Movie Quote Survey thing!!

1. Pick 10 of your favorite movies.

2. Go to and select one quote from each film.

3. Post them and let your readers guess where the quotes came from.



1. "Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the gun."

2. 28 days… 6 hours… 42 minutes… 12 seconds. That… is when the world… will end.

3. "…You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest… WITH… A HERRING!"

4. "So, [insert name here], now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb."

5. "This is some rescue. When you came in here, didn’t you have a plan for getting out?"

6. As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there’s an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team… I don’t know what he was talking about.

7.  Man #1: Do you know how to use that thing?
Man #2: Yes. The pointy end goes into the other man.
Man #1: [sighs] This is going to take a lot of work.

8.  "My grandfather used to work for your grandfather. Of course the rates have gone up."

9.  Woman #1: The first passage will allow the demon to manifest itself in the flesh.
Man #1: Why the hell would we want to do that?

10. (#1) Freedom is not free, that it comes with the highest of sacrifices. The price of blood.
(#2) Give them nothing! But take from them everything!

† Inmate †

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March 11, 2008

#2 is Donnie Darko. The others aren’t that recognizable.

March 11, 2008

1 — Army of Darkness, 2 — Donnie Darko, 4 — Spaceballs, 5 — Star Wars: A New Hope, 6 — Shaun of the Dead, 9 — Evil Dead 2. =)

March 11, 2008

yea, no idea.

March 11, 2008

3 is monty python and the holy grail. thats all i got

March 11, 2008

#7 A Knight’s Tale? Gosh, that’s my only guess and I don’t even know if it’s right! ** giggling **

2 Donnie Darko 3 Monty Python and the Holy Grail 4 SPACE BALLS

March 12, 2008

8 is Young Frankenstein. 10 is Frank Miller’s 300, in movie form.

March 14, 2008

You used 2 movies of the same trilogy? ugh. lol. ryn: Blasphemy! Halloween is WAY better. AND it takes place in an IL suburb-> What can be scarier? lmao. LIVING there. That’s right, I grew up in an IL suburb. lol. ryn2: Yes, it’s been a long time. You could be married & living in Sing Sing now, for all I know. lol. 😉

March 14, 2008

Re: GURPS The problem I’m having isn’t even really ideas, I guess. It’s more like having confidence BEHIND my ideas, since I’ve never played before. I’m thinking about making a one-shot campaign, or combat testing, or something like that to get more of a feel for it.

March 15, 2008

ryn Thanks! ~

March 15, 2008

Wow. I used to pride myself on remembering certain quotes from certain movies, but I’ll be darned if I knew any of these, except for #3) That had to be “Monty Python & The Holy Grail”. You did manage to put a smile on my face, the first in many many days. For that I thank you my friend, I thank you.

March 17, 2008

At your prompting here, I’ve done this same thing on my page. I’ve only one participant, but I don’t think I’m as popular as you are on OD. Nevertheless, I did it, & hope you have fun with it, though my tastes in movies differs from your’s (somewhat). Still, if you’ve seen them (the flix) the quotes should be easy to recognize. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a dentist appointment… X<