Love is silly! Read this. You may be glad ya di

I look through the diaries on this website and at least 3/4 of them are regarding love relationships.  It’s either 1)  ‘I can’t get a relationship- there’s something wrong with me!’ or 2)  ‘I want a relationship or I’ll die!’ or 3)  ‘I have a relationship therefore my life is fulfilled!’

All three of those statements are just stupid.  1)  No!  There is nothing wrong with you just because you’re single!  Very successful people have done VERY successful things over the years when single.  All saints were single.  Ever thought about that?  2)  Having a relationship is NOT life or death and has nothing to do with the pearly gates…  (NOTE:  because there would be no saints if you die when single!  Hehe)  3)  I’m glad you are happy but the truly gifted people live for themselves and themselves only- not to be outfitted by other people.  The people in your life should enrich you, not make or break you.

I believe that when the time is right, the time is right, and that’s when you will meet the person that is right for you.
Not before.  Not after.

((And now my time with Sheldon isn’t right and it’s THAT simple, people.  Even though it’s gonna hurt to break his heart.))

The time is either right or it’s not…  that’s all it comes down to.
Not even whether or not he loves you.
It’s all about time.

But there is someone out there for you.

Yes… even you.
Yea, I’m talking to you,  you who is reading this right now.

Keep yo head up!

By the way, mixed berry light yogurt exploded in my refrigerator overnight last night.  I don’t know how the hell yogurt explodes but it did.  My dad and I cleaned up the whole refrigerator when we woke up. 
If you know the scientific explanation for exploded yogurt… do tell, LOL.

Peace and health.

Wearing::  Too big baggy black pants and a light pink halter top and Converse.  I hate Converse but they matched what I’m wearing better than my Vans.
Last ate::  Frozen yogurt.  Stuff that didn’t explode.  o.O 

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September 25, 2006

Interesting entry…I fit qualification #3: ‘I have a relationship therefore my life is fulfilled!’ Not to the point where it makes or breaks me, just enough that I feel like something good happened to me for once. Anyway, your entry is good advice.

September 25, 2006

RYN:Either I am resilliant OR (more likely) clumsy. I did them all except my nose and my left knee was done by a bully when I was a small lad. Every other injury has been all me.=) As for your page here, I’m kind of a 1, but not really. Guess I’m a .5 really. I’m not in a relationship, but don’t really care, though it’d be nice for the holidays. Stay Cool, Juggalette!

September 25, 2006

yes, i’ve had bad luck with guys and have pretty much decided that when the right one comes alone, i’ll know. (my friends are constantly reminding me of this when yet another guy hurts me; it’s usually my fault that i get hurt, but i learn from my mistakes, so i don’t make them again)..oh and “the end of the world” comes exactly 3 weeks before my 25th birthday. weird, huh??

September 25, 2006

maybe it has something to do with yeast? i dont know

September 25, 2006

I love that. =) I get so annoyed when people act like relationships are the be-all end-all of their lives. And if it is, it’s because they’ve made it so, and I don’t exactly respect that decision. 😛 Hm. Exploded yogurt… that makes me vaguely curious.

Wonderful advice. Luck and timing have just as much to do with love as attraction and companionship. Totally agreed. Thanks for that.

LOLOL interesting thoughts!! and to answer your question about 3 years and he is less than 1…he;s not pouting anymore! Hugss!

September 25, 2006


September 25, 2006

all saints were a band in the late 90’s and died off not much soon after they started :P, and yea ive been down and dirty wit the clowns since 98…after the 6th tho i fell out, still jam to the tunes just dont know much of whats goin on wit them….mcl

There is nothing wrong with being single, however Life is definately more fulfilling when you have someone you love that loves you back.

September 26, 2006

Even me, huh? Maybe you should go CSI on that “exploding yogurt”? LoL… Good entry

*ryn* Giggles, it means that it’s OK to be single, and that life is even better when someone you love, loves you, too.

October 2, 2006

I like this entry…your a smart person…i agree on all of them…a person can enrich your life and make it better to a certain point lol…love isn’t magic…yes sometimes you can do more in love or with love because you feel powerful,wonderful nothing can bring you down…right right… lol nice talkkng to you and keep dancing!

October 3, 2006