Mind-numbing entertainment (good 4 the soul)

1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
In the dance studio, choreographing a routine for my hip hop class today to Tech N9ne’s ‘Snake ya’.  Meh, choreographing was hard today.  >.<

2. Who will be your next kiss?
Probably by my dog… a big slobbery one!  ::blushes::  Not much action going on over here.

3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Erm.  No.  Actually, I used a pink pen to write my ‘Shit to do’ list, and of course that’s chillin by me. 

4. When is the last time you went to the mall?
::picks random  number out of air:: PIEx1.55 months ago!

5. Are you wearing socks right now?
YES, OF COURSE I’M WEARING SOCKS!  ::shakes head::  Blasphemy!

6. When was the last time you went out of the state?
June/July when I went to Las Vegas!!  Yea, that was my last kiss.  Army dude.  REALLY good kisser 

7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Uhhh… no.  The last movie I went to see was ‘Step Up.’  The chick had some major bitchy issues.  o.O 

8. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Water.  Yesterday I drank a whole 2 qt. pitcher of Lemon-Lime Kool-aid in 30 minutes.  It never even made it into the refrigerator, lol.

9. What are you wearing right now?
Right now, yesterday or last night? 

10. Have you been in a car wash?
A couple times a few years ago.  I was always the person standing in the middle of the fucking road with the giant ass sign getting weird tan lines and jeered at and dealin’ with the cat calls.  And when I had a break, I’d go grab a drink of water back at our place two blocks away and have to wash all the frickin cars because no one else was doing anything because they were "too hot/tired".  ::rolls eyes::  LAZY PEOPLE!

11. Last food you ate?
A pear.  Soon to be followed by stir fry!

12. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Uhh… Sheldon.  But I’m good now…  Back to being the disgustingly happy camper that I am.  ; )

13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

14. Do you have a pet?
I have a black cat.  I made it an appointment today so soon it can come inside the house!  YAY!  And it can stop killing all our poor lizards. 

15. What’s the last sporting event you watched?
Good question.  In fact, the question was good enough that I can move swiftly on to the next one.

16. What is your favorite class?
My hip hop class.  Tee-hee!  H’oh, I haven’t mentioned yet… our new tap teacher used to dance on Broadway.  He learned I choreograph and wanted to see my choreography.  I showed him some of my solo work and some of my group work and he was amazed.  Said that I DEFINITELY needed to get into choreography because 1/2 the people out there didn’t have 1/2 the talent that I do even though I’m so young.  I was like, "HOLY SHIT!"  and freaked out.  Lol, it was awesome cuz he was off BROADWAY!!!!

17. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Sitting in the middle of the parking lot… right behind that black car right there… yea, right there.

18. What is the last thing you purchased online?
Pictures of myself from a dance competition.  Which, by the by, I’ll post up some good pictures of me in a few days.  (Aka not ones of me upside down, hehe.)

21. Do you miss anyone?

22. Last play you saw?
I don’t know if I’ve ever watched a play. ZOOOM BOP!  Diddly WOOO!  I’m hungreh.

23. What are your plans for the day?
In an hour and fifteen I teach hip hop, then I teach Turns & Progressions, then I might teach a private.

24. Who is the last person you commented on MySpace?
DOWN WITH MYSPACE!  ::throws leprauchauns at website::

25. Ever go to camp?
Nope, never been.  NO!  YES I HAVE!  I went to dance camp in Emporia, Kansas when I was 7. 

26. Were you an honor roll student in school?
Sometimes.  When I didn’t have excessive absences. 

27. What do you know about the future?
Umm.  I’m gonna have a cat.  I’m gonna dance.  And I’m gonna be broke!  It’s gonna be GREAT!

28. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Yes.  Vanilla Fields.  ::dances with the tulips::

29. What time is it now?

30. Where is your best friend located?
Ok, ready for this?  One in So.Ca, one in No. Carolina, one 45 min. away in TX.  Sheldon lives in MN… but I don’t know what’s going to happen wit dat.

31. Do you have a tan?
Not really.  I have tan lines, but in a few weeks I’m going to glow-in-the-dark again.  Damn Finnish blood. 

32. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
I NEVER want to have kids.  God forgot to give me the motherly gene (and/or patience)…

33. Do you collect anything?
Hell yea!  ANYTHING Star Wars (especially books- my collection is upwards of 60) and paint samples and coins and stamps!  And spoons (I used to collect plastic spoons, too, but I ran out of places to put them; I ended up giving them to my mom for Mother’s Day)! 

34. Who are your best friends?
Jeana, Kelly, Randy.

35. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
I don’t drink soda.  And no, I’ve never drank Kool-Aid with a straw.  Since I was 4. o.O  But that doesn’t count.

36. How do you like your soda?
Um, not at all?  But I LOVE my Kool-Aid warm and with 1/4 cup sugar.

37. Do you like hot sauce?
Sure.  I ate stir fry on Saturday with Chile n Lime hot sauce.  ‘Twas excellente!  OOH And I’m going to eat that today, too! 

38.What color is your underwear right now?
Gray with red accents- boycut.

39. Who do you like?
No one but I would KILL to dance next to Wade Robson!  The man is a GENIUS!

40. What is your mood? 
Is hungreh a mood?  ^_^

41. Are you someone’s best friend?
Sure, why not?  Tee-e!

You scored as Ninja.



What are you?(evil genius, ninja, etc.)

Your a ninja! Your a mysterious kung fu master. You have a tendency to disappear a lot…




Evil Genius



Psycho Killer












Normal Average Guy/girl



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October 4, 2006

Dude…i like that survey and you want to dance next to Wade Robson…I DO TOO! He came to planet funk and i wasnt able to make it. Brian Friedman came the weekend before i auditioned and taught a dance…he even made jackets for us! So its pretty cool! Keep in touch! Your on my faves too!

October 4, 2006

Are you serious?…cause i plan on doing that…i really do..lol! I can see who teaches it tomorrow when i go to rehearsal, cause they always know the scoop. Some of them auditioned for janet jackson and they are on her dvd which comes with her cd, so this is a major goal for me!

October 5, 2006

Yea it sucks, cause it still hurts and gets swollen from time to time and being in the military…i’m surprised they havent tried to kick me out…But i just want this pain to go away…i try to hide it as i dance…

October 5, 2006

Lol…i know right. So much has been on my mind this week and i just been running all around..lol! But we have rehearsal next week, so i will definently remember that. Yea I spranged my ankle Jan 1, 2006. And it hasnt been the same…i mean i cant run like i use to and it kills me when i dance. I have been to therapy and its not doing nothing for me…its just crazy!But yea i’ll find out.take care