really do keep up with the news.  I’m good about that; I like the news, for the most part.  But I don’t talk about it often because I end up saying stupid things like that above.  *Shrug*  Oh well.

I was thinking, a few days ago… What makes a woman, well, a woman?  What separates her from a man?  What separates a man from a woman?  Is it simply in the make of the body, the make of the brain waves?  The make of the psyche?  I don’t know.  It seems like a really simple question but after much thought… it ceased to be such a simple question.

We’re having a garage sale next Saturday.  We were going through the clothes yesterday and I saw my favorite shirt I wanted to get rid of when I hit puberty (ugh). 
So… I tried it on and HOLY HELL it fits again!  I was really excited… and I’m still wearing the shirt, lol.  I don’t even care that it says Limited Too on it.  It’s so comfortable and it’s camo green, too!  : D 

The fact that I can fit in my pre-teen shirts and pants means I need to stop worrying about my weight. 
Dancers have so many self-esteem/body image issues it’s ridiculous.  I mean, when you think about it, dancers are as bad as models.  I have this conversation with people and they’ve walked away from me, actually with a lower opinion of dancers.  : /  Which, in turn, makes me mad- it’s not my fault society is ignorant.
When people watch a dance show, they admire the strength and grace and athleticism of the performer but they don’t want to hear about what goes on behind the scenes.  I guess, like the allure of a magic show, they don’t want to ruin the magic- the appearance of perfection.
As a dancer, you "have" to be thin but you also have to have the cardio of a runner and strength of a weight lifter.  It’s hard to find balance.  And, honestly, who are you to say to a dancer, "You’re perfect the way you are.  Stop worrying about it," when she stares at herself, 360 degrees, in the mirror half-naked uncountable hours each day.  Sometimes (unfortunately) you have nothing else to do but find flaws.  And try like hell not to compare yourself to the genetically perfect clone standing next to you who scarfs down a Big Mac before performing.  -.-
Whatever- this is something I’ve accepted as part of my career.  To be a dancer= taking care of your body and everything you put in it and do with it.  I guess there’s really nothing wrong with that, is there?
And why do I feel I’ll get at least one hate note for saying this?  That’s fine.  Go ahead and leave it.  : )

†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  Black bondage strappy pants & camo green 3/4 length sleeve Limited Too shirt.  : )
Feeling::  I’m sick again.  *Grumbles*
Last ate::  I drank coffee with Chocolate Mint creamer with marshmallows in it.  Mmmm.

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November 4, 2007

I so wish I had made different decisions growing up so that I could be a dancer…ah, but oh well…

November 4, 2007

in a purely biological point of view, nothing makes a woman a woman aside from not having a Y chromosome. but men on the other hand have it and it holds genes that control sperm production, maleness, ballz.. etc. you get the point. if it werent for that dang Y we’d all be women. how weird would that be?

November 4, 2007

*hugs* Having been a dancer in my preteens I’m one of those genetically cursed people who would have had to be anorexic to be a dancer. As I like food too much I gave up dreams of dancing professionally. I don’t regret it though because I’ve known professionals who put their bodies through hell to be the top of their game and I just never had that much drive. Hope you feel better soon!

November 4, 2007

What’s wrong with saying that you should take care of your body? I mean, you DANCE!!! Dancers NEED to take care of themselves! Some people need to be knocked upside the head with a club a la Flintstones =/ Sheesh! Speaking of dancing, I heard about this website on a commercial about ballerinas and dancers in general. Maybe you might like it? If not, totally forget I gave it to you lol Thesite is “” It looked kind of interesting to me, but I’m not a dancer, so… Yay for the 13 pirouettes! =) (I kept having to look back up at your entry in order to spell that… LOL)

November 4, 2007

We only had 9-10. sucks. I just gave the rest of the candy to my niece/nephew. eh. POST IT ON U-TUBE! Please? I gotta see you in action, kid. Common sense separates most guys & girls. Guys think with it & logic, girls think with their heart & emotions. That’s mental differences right there. 😉 I love dancers. And the bodies that go with them. 😉 heh heh. Of course you work hard & should be proud.

November 4, 2007

Wonderful, all-over-the-place entry. I love entries that are so… YOU!!!! Big hugs! =)

November 4, 2007

13! That’s amazing! What X-Files did you watch? I think that there are physical, mental, emotional, and stylistic differences between men and women. That’s part of the frustration, and that’s part of the magic. Several friends of mine did ballet growing up, and I’ve seen the anorexia, the bulimia, the bloody footwraps, the cigarette butts, and the sacrifice. A lot of people don’t understand that. I hate to see the suffering, but suffering is a part of all art, isn’t it? You, sweet girl, are amazing.

November 4, 2007

I fully understand what you mean. Even in bellydancing, which is intended for curvey women, there were weight issues running rampant among all of them.

November 4, 2007

wtf is a pirouettes.

November 4, 2007

random type of note: Um. Wow. i completely forgot what i was going to say. so um. Hello i guess. Hahaha. /waves Chrsi

November 4, 2007

“On another note, Pakistan is now under martial law. I bet right now they were wishing I was there keeping things under control” … I think I just p*ssed my pants laughing! Let me know when you Youtube it, I’ll add it to me Bebo if you want. Women VS Men, I tell everyone the same thing “Its hard to believe we’re the same species”…& body image for dancers, my X’s mum is a dance teacher, she was

November 4, 2007

She was telling her sis to loose weight…B*tch already looked like a f*ckin twig!

November 5, 2007

ryn: YES! A quick note. 😉 Must be because I noted you first. Wait. That didn’t work last time. lol. jk. Yes, how sad it is, good for the wallet. Next year, I’m giving out comics. ;)> <-That's my goatee by the way. Post them{videos}, ninja. Do I have to show you everything? sheesh. Deja Vu? Didn’t you just say that? 😉 And hmmm, you do NOT want to know what I thought of when you posted ^-^

November 5, 2007

Ma/Fe: Not all of them, but most of them. There are always exceptions. Sometimes when getting together it’s good to have a girl think with her heart & emotions to give a guy a chance. I wish I would have had one do that instead of her trying to rationalize why we SHOULDN’T be together instead of thinking with her heart & helping TO make it happen. So you are right. Not all do.

November 5, 2007

Some are heartless, too. Let’s not forget that, either. 😉 But women & logic? That’s not a combo meal that sells too well. I think they like to do the opposite of what guys do. “Contradictory” seems to be some of the girls I have known’s best friends. So it is possible that psyche is right. A woman’s make up is to be contradictory enough to f#ck with a guy’s head, since we like to f#ck their body.

November 5, 2007

RYN: If you’re gonna get mad at illnesses, don’t forget to vent your anger at the Four Horsemen of the Common Cold: Sniffles, Chesty, Nostril, and Lack of Tissues.

November 5, 2007

RYN: of course. i am the king of random. 😀 so um. come back 🙂 Chris

November 5, 2007

RYN: We gots dizzy chihuahua’s…about 5 of them!

November 6, 2007

hey, found you on random. i remember limited too shirts! i think i still have one…somewhere…

November 8, 2007

In a sense, dancers & dance shows are a lot like wrestling. On the outside, you see the “show”, but don’t give much thought to the work that goes into it. What goes on backstage, like you said. Wrestler’s too, need to “look” a certain way, while maintaining a high level of cardio & strength. Personally, I prefer to know what goes on behind the scenes. I’m inquisitive that way. Have a nice day!