King Kong lost weight on Amazon with quizzes! X D

Scarapaluuuza!  <~ Made up word.    I think it’s ‘Hi’ in Worschbeck.

Mmm.  I’m hungreh.  Hey, guess what, I’ve lost 8 pounds!  ::takes a bow::  Thank you, thank you!    It was a successful diet…
When I started losing, I was 134 pounds, and now I’m 126.  (My body fat sucks though since I haven’t worked out since like before Xmas… 22-23%.)  And now I stop because I have competition coming up and it’s not going to work with me trying to do cardio on 1750 calories a day.  NUH-UH!  Haha!  I’d fall on my face!!!  Yea… even though I do that anyway.

Got my tax slip yesterday.  Said, "Uggggh," and put it away.  Didn’t even want to look at it.  BUT!  I doubt I received enough funds this year to be required to make a tax return.  A benefit of being poor, I guess.  Isn’t the limit something like $8,500?


I BOUGHT BOOKS FROM AMAZON!  Just ordered them actually, so hopefully they’ll come in fine.   I ordered: 

  1. ‘Dogged Persistence’ by Kevin J Anderson
  2. ‘Ghost Soldiers’ by Hampton Sides
  3. ‘I, Jedi’ by Michael A. Stackpole
  4. ‘Everything’s Eventual’ by Stephen King
  5. ‘Target Hitler’ by James Duffy
  6. ‘Star Wars Essential Guide to Weapons & Technology’ by Who-Cares-It’s-A-Guide—I’m-Excited!!
  7. ‘Rogue Planet’ by Greg Bear

How sweet is that?  Ummmmmm they were all for just under $30 (I had a gift certificate for $25) and all but one of them is hardcover.  Of course their quality is Good & up yet I’m nervous about the Star Wars books… those are collectibles to me.  ::frets!::


I have a substitute teacher marathon again today!

AJSFBL!  I finished choreographing ‘King Kong’ today!  (I was in at 1100… ugh… today’s a 12 hour day.) Now all I have to do is clean it, tweak it and cardio it.  And um, heal my back so I can make sure I can smoothly execute all my tricks.  o.O


I’m really hyper, sorry. 



(The best is last!)

[Inmate is] From Mars!

(Inmate complains, "Aren’t women from Venus?")

You’re energetic, althletic, and totally hyperactive.
You love playing sports and being in the middle of all of the action.
You’re independent, courageous, and brave. Unafraid to do things your way.
Mars can be reckless, quick tempered, and a little too spontaneous.
So think before you act – and resist your natural urges to dominate others.

Star Wars Horoscope for Aries

(Which Inmate is- Aries, I mean.  This was not the actual picture that came with the quiz, mind you.  I just liked it!  Yet, I disagree with this quiz.)

Like many aries, you have demonstrated your penchant for inflicting pain.
You feel you are at the center of the universe and that you must be in control.
You enjoy being a leader… and you find that your aggression and quick temper serve you well.

Star wars character you are most like: The Emperor

Your Seduction Style: The Natural


You don’t really try to seduce people… it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious – a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

You Should Be With an Air Sign!
(Inmate asks, "Does anyone here fall under this category?"  )


Your best match is a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius

Why? You crave excitement and playful banter
Only an Air Sign can match your wit – and keep you on your toes
As for fun, an Air Sign guy will show you plenty with tons of surprises

Your Star Wars Pickup Line


"I may look like an Ewok, but I’m all Wookie where it counts, baby."


†  IN


Wearing::  Dark gray, bleach stained, cut-off sweatpants, razor back lime tank and white sweatshirt.
Last ate::  1/2 a protein cookie and 6 inch Subway Club!  ::drooools::
Feeling::  HYYYYYYYYYYPER.  I didn’t even have coffee PLUS I woke up early today!  Hmmm
Reading::  Just finished ‘Orphans of the Sky’ and ‘The Strange Intruder’

Log in to write a note

Congratz! Now show me somma that Wookie, baby! *huggle* –

No. I don’t mind you noting. I had a brief giggle at those. Hahahaha!!!

January 25, 2007

Hey, I’m a Gemini! We’re a match! 😉 Congrats on finishing your choreography for King Kong! I’m sure it’s positively smashing. I might have to steal some of these.

January 25, 2007

He also died for your sins. =)

January 25, 2007

O fux, man. I’m a Gemini, babeh. 😀 Let’s go get married, k?

January 25, 2007

I’ve only seen “I, Jedi” in stores. XD The title is amusing enough. Doth it be connected with I, Robot? I’m on a diet, too. Dx I’m on what. . . the third or fourth day. I run around all day every week, sooo. . . I’m a busy girl. :/ I’m just waiting for the pounds to drop. Your diet is so successful. Good job! <3~ When you practice dancing, do you go really slow? When I play violin I. . .

January 25, 2007

… take things really slow then when all problem spots have been found and fixed and perfected I take things fast. Don’t want m’babeh to push herself too hard. >w< *squee*

January 25, 2007

*whores j00r diary* RYN: Midterms were all this week and oodles of things were due, so between going to the lab and getting more violin scholarships, it’s been hectic. I haven’t got a chance to study and all this skeetskeet. I’m over it. I WILL SURVIVE. D:<

January 25, 2007

“I SAID TO LIVE THIS WAY IS NOT FOR THE MEEK, and like a Jazz DJ you talk me into sleep I said there will be no regrets when the worms come And they shall surely come.” x] I had to. TEB = teh shit, man. Especially that song. Meek people are boring. :< I just want to shake them until they go, "LOL!"

Why did you ask if I wanted you to stop noting? Because I delete them? I always delete my notes…shows people I was on and reading them. 🙂 *huggles*

January 25, 2007

lmao that entry was hilarious. actually i’ve always loved electrical tape. but that isnt very efficient in quieting someone. the tape that stretches, yeah

January 26, 2007

Apple juice is muthafuggin PIMPIN! D:< <3 xD Peas to j00, m’babeh.

January 28, 2007


January 28, 2007

I agree. That leprosy can sneak up at the most inopportune times. Sadly, I am to report that I am not one of those astrological signs listed. I am Sagitarius. The half man/half horse guy. Insert joke here! 😉 Have a nice day!!!