One of the boats exploded next door to my studio on Thursday and there was a BIIIIIG fire.  I was in class and didn’t notice a thing…

On Thursday I also got my hair cut again THANK GOODNESS.  It’s now just a little above my shoulders.

BUT!  The coolest thing was this weekend; I attended a Tremaine dance convention (a weekend chock-dandy full of dance classes) and competition.  Let me get this off my chest first—–


::jumps in circles and around and down and runs around the world::
::resumes sitting in front of her computer::

It’s for one free Tremaine dance convention (worth $180).  I am so excited!  I have never won a scholarship until this year- suddenly my dancing is like I’ve grown up- It all started at Starlight competition (where I received a scholarship), and then I won that scholarship by auditioning from IDE (a small dance convention), and then now Tremaine!?  Tremaine is a MAJOR dance convention I’ve been attending for about 9 years and I have made it past the first ballet cut ONCE- only to be cut soon afterwards. 
So, if it seems like I am bragging I don’t mean to-  I am just like OMG so freaking excited I could like, start talking like a prep and like OMG!  ::SQUEALS::

Forgive me in advance.  LOL.

But now allow me to tell you how my weekend went in chronological format. 

Saturday:  Awoke at 0529 and commuted.  Had first class, ballet, at 0830 with over 100 of my fellow dancers from TX, LA, and Mexico.  I was falling everywhere during plies and such- typical of the first class of the weekend (I heated my back a lot- trying to keep the sprain from acting up).  The teach, Keith Clifton, remarked directly to me that I needed to keep my eyes off the demonstration girl and know my choreography.  Ugh.  Forgot to thank him at the end of class. 

Hip hop w/Marty Dew, the guy I’ve wanted to dance like ever since I first took a class from him years ago.  It was to ‘Smack Dat Ass’ by Akon but…    I was nervous- I sometimes feel a lot of pressure doing hip hop because everyone expects me to be perfect.  I freak out and inevitably my style goes completely wild- I got down on myself too hard and looked like crap.

I had a 30 min. break somewhere around here and was wandering in the halls and ran into Laurie & Joelle.  Laurie stopped me and said, "GREAT job at auditions."  I was thinking, "WOW YOU REMEMBER ME!?!?"
And Joelle nods enthusiastically and says, "You WERE awesome!" 
And I said, "THANKS THANKS THANKS!"  and danced away and they laughed at me and I said "Hi!" to the security guard and the security guard says, "No thank you but I’m starting to wonder about you." 

Had second class, lyrical, at 0930 from Doug Caldwell.  Fun but not really memorable.

Then, 30 min. break and forced some calories down my throat.  Befriended the security guard at the door cuz I’m such a spazz!   He remembered me through the rest of the weekend and never asked to see my wristband ID again. 

Tap with Laurie Johnson was next.  Her classes are HARD and I’m not REAL good at tap yet so I kinda flailed around…  Yet somehow I wound up on stage with the other good kids and wound up in the front and I had no idea what I was doing but it was soooo much fun.  I love tap even though I don’t know what I’m doin.    Remembered to thank her after class, YAY! 

Had scholarship auditions during lunch.  Ballet combo (across the floor) from Keith was first- it was hard(!) but I decided I had nothing to lose by waiting in line and getting nervous.  I went FIRST across the floor and when the assistant ran by and told me, "Please stay" I was like OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG and went stand with the cool people (in shock)!    After the other 100 girls went across the floor, those of us that made the 1st cut learned a jazz combo from Joelle Martinec and auditioned again in small groups.  I killed it- I was the first one dragged away from the line with an enthusiastic "Please Stay!"  I was like, once again, "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I’ve never made it this far before ZOOOOOOMG"!!!!! 

Moving right along, then I had jazz w/ Desiree Robbins.  KILLED it like no other.

1530-1630 was Joelle’s jazz/modern class.  Amazing woman/amazing class/amazing choreo.  Spastic!  Reminds me of me, I love her. 

After that I worked with two other girls from my studio and rechoreographed our competition hip hop routine to take one girl out who couldn’t attend.  : (  STRESS!  But it turned out okay.  We performed and did very well.  We only got 2nd but we did well and were proud- who can ask for more?
Went to sleep at midnight.

SUNDAY:  Miraculously awoke at 0630- my neck and calves were on FIYAH!    1st class, ballet (OUCH, CALVES!), at 0900.  We learned a ballet c

ombo to rock music.  It was so freakin’ cool- I did VERY WELL compared to the day before.  Went up to hug/thank Keith with the hordes of other people at the end and he specifically told me, "GREAT job yesterday.  Wow.  You were amazing."  Later I realize not only was he talking about auditions but competition as well.

30 min. break– picked up scoresheets and tapes from competition night before.

1030-1130 jazz w/ Dez.  Still killed it & stomped my ass right up on stage without a qualm (like I’ve NEVER done before) and danced with the good kids!  Hug/thanked her at end.  She said, "You have GREAT energy, I love it."

