Mr. Chris(!) and V-day quizzes…

A dude walked in today to start the beginning tap classes and I totally freaked out.
It was hilarious.
I even got off my butt to take the BEG. tap class just so I could see how he fared.  Yep… I take the Adv. class.

The teacher figured out why I was in there, so did my mom (who works behind the desk), my ballet teacher (who also attended the class), and the studio director.  They’re all makin’ fun of me.  : O  I’ve turned beet red innumerable times today but I don’t think the new guy noticed.  Hehe.

Whatever, it’s Valentine’s Day and of course I have no Valentine, SO…  ::sits::

But the dude that walked in, Mr. Chris, apparently has some prospect.  He’s a drummer.  *Gasp*  I love drummers.  And he’s NINETEEN!  YAY!  Pretty cute, too!  Sigh. 

Hehe, I just turned around and started thumbing through papers on my mom’s desk.  She took one look at me and grabbed Mr. Chris‘s forms he wrote out and gave them to me.  X D  She’s so perceptive, knowin’ exactly what I want and all…!  Tee-hee.

I was trying to talk to Mr. Chris before and after class but these dance kids cling to me like leeches and they’d start talking to him and I was like NOOOOOOO STOP, MIIIIINE!!!!!!   ::scowl::
He’s probably thinking, ‘Wow, who is this krazee chick whose intellect is so low she hangs out with little kids?’
I don’t know.

I don’t talk much about guys on this diary because they don’t enter my life often.  I’m entitled to this entry.  For Valentine’s.  You know.

He’ll be back next week- at least he liked the tap class.  Sigh.  Such a long wait. 
I wonder if I’ll take the class again. 

Anyway.  So yessum, what’s up.

Kelly’s been assigned to a unit- the 1/9, Walkin’ Dead. 
On one hand I’m like ‘Wow, what an honor’… and on the other hand I’m like, ‘Fuck’.
He already sent me his "If I die" letter.  Harumph.  I know he needs to get it out so…

I went out of town to watch my studio’s competition and had a breakdown since I wasn’t competing.  It was one of those ‘Slap-in-the-face’ moments that say, "Hey, Inmate’s still growin’ up!" despite all her attempts NOT TO.
So I felt even worse that I couldn’t stand backstage with all of them and cheer them on as they went on.  I was a mess.  But I still cheered my ass off from the audience.  : ) 
And the family I roomed with states, "Inmate is a good roomate… except when she starts jogging around the room at 11 oclock."  I’se like, YUP! 

I gave all my coworkers little Snoopy Valentines cards.  It made me happy… and most of them, hehe.  : )  I’m always out to make people happy!

Anyway… some quizzes in the half-hearted spirit of Valentine’s Day…
Speaking of which, have a good one.  ; )

You Are an Exotic Beauty!

No matter what your ehtnic background, you’ve got a unique look
And your one of a kind beauty makes an imprint in every man’s mind
You hardly ever wear the same outfit twice, and your hair is always changing
As a result, your look is always new and fresh – never outdated or stale


You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe


But don’t think plain – instead think, uncomplicated
You’re a low maintenance kind of girl… who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that’s you: the friend everyone invites.
And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.


You Are a Brownie

Decadent and intense, you aren’t for the weakhearted.
Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are.


Your Toenails Should Be White

A little funky and a little fresh, you’re constantly evolving your flirting style.

Your ideal guy: A witty brainiac with hottie potential

Stay away from: Overly dorky guys who become obsessed with you

Your Candy Heart Is "WHAT EVA"

Valentine’s Day makes you a little sick
And not just from eating too much candy
You’re opposed to the commercial celebration of couple-dom<br

/>It’s not all about love – and love is not all about overpriced flowers!



You Are Boyish Sexy


You’re the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys
Whether it’s holding your own in a game of touch football…
Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox.
You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness.




You Have Your PhD in Men 

You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.



†   INMATE  †

Wearing::  Black sweatpants that say ‘Image’ down the left side and ‘Live for the Moment’ on the right hip; maroon leotard.
Last ate::  Trail mix.
Feeling::  *Shrug*  Good.
Fingernail color::  Black diamonds with Ice Princess top coat.  :X






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ryn: punching the teddy bear would be soooo unfair to the bear. I’ll settle with burning the card and giving the bear to someone who deserves it. lol Cool thing about Mr. Chris. Hot guys in classes are always a plus!

February 14, 2007

You are the Leia to my Han, the Mara to my Luke, the Tahiri to my Anakin. =)

February 14, 2007

I Hate V-day also….we can be eachothers valentines… next earr i’ll mail you a card <333 lmfao

February 14, 2007

MMM, wonder if you can sneak a camera phone in to the next class… 😉

February 14, 2007

Those are great! I’m definately stealing some. Mr. Chris sounds cute… 😉 I’d take that class again next time, if I were you. 😛

February 14, 2007

RYN: I can’t help it. Do you know how rare it is to find an awesome cute girl who loves Star Wars?

February 14, 2007

RYN: Yes, it’s difficult. You’re the first I’ve found, and I’ve looked for a quarter century! Hey, you are awesome. Don’t doubt that. =)

February 14, 2007

RYN: It did help, but I cant remember it now *lol*

haha! You tried it? lol! That’s great!

February 15, 2007

If u wanna impress him show off your dance skills. and your flexibility. if that by some chance fails juming up and down with a wet white shirt always does the trick. hmm..maybe i should try dancing again

ryn: I’d use the pencil to write my surivival plan. Duh! lol. And yes, I’d have to agree with the whole superman shirt idea.

February 15, 2007

How freakin cute. I used to do things like take classes or sit in on a meeting I’ve already attended just to be near a cute guy. Ah the memories. 🙂

February 15, 2007
February 16, 2007

hmmm…Mr. Chris….i love guys that know how to dance…oh yeah, i’m gonna do some quizzes too:)

February 16, 2007

hahaha the last guy I dated was a drummer. But not all drummer are looooosers like him. My dads a drummer too. Funny!

i love u. i hope that’s enough to be friends. even though i’m a bit odd.

February 18, 2007

ToonTown Juggalo wishes you only the Greatest Clown Luv, on St.Valentine’s Day and the days since, as well as all the days which follow. RYN: Yes. I accept your invitation to one day, Rule The World. T.T.F.N.

February 20, 2007

Holy shit. You gonna score? YES? YES, you fvcking are! <3 Go get ‘im! Make me some babies, babeh; I wanna be a grandmuddah while I’m still young. 8D (Lawl). <3 I'm teasing. xD Are you going to ask him out? :O That Snoopy thing; I lol’d. 😀 Cute. <3 Ya so dahlin', kid, toots, mama, fruity tooty. Ya silly goose.

February 20, 2007

RYN: I don’t think it was awkward. I found it to be kinda like a weak comeback. . . like, “OH YEAH? WEL UR MUM LUKS PRETTY IN A DRESS LOL.” Something so silly that you can’t help but laugh at.