
I got a migraine on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. 

No good.

I suppose I should have known it was coming on Tuesday night… because dance frustrated the tar out of me.  Then, after class, I went to work out and couldn’t stop myself. 
I don’t have much as far as stamina (or, more specifically, PATIENCE) goes so I usually jump rope for maybe five minutes or run a few laps around the room just to warm up before I stretch and/or work out.  Yeah…  I jumped rope for fifteen minutes and then ran for another ten.  Before that I’d lifted weights double the amount I usually do.

That night when I went to bed I’d woken up and repetitively found myself sitting up.  When this happens I’m sure to be ill the next morning.

And so I was… I incoherently tried to go to dance but my parents just shook their heads and said, "Stay home.  You’ll be no good at dance." 

I complied, thankfully!  Was unable to do anything except sleep/read all day and my cat stayed with me, sleeping at my feet.  : )

I used to get migraines REAL bad.  I’m talking once a month I would sleep for almost a week straight.

That was no good either. 
Especially since before I’d get a migraine I’d go a little crazy.  The only thing that would penetrate the dull, sudden pain and fogginess in my head was (and still is) a sharp pain.  So I would (and still do but not to such an extent) cause myself enough pain to keep myself aware of my surroundings. 
Only, I’d have no clear idea what was going on and would barely remember who the people around me were. 

(How embaressing… apparently a guy asked me out the day I got a migraine- the day after he came up to me and said that I was a horrible girlfriend and he was dumping me.  I said, "Dude.  What the fuck are you talking about?  We aren’t going out."  Ha!  Whatever, glad he wasn’t a crush or something.)

It got to be that I’d just do whatever anyone told me when I was getting a migraine because I didn’t know any better. 

I was sent home from school a couple times because of this.  They thought I was all drugged out.
I remember once that it was a really big deal… I’d been wandering around in the halls trying to remember where my classroom was when some dude I barely knew said "Yo what’s the matter with you?"  I’d just stared at him.  He eventually talked me into unplugging the water fountains until his teacher walked out.  She’d told me to plug back in the fountain and I didn’t- I was overwhelmed between the guy and the teacher telling me what to do so I just had no idea what was going on.  Eventually I wound up in her classroom (I don’t remember how I got there) and she told her class to get out and she used the cool button thing to summon the principal.

All the school police and Vice principals showed up to escort me.  I think the nurse, who was aware of my condition, was the one to save my ass because somehow I ended up in the nurse’s office instead of the cops’ room.
My parents came to pick me up and I slept through the next three days or so.

Needless to say, I handle my migraines much better now.
There’s still pain, fogginess, sensitivity to light and sound, lack of appetite (GASP!), and sometimes I even collapse if I get one and I’d been dancing…

But things have gotten much better.  : ) 
(And they only last a few days instead of a week!)

So if this entry isn’t totally coherent or like how I normally write… the above explanation would be why.

OOH Monday I get my computer back at work.  I think.  I don’t remember.  Never mind, I’ll just take my leave now…

Peace and health.


Wearing::  Blue/green plaid Disney boxers and a lime green tank top.  I don’t think I match… but I just managed to shower and shave so I think matching is moot!
Last ate::  Reece’s peanut butter cup.  Shut up, I’m on my period too.  ^_^
Feeling::  Exhausted and my eyes are burning.  I woke up a few hours ago and now it’s time to go back to sleep.
Nail polish::  Nothing, actually… but my toes are this ugly green color.  HOLY fuck I think it matches my shirt.  Umm, whatever… I still gotta toss that bottle…

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November 10, 2006

RYN yes …it was for a reason so no one would find me if they thought to look under that name…ya know…or any rage name XD….and Rage rocks your V..i hope you feel better…green is awsome XD

November 11, 2006

OUCH!..i get migranes occasionally, but never that bad…glad you feel better though…

November 11, 2006

I,too,get the nasty Migraines.Usually when it’s cooler outside, or the barometric pressure drops. Sometimes to the point of blindness. Then I can barely walk,talk,breath,or anything without unbelievable pain. I have a theory though. Like my other aches and pains when the weather cools, I wonder if past concussions may play a role in my migraines…? In fact I feel one coming on now.

November 11, 2006

My doctor’s got me on some sort of experimental drug. She prescribed me at two capsules/day to help reduce my headaches. I was generally taking about 1500mg of Advil every 4 to 6hrs to combat my headaches. Now I’ve upped my dosage of her prescription to me, to 3 capsules/day. Seems to be helping. Now instead of a nasty headache every 2or3 days, it’s every 2or3 weeks. Not bad! Have a good one!

December 10, 2006

wow, your migraine reality sounds like my dreams.