Las Vegas… brought to you only by Inmate

Wearing::  Black plaid boxers and a gray wife beater.  My PJs.  Hell yea it’s 8:30 pm.  That’s the kinda day I’ve had.
Feeling::  PISSED for no reason whatsoever.  DON’T get me started because I’ll ramble on about jack shit.

The trip there… was okay.  I was the only dancer in my group to board in C class so of course I had to make friends.  I befriended (He befriended, either way) an army guy named Tommy.  He was pretty cool.  Cuddly, tattooed, friendly, armed, dangerous… I love the armed forces.  Anyway, he was married.  I have his number, but I don’t want to get into that mess- at the time he was having troubles with his wife, lol.  I don’t want to get into that mess, I got enough of my own!
Las Vegas airport… everyone was already gone by the time I got off the plane  (I was in the back row) except for one family, the family that sponsored my entire trip.  They were taking trips to the bathrooms, lol.  It was pretty funneh.  They saw me bid farewell to my army friend, adn the mother started in on my love life.  I was like… For real, it’s okay, I’m doing good…
We made it to the hotel okay.  The girls heard about Tommy and wouldn’t lay off it.  I mean, FUCK.  I’m 18 and motherfucking single.  What GIVES if I talk to guys?  I always hated that shit in school, man, that started some fights because people be talkin shit about me for having all of these male friends and talking to guys and whatnot.  Flirting is a whole lot different than talking.  And it’s one of my pet peeves to have people judge me that don’t even fucking know me.  Just glad no one had to go to the back of the plane to piss on that flight… because THAT was some hardkore flirting, dude.  For real.
So we got to the Green Valley Ranch Resort, the best hotel on the face of this earth.  Well, not really but it’s the best hotel that I’ve ever been to.  The pool is AMAZING.  Everyone else takes right the fuck off.  I, parentless and moneyless in Vegas, sit in the hotel lobby and grub on free water.  Mind you, it’s barely 10 o’clock in the morning, adn no one can check in until 3ish and all of my luggage is in the fucking concierge.  I don’t even know what the concierge is let alone if you have to tip the ninja or what.  But whatever, I’m all by myself.  Thankfully, I’m rescued a little later by two families and we go eat at a reasonable restaurant and explore the hotel.  I’ve been to the hotel once before so I kinda help.  Only kinda, because my memory sucks sometimes.  ^_^  I ate a BLT at the restaurant and it was the best BLT and french fries I’ve had for years.  Probably because I havne’t had them for years but ANYWAY.
Later that night I saw the Cirque du Soleil’s ‘O’ with the rest of the team (the tickets were a graduation present from one of the moms!).  OH WOW, man, that was AWESOME!  It was the show wiith the water and the guy they lit on fire.  It was the coolest thing ever (especially the guy they lit on fire).  By the time I walked out of the theatre, my eyes were burning and my throat was parched from forgetting to blink and drooling!  No matter what you try to watch you always miss SOMETHING cool!  It was absolutely amazing, hands down.  I gave it a standing ovation, and in situations like that I’m usually the only lout sitting down, but I couldn’t sit for that.  I was like WOOOOOOOO Y’all were the SHIT!
Monday was dance convention.  A few of the senior girls made senior team shirts and mine was bright fucking pink.  Hot pink.  It said Fierce on the front, and on the back low it said "Gangsta."  Apparently they’d nicknamed me when I haven’t been paying attention but what the hell.  I wore the shirt and it was pink… I was referred to as "Pinky" for the first time in my LIFE at that convention.  But it was okay because it was by the ballet teacher and she was paying me a compliment.  : D Then Nick Flores gave me a pink jacket because he thought I was indeed "Fierce."  That made my day.  Nick Flores rocks my boat.  Heh.  After that we went to a professional hip hop/jazz class taught by one of my director’s friends.  It was alright, but the best fucking part was the Hummerzine (Hummer limo) that picked us up from teh hotel and the class and drove us down the strip at 10.  It was pretty cool, no lie.  We were like, "TOURISTS!?  YEA WE ARE but we got a limo, biiitch!"  Limos are pretty cheap in Vegas, especially with 10 girls and how often my director uses them.  So it rocked.  Tuesday was competition… I only had one dance and watched the girls throughout the rest of the day.  Later on I went to go get some take-out spaghetti (my carbs for all day competing the day after) from the restaurant downstairs and they sat me at the bar.  I felt pretty cool ,no lie, but I also knew that this would be where I’d be spending a lot of my time once I turned 21 so it was also pretty depressing.  I just have this really bad feeling that I’m going to become an alcoholic once given the opportunity.  ::sighs::  But anyway, I was sitting there chilling and watching sports when through the window I see the mother who was sponsoring my trip to Vegas.  She all smiled at me, but by the time she hit the end of the window, she’d gotten the funniest look on her face once she realized I was sitting at the bar.  She walked right in and sat next to me adn goes, "What are you doing?"  I go, "Ordering takeout."  She goes, "Oh.  Bartender… can I get some wine?"  LOL.  I love that lady, she rocks my socks, for real.  Mmm… Sunday I’d walked to the grocery store about two blocks away.  I got a lot of weird stares.  Probably because it was 100 degrees adn some change and I was walking by myself in long black parachute pants, short sleeved black baseball jersey buttoned once to reveal a red tube top.  I was probably one of the most conscpicuous people walking the street.  Considering there were very few.  I’m surprised I didn’t instigate a car accident.  Yea, I went grocery shopping for myself and by myself for the first time in my life and it was really exciting.  I’m not gonna lie.  I feel like a retard but that’s the way it was.  I found that lady (and her son) that I’ve been talking about at the grocery store, too, so I had someone to walk home with.  ^_^  And the people at the checkout counter were having problems with my travelers check, but the guy mistook my ID (since it was out-of-state) for a driver’s license and THAT was ballin as well.  Wednesday was competition, the most stressful day of my life.  I’m an alternate and one of the girls was sick so I had to take her spot in all the dances (except for one).  Monday… I was like, "God, if I am TRULY meant to be a professional dancer, give me a sign," because I was really down on my dancing and all.  Tuesday I learned a girl’s spot because she was injured, and Wednesday I just changed that shit up again.  And I had fifteen minutes per dance, dude.  It was crazy.

