Look at me relax!! : D

I am feeling so much better it’s damn near indescribable.  After writing and getting it all off my chest last night, going to sleep early, reading y’alls notes…  Geez.  *Beams happily*
(And tonight I have a date with my couch and the tv and Star Wars and some popcorn with hot sauce on it.)
And now I give you…

*World Survey Random*
Aka the best waste of time I could find here at the dance studio.

What would you take from your house if you knew it would be flooded tomorrow:

Umm.  Important stuff.  So detailed I am, I know!!! 


If you could erase anything you ever said to anyone, what would it be?  Ehhhh. 


Your stuck in a room for an hour with a chalk board, what do you draw on it:  Graffiti.  ::practices::  Wheeeee!


Your theme song is called?  ‘Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-baran!”  ::rocks out::


If your life was a movie, what category would it be in? (horror, Romance):  Which part of my life, huh?


Something you wish to accomplish before the end of the year::  MOVING OUUUUUT!  DRIIIIIIIVING! 


How much does it take to make you laugh?  Not a lot.  I thrive on laughter…


How many sheep do you want on your farm?  FUCK a farm, man.  I don’t want anything to do with milking cows and shit. 


Which wizard of Oz character are you most like?  I’ve never seen the Wizard of Oz.


You learn through mistakes; what mistake are you glad you made? (to learn):  Being myself!


Would you ever run naked in the rain with your love?  Hell no, I ain’t running naked anywhere!  You Krazee?!


Do you think Giant anacondas really have a purpose on this earth?  Of course!  To be all… giant and anaconda-like and stuff ::nods importantly::


Which is worse…15 pounds underweight or overweight?  Underweight.  Think about it- if you’re stuck on an island… the skinny kid ones die first. 


Do you like eating ice cream out of the carton?  Not really because then you don’t know how much you’re really eating.  But a lot of times I’m really just way too lazy to go get a spoon.  Even though I pass by the silverware drawer on my way to the freezer.  *Blush*


Do you find it gross to share drinks with family or friends?  No.


Does the world revolve around you? WELL, if you think about it, wherever you are/exist IS the fulcrum for the whole revolving aspect.  If you think about it REALLY hard… you know.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”> 

Is everyone equally important to the world?  Yes.  I firmly believe that.


Do some people truly not deserve to live?  This question is FUCKED up, man.


If the world comes to an end…how do you think it will go? Like the helium out of a balloon.  Sound and all.  Pffffffft!  ::giggles maniacally::


Will artifical intelligence help better or destroy the world?(think future):  Annihilate!  DESTROY!  “Affirmative”  *Chop Chop Chop*  ::dances::


How long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning?  A few seconds-3 minutes.


How important is it for us to find other planets, resources and life?  Pretty important, considering that if we don’t, overpopulation will destroy us all.  Now might be the time for me to commend China’s practices of limiting children…


What do you think we’ll use other planets for in the future?  Resources and penal colonies.


Do you think emptying our trash, pollution, and waste on the moon is okay?  Haven’t heard this before actually.  I don’t know if it’s okay because I don’t know anything about it!


What do you think about california?  What about it?  o.O  You gotta problem?  What do you think of Montana?  HUH!? 


Is it important to you to always stay(live) close to family?  No.


Why are slasher films entertaining? Because they’re hilarious, gory, and just plain stupid.


Do you think it would be a good idea if we rebirthed dinosaurs?  NO.   I prefer NOT to be trampled by giant reptiles, thank you.


What do you think about Tennessee?  Fuck Tennessee.


What kind of animal do you think the world could live without?  I dunno.


If someone invented glasses that can see through things, would you buy it?  No.


If you were a spider where would you crawl away and live?  You assume I would crawl away???  You puny earthling, you know nothing of my skills yet.


What do you think about pop ups? Is there a way to get rid of them?  Yes.  It’s called big heavy artillery and ammunition. 


Would you prefer to be emotionless, so you didn’

t have to feel a heartbreak:  Yes.


When you die, and if you become an angel, who will you watch over?  The kids who always seem to find themselves in trouble/misunderstood


If when you die, you become a ghost, would you try to contact your loved ones:  No.


Would you want to haunt anyone? Who?:  No.  Why would I do that?


What does everyone live for? (could it be love)?:  Themselves.


Are emotions what make people want to thrive and live?:  Yes.


Is there a way to solve world hunger, that we are ignoring?:  Umm.  If you can answer this question, why the hell are you not contacting your representative, rather than filling out this stupid survey!?


What was (gods) reason for our creation? What does he expect us to accomplish?  You think too much.


What do you think should be added to planes?  Weight rooms. Treadmills!  Ready, GO!


Do you have a weak stomach for watching animals consume each other?  What do YOU do in YOUR spare time, freak?  XD


Do you think its important to conserve the rainforest?  Yeah.


