Little kid temper tantrum meets nonexistent PMS.

Recovering from a migraine.  Woo-hoo!  ::does pitiful dance::

My body is such a mess.  And even through this, I’m thinking, ‘Let’s see if I can knock off 2% more body fat.’  I’m like, ‘[Inmate], LAY OFF IT FOR A MINUTE!’

Shiiit.  And I get to substitute THREE classes of little kids today.  [Insert grumpy sound effect here]

I need a vacation.  I need to go to the bahamas.  I just have very little oomph to get stuff done because I’m so overwhelmed with things.

So, to unoverwhelm and waste some time…
How Scary Are You?

You Are Scary

You even scare scary people sometimes!


Ugh.  I can’t even get into wasting time.
I just need to go back to sleep.

Sorry, I’m totally bitching my booty off at the moment.  *Scowl*  My hormones are a mess.  Going on 4 1/2 months now…


†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  New bleach-stained cut-off sweatpants, white sports bra with an open,  nice white, short sleeved collar shirt over it.  I have had several compliments on my style.  You want to know the hint?  I have none nor do I care, lol.
Last ate::  Some homemade s’more things. 
Feeling::  Downright ass shitty.

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July 16, 2007

*sends psychic relaxation waves* Dr. Glennman hereby orders to watch at least two movies in the Star Wars series, back-to-back, and relax! That’s an order!

Forget Starwars watch Clerks & Clerks II and laugh your overworked butt off!

July 16, 2007

Office Space always makes me chuckle!! I suggest a hot bath, chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven, and a drink with lots of alcohol in it. I greatly dislike irritating days. Blech!

July 16, 2007

your ok. I am 3rd degree burn WITH a coldnow… *sniffls* Ouch..

July 16, 2007

RYN: Hmmm… favorite book and movie genre. I’m a huge Nora Roberts fan — basically trashy novels! ha ha The more sex the better! I like mysteries, too, but mostly just read Nora these days. With movies I’m all over the place, but I love, love, love Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, While You Were Sleeping, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th St., Jurassic Park series, Lord of the Rings series, Jaws (which I’ve seen a gazillion times!)

July 16, 2007

You been feeling shitty for months? I’m sorry hun. Are you sure it’s not your permanent diet of chips & salsa? lmao. Ya know what would make ya feel better? Come with me to Hawaii. 😉 lol. ha ha ha. I’m sure even if you could, Craven wouldn’t like that. So you scare scary people? lol. Hope you feel better soon, gorgeous. If not, I’ll give ya a nice massage. 😉 heh. Alright. Time to get to notes:

July 16, 2007

You may have to copy & paste these since I only get a few lines here, too. lol. RE: Quote, yes, some haven’t “got” the quotes or agreed, but good to see you do. That’s why you are “Special K” to me. 😉 Which is as good as any cookie. ;D Tho, I gotta admit before these last notes the cookies were passing you up. I was making a fresh batch a day. You got back up to par, lol. Maybe if you REALLY

July 16, 2007

lived a block away, you could surpass them. 😉 lol. But alas, I think I already offered ya that deal. lol. It seems like you would still have to live a block away from your parents, prolly with a pager, too. 🙁 Or maybe if you moved out, they’d have to move in. That would suck when you wanted to have sex, the parents would be in the other room. lol. Ha ha ha. Pager goes off in the middle of it. 😀

July 16, 2007

No cafeeine. No tea, used to drink Liptons. Hate coffee. I like my snacks, which is prolly bad, but I have gotten MUCH better with age, thankfully & will prolly have to continue to adjust, but I drink TONS of water, especially in the desert, lol. Damn drought here. As you well know there in TX. I heard 1/2 of your state is bad, too. What sucks is we recently had a tease of thunder & lightning.

July 16, 2007

Nothing tho. There are even clouds now. Nada. Damn valley rain evaporates before it hits down. >:( Hmm, back to vice. I dunno. You read my diary, what do you THINK is my vice? 😉 You are a dancer, why does cardio scare you? You just need the right motivator. I could pick ya up & move your limbs for ya. 😉 That sounds bad. lol. Congo line. The bar you dance under. They do that in Hawaii. Come with

July 16, 2007

me to Hawaii & we’ll both do it. I’m sure you’d kick my ass in flexibility, but congo lines on the beach would be very fun. 😀 Winters/Decembers in Chicago=SUCKS. I didn’t even mention the frozen toes, either. 🙁 But the poem captures my feelings. “Faded Dream” sums up a lot of things for me, but what can ya do? I’m just lucky I can express myself, deal with it & move on. It’s all you can do.

July 16, 2007

Hey, speechless couldn’t get that quote either, tho for some reason I think she deleted my explanation note. D’OH! But basically HEEL=Bad guy, villain{frequent wrestling term}, so the quote means be mindful of the legacy you leave in life. Make sure it’s positive & that you don’t leave your mark/footprint of a heel/bad person. Capisce?????->Italian for UNDERSTAND, ninja? 😉

July 16, 2007

*Definitely hope it isn’t cancer, all I can do is pray for her. She’s a very nice & cool person. I hope she’ll be okay. They haven’t received any news yet, so definitely while something isn’t right, if they don’t hear anything til Wednesday, it may not be AS bad. *Hawaii is beautiful, those are some great shots. *If ur grocery store was albertsons, if they make a mistake the 1st one is free. 🙂

July 16, 2007

It keeps them honest if they make a mistake. You just have to check the bill & not rush off like a mad man–> or woman. 😉 I’m sure we all have been screwed TOO many times. I’ve just vowed NOT to be anymore if I can help it. *We got rain as I was typing responses to you. You must be a lil’ good luck charm. I think I’ll keep you. 😉 *Thx for the advice, I may give the DC site a shot. Take Care.-M

July 16, 2007

I’ve been meaning to find this for you for a while now, its some comedian guy who also hosts on our music channel here D-Didee Krumping

July 18, 2007

yeah probably more actually. since i’ve joined OD has had hacker attacks twice if not 3 of those totally whiped the harddrives so no more entries, notes …ect ect. i know before the first attack oh so long ago i was around 400-600 entries.

i’m adding you to my fav’s if that’s ok! <3