” Man Dies Battle Dancing “

Man Dies Dancing in Parking Lot
NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (May 9) — A man died while trying to outdo a rival with an acrobatic move while "battle dancing," police said.

Robert Stitt, 48, and his rival were competing in a parking lot Monday night when he tried a forward flip and landed on his head.

"It was just two guys dancing. Everybody was laughing," Stitt’s friend John Boxley said.

Boxley said James Brown  was on the radio and Stitt wanted to outdo a rival dancer, who had flipped in the air.

Police said the victim went into cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead a short time at a local hospital.

Police said several people were in the parking lot drinking and battle dancing – a competition in which each dancer tries one-upmanship with unique moves.

Now, I have a few things to say about this article:

  1. Do not drink and danceBAD juju!
  2. If you land on your head from executing a front flip… you had a SERIOUS problem with momentum.  (Typically if you fail you will execute a shitty variation of a suicide, landing on your tailbone or your back.)
  3. After I entertained THAT thought, I reread the article and realized that this man was 48 YEARS OLD.  Scott Hamilton notwithstanding, men this age should probably NOT be attempting front flips while drunk battling in a parking lot.
  4. The last time I have seen middle to older age men battling, it was at a pool party in Las Vegas and one of them started doing push ups.  (If that was supposed to impress the ladies… *Coughcough* …he could barely do 10.)  You know what I mean, so let’s not beat this subject to death with a big fat stick.
  5. RIP Robert Stitt!  ::salutes::
    I hope I have the opportunity to go down laughing!

Anyway, have yourself a very merry happy hump day and I hope we have all learned a lesson from this unfortunate man’s demise.

Peace and health-
†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black and white tattered shirt that says ‘Brazen, hussie, psycho dancer punk from hell’ and humongous light blue lounge pants. 
Feeling::  Like I need a good rest day but overall I’m okay.
Last ate::  Drank some chai tea, but I ate rice on tortilla chips.
Nail polish:: Fingers- Rose Diamond Chrome  Toes- Pink sparkly stuff… I dunno but it’s really pretty. 
Reading::  Stephen King’s ‘Everything’s Eventual’

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May 9, 2007

That was the first thing I saw. 48!? Battle dancing? Shouldn’t he have been battle-waltzing or battle-foxtrotting?

May 9, 2007

Battle Dancing? Is that like “Krumping”? RYN: I read that FDR died in office after beginning his 4th term as Prez. Unprecidented, I think. RYN(2): Meditation, huh? I once was able to self-hypnotize myself (for relaxation purposes). Perhaps I should refresh my memory on that. Ended up last night, not falling to sleep until half past 4 (in the AM). -Much Clown Luv, my good good peep!

May 9, 2007

Dancing to Death…. This did not sound like a good way to die. Your commentary would have been nice following this newstory if reported on TV. So true. lol. Perhaps if you could save one life in CT, it would be worth it…. Craving: More pictures. Send some. 😉

May 9, 2007

Now, I realize that what you call dancing, *I* could NEVER do, drunk or sober..but I always thought drinking was invented to AID those who can’t dance. But I must conquer: Don’t dance like Inmate when drunk.

May 9, 2007

I’m doing pretty good. I’m up to Valentine’s Day entry of yours last year. 😉 I just read almost 2 years of your life. lmao. ryn: ha ha ha…should I save it for future reference? I don’t want you privatizing it on me. 😉 lol. You didn’t warn me to stay outta any page, hun. 😉 And you really like the pic? Mine or the actual one? lol. The hat is awesome & it looks good on you. 😉 Of course

May 9, 2007

look good wearing anything. 😉 Or nothing, too. 😉 lol. sorry. regressing. I could have said much worse. lol. Talk to you soon {X}

May 9, 2007

Ryn: Thanks! 🙂

May 9, 2007

ryn: I am stubborn. lol. I don’t like paying $200 for an electric bill & don’t have that on my tight budget. I have a 3 bedroom house & pay all the bills on my own. It suxxxx. But I get by. I will be getting a loan for some home improvements & emergency $, so i could use the extra dough to cool myself, it’ll happen eventually since it’ll get so damn hot you can’t think. I hate that feeling. 🙁

May 9, 2007

ryn: Then you are more than welcome to come here. I turn on the air for ALL guests. 😉 So you would not suffer here. 😉 It’s like oven heat. Sticky humidity sucks, but so does walking thru oven air every day during the Summer. It gets old quick. I should get a pool. Tho, I had a wrestling ring back there for 5 years instead. lol. On contrast, the other months are very nice. 😉

May 9, 2007

RYN: I love that you worked in as many something-ragons as possible and still had space for an SW reference. So great. =)

May 9, 2007

RYN: F*ckin eh, I know what you mean there!

May 10, 2007

Bah, I drink and dance every Friday night. I go home a little dizzy, but I’ve never died doing it. 😉 RYN: Thanks 🙂

May 10, 2007

THAT is some serious skills gone to the grave, mang. I tells you.