Why do people move to Tornado country, when their homes will be destroyed?  Why do you love when you know it’s gonna hurt?  Huh?  HUH!?


Will technology move us forward in life or take us back to the beginning?  Forward, forward!  Good job, Number Five


I know not what WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV wil be fought with sticks and stones. What do you think of this quote?   I’ve never heard of this asinine quote.


Do you have any quotes of your own that you admire?  Yes, it’s on my front page.


If you could go back in time to the dinosaur era, would you take a visit?  Sure, why not?  I need a vacation anyway!


Which Holiday pretend character do you wish really existed?  The boogeyman.  We’d be friends and I’d never be lonely again!


If leprechauns existed what would the world be like?   Like a box of Lucky Charms!  ::dances spastically::


Mistakes help you learn, but is there some you regret making?  Nope!


Do you often make the same mistake twice? three times? cons

tantly?   Probably.  I dunno, ask my lawyer ::Calls::  FLUFFY!  ::pulls up grenade launcher::  Uhhh…what?

†   INMATE   †

Wearing:: Blue/white halter top, brown booty shorts, gray cut off sweatpants, white sweatband.  Actually, I guess you couldn’t even say that I’m wearing the sweatpants they’re so far down my ass.  Hmm.  Probably too much info, huh?
Last ate::  1/2 a breakfast burrito.  I’m NOT hungry right now.  AMAZ-IZING!
Feeling::  Tired.  I think I’m gonna call Jeana and then go jump rope.  …Figures.

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July 26, 2007

You are a riot!!! =)

July 26, 2007

dood i just realised something..how to explain this. why someone haunted doesnt see a ghost every day? perhaps the ghost takes turns visiting other assholes every night. eg i haunt you on mon, wed, fri. I haunt susie on tues, thurs, and weekend! it totally makes sense. if i was to haunt people it’d be more than one for sure.

July 26, 2007

If leprechauns existed what would the world be like? Like a box of Lucky Charms! ::dances spastically:: BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Man, 1 of my bro’s ideas is to get our boy Nubz to dress up like a leprechaun coz he does it so well

July 27, 2007

I didn’t read this survey. I usually don’t until I do them. But I seen that you never seen Wizard of Oz! How?? Hahaha…you need to watch that!

July 27, 2007

Your theme song is Barbara Ann, by the Beach Boys? That’s awesome! “Fuck a farm” is my new favorite swearing-related outburst/insult. I love the answer to “If the world comes to an end…”, but your answer to “Would you prefer to be emotionless…” makes me sad.

July 27, 2007

i love you! your so funnny <333 i'm glad your feeling better!

July 27, 2007

I am facing yet another writer’s block. It’s an increasing problem for me. A rut that I can’t seem to get out of. As I’ve done in the past, and for which I’m none too proud, I must borrow from you. You seem to be quite inspirational to me during these troubled times. I thank you in advance, and pray you don’t begrudge me too much for this haineous act. Thanks again, friend. –

July 28, 2007

ryn: Your sense of humor is what I love about you & those sexy legs among others. 😉 lol. Glad you took it that way. Perhaps I will write an entry sharing one convo I had w/ a girl on myspace over that where she was offended. lol. Take your time with responding, I’m just glad you are doing better. This is long, but hotsauce on popcorn? =FLAMING farts. lol. You eat ice cream without a spoon?

July 28, 2007

Like a horse trough, you just dig in with your mouth? lmao. Where did you get EVIL smiley from the cannibal skinny kid answer above? That is freakin’ kick ass. I want an evil smiley. I love it. Reminds me of the Psychotic Button from Chaos! Comics. Which Star Wars will you be watching? And if you ever run naked in the rain, can you invite me so I can watch? Fun, fun, fun. 😉 I’ll read more later.

July 29, 2007

Your the only person who’s quiz answers have EVER entertained me. Do NOT underestimate the power of the dark side!

August 9, 2007

so if you were a ghost, what the hell would you do if you aren’t contacting loved ones or haunting someone, eh? JUMP ROPE & CARDIO!!! You’d f#ck the boogeyman? Man, that’s f’ed up…I understood the WW quote. Higher mind. 😉 lol. I’ll explain it to you one day. 😀 When ppl have a hamburger isn’t that watching an animal consume animal? Good answer 4 hunger “?” 😉 Weight rooms on planes? U’d do it?

August 9, 2007

“Living by family is not important” says the girl who saves her family’s life by taking care of them. 😉 Shoot the trash into the sun, not moon. what did TN do to you? lol. Montana would be cool without the 70 inches of snow winters. There is a nice spot in a valley out there. And I totally would want X-Ray glasses that have certain settings of course. 😉 I think I forgot 2 Congratulate U on rain