Life on 3 fronts.

So You Think You Can Dance is in just a few days.  I have never been so ready for anything in my life.  I can’t WAIT!  This is MY time and if they don’t pick me then it is THEIR fault.  Fuck if I’m gonna feel down for them not recognizing my potential.  YEA!  ::folds arms across chest and attempts to look stern::  Hehehe!!

For those of you who have access to my MySpace, my audition song is on there.  ‘Make it Hot’ by Nicole Wray.  Oldie but goodie.  I’ve showed the dance to everyone available at the studio and they all love it.  They expected me to bust out some old school hip hop, instead I bust out some sexy funk.  My routine has got it all from a one-handed front walk-over to a quad to some cha-cha.  Hell, they should put me on TV because… I don’t know.  Because they should!  And then everyone who has ever put me down can go, "Wow.  She looks familiar.  She looks gorgeous actually."  And I’ll be like, "Haha!  BITCHES!"

I’m wearing my black baggy pants, a red sports bra and a tiny black vest.  Wearin’ something sexy makes all the difference, I think. 

Anyway.  I’m really only half this confident… I’m trying to pump myself up.  I am anything but an egotistical or pushy person.  I’ve gotten lectures from ALL my teachers… "[Inmate]!  Be AGGRESSIVE!  If you aren’t, then the girl behind you who sure as hell can’t do what you can, is gonna take your spot!"
I agree totally but… it’s easier said than done.  : /

The girls from my main studio are already making signs and planning on road tripping up to Dallas on Friday when I should perform my solo to support me.  It means the world that they are so confident in me.  If other people are that confident, well, I should be, too!  : D
I leave Wednesday morning (with my parents) the improv auditions are Thursday afternoon, and if I make it past the initial rounds then I perform my solo Friday. 
Wish me luck!!!

SECOND front.  Kells and I are still goin’ strong.  I miss him.  It’s almost agonizing to realize that I’m not going to see him for months yet.  Both of us (I think) understand that my dancing is going to take me away for months at a time but right now… it’s just really hard because we finally opened up to each other the freakin’ night he left.  So we went suddenly flat out raw and then left each other. 
Wha-bam.  Ouch, lol.
Second front merging into the third… moving out with Kelly might as well save my career, too.  I’m still throwin’ up and it’s… ugh.  I really need to talk to someone who can point me in the right direction because I sure as hell am not doin’ very well on my own.

Well, there’s nothing else to say except…

One of those tickets to LAS VEGAS is MINE!!!! 


Wearing:: Chlorine splattered cut off sweatpants, pink halter top. 
Last ate::  Some trail mix with my oatmeal- I used chocolate Mighty Milk in it this morning and it was AMAZING!
Listening to:: ‘Diamonds’ Fabolous! 

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January 14, 2008

good luck :o)

January 14, 2008

GO INMATE! GO INMATE!! *Holds up signs*

January 14, 2008

*cheers* WOOOHOOO!!! good luck!

January 14, 2008

You are going to be amazing. I’m already cheering. *big sweeping hugs* =)

January 14, 2008

you will make it. and hopefully it will help you. goood luck!!

January 14, 2008

YAY!!! your gonna do sooo have a myspace?!? linkage!


January 14, 2008

SOOOOOOO EXCITING!!!! Wish I could go to Dallas and hold up my GO INMATE! sign! =)

January 14, 2008


January 14, 2008

good luck!

January 18, 2008

Good Luck. Ya never know if your boyfriend comes back & decides to go to LA, then that could be where you end up for sure, my friend! Hopefully you have already kicked ass by this point. I wished you luck last week when I thought it was then. lol. Let us know what went down, killer. 🙂 I’m sure you knocked ’em dead. {X}

January 18, 2008

Hey, I saw your entry on the performing arts circle page. Just wanted to say that I love SYTYCD and I think it’s awesome you’re trying out! I’m a dancer as well, I’d love to audition for the show some time when I’m not busy with other things, heh. Anyway, good luck!

January 25, 2008

I realize the time has probably passed by the time I’ve read this, but my only advice to you in this instance (& any for that matter) is, don’t think about it. You CAN do what it is that you do. Nobody else can duplicate it. Don’t think about it. Just go out, erase the judges from your mind, and perform for yourself. No one else. Just YOU! Break a leg!