May 10, 2007

i’ve tried break dancing drunk. very hard to do…

May 10, 2007

RYN: I think I caught that 1 *lol*

May 10, 2007

RYN: Not only was it [Sin City] filmed near you, but it was filmed entirely on a sound stage at Robert Rodriguez’s home (or ranch)(which ever the case). Small world, huh? A couple of years ago, there was a television show being filmed just a mile from my house. The show was for a US station, ironically not available here… Just goes to show… (Not sure what that means either.) Peace out!

May 12, 2007

ryn: What did you think of that pic? And yes, my computer needs more than a ruler slap. lol. lifting it up with a little shake gets the processor/fan? moving, tho. lol. I won’t shake the shit out of it, tho. lol. I just have to shut it off a lot more quicker now. So prolly the days of 20 thousand notes in one day might be gone, but I’ll try to at least drop 1 or 2. 😉 Hope this finds you well.

May 12, 2007

I wonder how some of you get longer notes than me? lol. ryn: Yeah, if you were my neighbor during this last 5 year period, you probably wouldn’t have liked me. lol. But I think it sparked some families to get their kids trampolines because I’m sure kids watched from behind the walls. I know they did. My next door neighbor got so mad once, she knocked on the door. I felt bad & tried harder to

May 12, 2007

be more respectful at that point, even tho I was I thought, respecting times & amounts of days even at that point. She’s a nice lady & I felt horrible. I wish we could have gotten into a warehouse, but it was never meant to be. 🙁 You want a ? answered without doing your own 10 odd things? Hmmm, that’s asking a lot, hun. 😉 lol. What are you going to give me if I do? lol. Actually, if you read

May 12, 2007

back far enough, that very question is revealed. And I can answer right now, but I dunno. I’m not afraid of you & you flinging things. lol. You might be a tough spitfire, but I’m ShocXwavE, remember? 😉 It’s C.M., Charles Montgomery Burns. He’s an evil old bastard, but he is the funniest motherf#cker of all times. I can do his voice & his mannerisms are great. Simpsons rock! 😀

May 12, 2007

p.s. If you MUST know Sunday Newspaper cartoon, lol, then you’ll have to fill out your own 0dd things entry for sure. I’m not telling you that, until you do. ;p ….so fling away if you must. 😀

May 12, 2007

That’s Darwinian.

May 14, 2007

Thanks for the congrats. It was a beautiful day and everything went great. I read a few of your entries and now I feel #1 Really old. #2 Really slow and fat (mostly cause I am). #3 Really lucky anyone even reads what I write. Be well. nightfiend

May 14, 2007

Thanks for the hug. 😉 I could use more of them. 😀 Too bad you don’t live closer, I could give you a sneak peak. I look forward to entertaining all of my buddies online & off with the web comics, so definitely stay tuned. & yeah, I don’t take life too seriously, I know when I have to. It’d be nice to have someone who cares about me in the “More than” sense, but they have to show it, ya know?

May 14, 2007

It’s a 2-way street. It’d be nice to have a companion for fun things & to fool around, but I’m only 1/2 half of an equation. I like a lot of girls, but none have stepped up, even when they know I like/d them. It does have to feel right as you say & maybe it never does for that woman. I dunno. I’m not nostordomous(sp?). All I know is I am a goof, but am seriously a loyal guy, but that may not be

May 14, 2007

enough. I think girls always want the guy they can’t have. And I guess if I am a guy willing to give it a chance or make the effort, maybe that’s too easy for ’em. 🙁 That’s my theory at least. Ah well. Life is too short to kavetch any more. I can only do what I do & show what type of guy I am. If it’s never enough, I still will find ways to entertain myself. It’s all you can do. Survive. 😀

May 14, 2007

You are lucky to have a friend who extends your note lengths. 😉 Hmm, I can choose to root for the White Sox, but rarely over the Cubs. In fact the Cross Town Classic starts this Friday. Should be fun. It’s strife, since I like both teams, but I love the Cubs & like the Sox. I guess that’d be the difference. 😉 Since I no longer live there I can get away with cheering for them both. They are 2

May 14, 2007

different leagues after all. 😀 Hope this finds you well. I’ll see if I can note an old entry or two before my comp freezes. 😀 Take Care, Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Prosperity & all that good stuff….;) {X}

May 14, 2007

RYN: They are similar, especially since you’re smaller than me and you’re boiling hot. =) As for the being female part, well, I don’t have firsthand experience or anything, but I think you’re plenty female enough. Heh.

May 14, 2007

RYN: that dancing guy ish stupid one two thank you and thanks for the dance lol

May 14, 2007

Call for the Yoda impression. 😉 I promise. And yes, if you can do all those piroquettes(sp?), I want to see it. If I can do Yoda on command, then you can spin on command. How’s that? 😉 lol. Peace, lil’ Chewbacca. 😉 {X}