Living Legends; Updation da Nation.

My metabolism has gone nuts.  Lol.  I am now referred to as super metabolism.  The extra caffeine should be stopped.  Lol.  No.  Lol.

I’m supposed to be in class right now but it’s a small stretch class and thank the LORD no one showed up!!!!!!!!!  I have an extra HOUR in my day (and I’m even getting paid $15 for this amazing time).  WOOT.  So I’ll sit on my ass and write this.  Hehe.

I am loving everything again.  You can’t get me down. 
My dad is facing cancer though…he went to a free skin cancer screening and he needs to get a cancerous mole removed; then we’ll see how far advanced it is.  Unfortunately we can’t afford any of this but we will have to make do I guess…

Kelly is coming back next Tuesday.  I don’t want him to come back.  It seems harsh and yes it has come out of nowhere but… the fact of it is that I am enjoying living my life the way it is right now.  Drama free, boy free… I’m having a blast.  I don’t want to have emotions and drama and relationships to worry about.  Does that make me selfish? 
Perhaps but that’s the way I feel nonetheless.

Gross.  Why is my sock next to my laptop?  *Puts it back on foot*

My dance director came into my Starbucks this morning and swears she will never go back to her typical stop.  She swears that the drink I made her was 10 times better than anything she’s ever gotten from her usual. 
I would think she’s bullshitting but I’ve heard other customers tell us that our drinks taste better than other stores.  Which makes no sense to me because the recipes are international.  Maybe it’s the people.

But whatever, I’m glad to help out in acquiring clientele.  My co-workers keep giving me weird looks… it’s like they think they are working with a celebrity but don’t know it.  I just know too many people.  Hehe.
But Starbucks is going GREAT.  I have fans already, and the district manager is one of them- she told me herself.  I love the work.
When you love what you’re doing, it shows 100%.

Dance is going great.  I’ve begun taking tap lessons Saturday mornings whenever I can… and now have my foot in the door with some MAJOR leaguers.  My tap teacher was just crowned one of the Living Legends of Tap.  Like holy shit.  The group I take class with is phenomenal and I’m honored just to share the room with them.
Not to mention the best one in the class is trying to take me under his wing.  Too bad he scares the SHIT outta me lol.  A set of choreography that took me 30 mins to learn he learned in 5 minutes- flawlessly.  He’s the best tapper I have ever met.   Ever SEEN.  Ever.  And now I have his fucking CELL phone number in my PHONE.  :O
I am told by some of the other class-goers that the teacher, Ms. Living Tap Legend, has her eye on me.  So I am now seeing potential in my future for joining their tap company… if I play my cards right. 
Never thought of myself as a tapper.  So we’ll see.  I don’t even know my bars of music… but looking through my past, there is so much in me that is intuition.
If I relax and trust myself, things happen.  Good things. 

I never learned how to read, how to choreograph.  I’ve done everything because I wanted to and I had the passion to.
They say the most intelligent (artistic, also) people have the most mental issues.  Most of my life I’ve been the spitting image of that.  It was only compounded by the fact I strove to make myself seem unintelligent.  There’s a lot I have yet to understand… but things come in their own time. 
Have faith.


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October 21, 2008

It make me quite happy to hear you are happy. I am sorry about your father though…sincerely I am…I will pray for his health…Hopefully it isn’t anything too serious. *hugs* Best luck with the tap company, although you don’t really need it in the least. You are a hard worker and seem quite determined…I’m sure you’ll be perfect in no time. 😀 Take care lovely. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

October 21, 2008

Wicked, sh*ts looking up for you! Ive tried starbucks once…I hate coffee…unless theirs booze in it I surpose…Is that why you have so many happy customers of yours? Coz your adding? : In short, its the same as baileys *lol* MMFCL

October 22, 2008

“If I relax and trust myself, things happen. Good things.” That’s a manifesto to live by. =) It’s not selfish to want a life free of drama and stress. You have MORE than earned that right. *hugs*

October 22, 2008

I am glad for you

October 23, 2008

I’m happy for you & I’m glad to [read] that you are so much more happy than you once were. Sorry ’bout your dad. When you mentioned ‘tap’, for some strange reason I started thinking of actor Gregory Hines. He was a dancer since a young boy. WAS. Sadly he’s passed. As far as your questioning about your “selfishness”? You are NOT. You have to look out for yourself. I’m happy for ya, pal. Peace!

October 23, 2008

Glad things are going well. Sorry to hear about your father.