MadLibs, forever my hero.

Finish the Sentence Meme-Entry-Survey-Thingy-Jiggy-Monkey-Thinger-Thing

The reason I shot him was… on purpose.

The problem I have with paperclips is… paperclips…?

I don’t do drugs anymore because… they eat me!

It’s a good hair day when… I pretend I don’t have any!

The Force is… the guiding light of the universe.  It’s a bright one, too.  Like Jupiter.  It’s usually a bright light in the night.  Right? 

On Casual Friday, I… wear the same thing I do every day!  I love my job!  : )

When I was born… the doctor cried out, society quaked, God trembled, my dad finished his taxes and the world slowly spun. 

The last time I was covered in slime… I fought Gumbi and Gumbi won.  ::dances::

I lit a few candles and… my mom panicked and handed me a fire extinguisher. 

When my parents walked in… Wait, why are my parents walking in together?  Hmm, maybe my father is giving my mother a piggy back ride.  DAMMIT.  I want a piggy back ride now.  I’m always the one who gives them.  No one cares about the pack horse. 

The worst thing about being abducted by aliens is… it’s not a tax write-off.

The little Italian plumber offered me some ‘shrooms, and… and… and… I got really confused- he should be making me pizza, not dealing shrooms and playing with pipes!  (Heh heh heh!)

So I’m handcuffed to the radiator again, and I think to myself… …radiator???  Kinky!

An analogy: music is to candy as… Belly flops are to rhinoceri.

I opened the papoose on my back and discovered… LOL.  Papoose!  LMAO!  Open… papoose… LOL.  ::tears up from laughter::  Sorry, sorry, what was the question again?!

If I could have any STD… I’d decline politely and throw a pie in your face.  Ka-POW!  (Chicken?)

You know what they say… You can pick your friends.  You can pick your nose.  But you can’t pick your friend’s nose. 

I was gonna fill out this stupid "finish the sentence" thing, but… ::scratches head::  Now I’m REALLY confused.  ::rubs head gingerly::    Ow. 

Now, must find aluminum foil… Must make tent… Must fuck up the IRS…

(Thank you, Ensor, for providing the base ammunition for this entry.)

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Giantly bell-bottomed slinky brown pants, black A-shirt that says FOCUSED on dance all blurry like.  And one green half sock.  I was doing turns but I didn’t warm up so I got frustrated when I only did 4 (I was doing 8 and 9 yesterday!  My neck is even sore today!) and gave up. Go me!       …  
Last ate::  This rice/shrimp/sausage/celery/carrot/broccoli/onion/jalapeno concoction thing.
Feeling::  AWAKE.  O.O  I haven’t done much all day except job hunt and try to find a good video camera to purchase so I’m pretty hyper…  pent-up energy… WEEEEEEEEE!!!
Listening to::  ‘In My Head’ Tech N9ne

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August 24, 2007

Lots of material here. This isn’t a mad lib tho. I shall post one for you I created on a EARLY EARLY entry, which you would have found if you ever had time to look at my old ones as I did yours. ;p Classic SNL line, Italian stereotypes. We make you pizza now, eh? shame, shame. Should I still offer you a piggy back ride? 😉 The DARK side of the Force rules. >:p ryn: Pinhead is a pansy, Myers Rules

August 24, 2007

I’ve come to the conclusion that…… you’re CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 The rice thing you are eating sounds !muy deliciosos!

August 24, 2007

When I was born… the doctor cried out, society quaked, God trembled, my dad finished his taxes and the world slowly spun. Very nice.

August 24, 2007

Great answers! I’ll give you a piggyback ride whenever you like. =)

August 24, 2007

rhinoceri. ** giggling ** Fun!

August 25, 2007

“Bright Light in the Night. Right?” You’re a poet & didn’t know it! Pack Horse? That’s funny. (DAMN! Now I want a piggy-back ride.) I went to karaoke tonight. Sang my usual “Bodies” by Drowning Pool. Rocked as usual. Then did “Free Fallin'” by Tom Petty. Turned the chorus into a heavy-sounding scowling snarl. It was pretty cool. I had fun, and that’s what counts. Have a nice weekend 2, ya hear?

August 25, 2007

wow, it truely takes skill to entertain me with a survey. and thank you for the notes

hilarious! <3

August 26, 2007

I totally swiped this entry from you then someone else took it from me 😉 NOice pic on your diary front cover, I need to update mine to something cooler. I took a hip hop class for really the first time today- pretty kick ass! Might go out dancing tonight to this whack club – as the kids are calling it these days 😉

August 27, 2007

ryn.. lol thanks

August 27, 2007

This made me laugh…nice 🙂 I suck at giving piggy backs. Dropped my last girlfriend in the mall parking lot that way. Sheeeeit!

August 28, 2007

I’m stealing this. It looks like fun, but not right now because while you may be awake I’m rather brain dead.

August 28, 2007

thank you :] i did get the job. she just called me back yesterday and let me know.