LA and Headburn.

I have a bad habit of erasing my damn entries once I write them.  Anyway, I’ll start all over again.

I’ve FINALLY decided that I’m going to Los Angeles when I graduate.  I’ve finally actually Decided!

I’m excited, I think, but the aspect of LA is very daunting.  o.o  I think I will do well, if I just learn how to be more aggressive- in a good way.  I would love to do something with my hip hop, and teach at dance conventions.  I would love to be a hip hop teacher at a convention.  Everyone looks up to you so much, and they admire you and you just have a ball teaching all those kids.  Except they might be depressed because I’m not a male hip hop teacher.  I look forward to hip hop classes because, let me tell you, I have had some HOT hip hop teachers in my lifetime… But hey, there will be guys in my classes, lol.  They’ll dig it, right?  Can’t neglect the guys…

And I have headburn because it’s so overwhelming and there’s so much that I have to do, and I have to make so much money that I don’t have… I’m so broke when it comes to moving out and living on my own.  I can’t even drive!

 But still…

I don’t know if Los Angeles is ready for me. 



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May 8, 2007

what happened here with LA? I wanted to be a voice actor, but didn’t want to move to LA-you have to be a member of SAG to get work. 🙁 Not sure if I would ever be ready for LA, ironically. I still say you should come out here. 😉 And yes, don’t neglect Mark…er the guys. 😉 heh heh… Hope you are doing better. Remember I have the cure for what ails you. 😉 wink wink. I’m serious. 😀