  I took her spot in four dances or something.  That’s not including the ones that I was already in and the girls and I filled in her spot.  Those don’t count because I knew the choreography already.  Most of it, anyway.  But I made it through, and twelve hours into the crazy ass day I performed my solos.  My hip hop rocked.  It did.  The black guy who’s my competition in my age group and everything… shiiiit, he took NOTHING from me, homeboy.  I was like HELL yea, because I went into the competition thinking, "He ain’t taking nothing from me this year.  He ain’t pullin a fast one on me like last year.  And the year before.  FOR REAL!"  I all rolled my ass onstage for my hip hop.  The announcer dude wouldn’t start the music and I was hiding on the side of teh stage going, "START IT!"  but I couldn’t say anything because I would give myself away.  Finally my studio caught on and started yelling at him to start the music, that I was ready.  Because I WAS damn well ready.  I KNEW my solo like the back of my hand compared to whatever else I’d been forced to do that day.  In my lyrical though, my leg muscles gave way on my Russian leap at the very end and I slowly sank to the ground.  I was all sitting on the ground going, "Okay, this is new.  IMPROV!"  But that’s cool, ebcause I rock at improv.  I got high gold on both of my solos, but I was .3 and .5 away from platinum on both.  And anyone who got platinum, you better know that they were in the overall.  So I was real close, homie.  That’s the truth! 
Sheldon and I talked like every day through Vegas… that’s when I really got close to him.  I don’t know, but sometimes he makes me want to just strangle him and other times I love that boy to death.  Thursday I sat by the pool, got some sun, went to the gala where I watched this routine called Star Wars for the THIRD time.  IT WAS HELLA COOL, NINJA UHHHHH!  It was hip hop and Star Wars, like my two favorite things in the whole world put together.  Friday we went to the strip.  I was the only one left in my room when I woke up at 6 (it was my wakeup time the whole week-ick.  At least I was still used to central time, so that made it 8- at least.)  and it took me a few horus to pack.  Then we rode the NY NY and saw the M*M shop.  I was about to buy this 6 inch M&M who was decorated as Darth Maul… but the moms I was with were freaking out and had to RUN everywhere.  It was insane… I was jogging to keep up with them because I’m such a slow walker… I enjoy life to the max, ain’t no purpose to running around like that!  For real!  Anyway.  That pissed me off a lot.  And some dude hit on me on the strip and the girls found that as great ammo to use for the rest of the day.  I was like, dude, LAY OFF IT!  ACK! 
And then later that day we went to the airport and chilled there.  I almost even made it through the security the first time.  But no.  Anyway.  I was really fucking hyper as were the two girls with me.  We made an impact at Las vegas’ food court let me tell you.  I had coffee and some ice cream.  LOL what a nightmare.  And then I talked to Sheldon, and Sheldon had sent me some pictures… and I went on the plane… stupid uncomfortable airplane seats (especially if you’re short).  And I went home. 
That’s it.  That’s Las Vegas.  Not much to say.  The weather was nice though.  Stormed once.  Yea.  That was the first time I’d wanted to go lay out by the pool.  LOL.  It figured.   : )


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May 18, 2007

so if I met you on a flight, I’d have a chance of you taking my # & calling? lol. HARDKORE flirting? lol. He was prolly hoping for the Mile High Club. 😉 FINALLY, now I know what it says on the Pink shirt I was drawing you in. FIERCE! 😀 Yay for 1st Grocery shop experience & Awesome to hear you did great dancing & filling in. 🙂 Funny image of you standing off stage thinking “START IT, b!tch!”

May 18, 2007

Vegas is a fun experience & I agree, don’t you hate when ppl want to run around & not slow down, take a deep breath & enjoy life? 6/8am is bad? sheesh. Try waking up in the 3am range mon-fri for work? THAT SUX & I’m not even a morning person. >:-O What are storms? I haven’t seen one in YEARS, now. Well, months at least, now. ARGH! I miss them. And yes, airplane seats SUCK big time! ttyl, Ninja