Ate lunch (2 egg salad sandwiches)/listened to comp tapes.  They said my trio needed more energy.  Keith (a judge) went as far as to say that I pulled the whole routine, I was sellin’ it and he couldn’t even watch either of the other girls with me.  Laurie (another judge) as well.  I almost died of a heart attack.

1230-1330  Tap w/ Laurie!  Flailed around still but did much better than the day before.  Thanked her at the end- she freaked out and said I was so awesome last night and I’m such a character and she loved watching me and then I freaked out in turn.  Went to go get her book that I bought and asked her to personalize it.  She smiled and now she knows my name(!!!!) and she even wrote ‘You’re terrific’ in my book and gave me her business card and OMG!!  WOOOO. 
She was leaving and kind of gave the scholarship away because she said, "Congratulations."  I automatically started, "Thank-" and then stopped.  Ummm… What was she congratulating me for?  I MUST HAVE GOTTEN A SCHOLARSHIP!  But I wouldn’t know for sure at least for another hour…

Last class was hip hop with Marty again- I liked this one a lot better- I was more relaxed. 

Then the faculty show and announcing of the scholarship winners and OMG they said my name and I was so tired I at first barely dragged my ass onstage with the scholarship winners but then I beamed and beamed and beamed because I’d just accomplished one of my biggest dreams…

I’ve finally proved to myself that there is nothing wrong with my dancing and I am growing and maturing and I do indeed have a future…
::close to tearing up::  It was amazing.

And then the faculty danced and I watched Marty Dew take off his shirt.  : D  Hahaha!  He can never keep his shirt on in performances but it’s PERFECTLY fine- he looks better without one!!


Wearing::  Tight slinky black jazz pants, black leotard and long sleeved tie dye mesh purple pink thing and black crop jacket.
Last ate::  White chocolate banana mocha from STarbucks.  I am so sore (Ugh I’m so out of shape) but at least not tired anymore!!
Feeling:: Enthusiastic about EVERYTHING!
Fingernail polish::  Twinkling toffee!  I did them last night before I made a bowl of popcorn and fell dead asleep halfway through Jurassic Park… it hurt like hell every time I tried to change positions.

PS.  Kelly came back from boot camp, he’ll be here until the Jan. 1.  I saw him last night.  : )

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December 4, 2006

That’s awesome! Congrats! (My friend Ballet Jess is a dancer and choreographer, so I understood more of this than a straight man should have.)

December 4, 2006

I was, for a glorious year, a dance teacher’s assistant at a local dance studio. I can’t choreograph to save my life but I loved the job. Congratulations! RYN:Michelle Bliss, the soap opera star. 🙂

December 4, 2006

RYN: To go with the love, silly. Did I mention the love was in nugget form?

December 4, 2006

RYN: *opens a 30-pack of Weaver chicken nuggets* This could be love… =)

December 4, 2006

RYN: I danced before I could walk; no one would ever say I was good at it. I danced all four years of high school and loved every minute but I wasn’t very comfortable in my skin. I was waaay too stiff. If I could go back and do it now, I might be better but it’s expensive.

December 4, 2006

Congratz on the scholorship !

December 4, 2006

mucho congrats on the scholarship, chica! ryn:// and thanks 🙂 its was a 2 a.m. entry. gotta love ’em.

December 4, 2006

holy crap i’m so prou of youuuuuu!!!!! woohoo kelly!

December 5, 2006

RYN: Given your movement training, you’d make one stealthy kunoichi. Flexible, too.

December 5, 2006

RYN: Ninja do what they want, so long as it does not dishonor them or their family lineage. There is nothing dishonorable about pie.

December 5, 2006

Thanks for the visit and the note… love the pic on your front page. … and *damn*. You are one busy person! ^_^ Congrats on your victory!

December 5, 2006

RYN: *catches you and spins you around* I am a diehard Star Wars nerd. I own the movies, I buy the LEGOs, I read the books and comics, and I run a Star Wars roleplaying campaign. I am a hardcore SW nerd. It’s very rare to find a female SW nerd though. Hence the excited catch. =)

December 5, 2006

RYN: I also have a major SW book and comic library (I even invested in every book in the New Jedi Order series, just so I could read it uninterrupted). My favorite movie, obviously, is Empire, though I can honestly say I enjoyed all but Episode One. =)

December 5, 2006

Here: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=A521003&entry=20295 You can’t see nearly all of my SW flare, but some of the major pieces are there. I even have a lifesize Ewok. =)

December 5, 2006

RYN: A New Hope is my runner-up fave, because of all the reasons you said. (You want a rush? I saw the special editions of all three originals in a theater in one fell swoop. It was excellent!) The NJO books have some really good moments, but I found the storyarc overall kinda disappointing. I guess I never bought the Yuuzhan Vong as villains. But some of the Clone Wars-era novels are prettygood. You can borrow any of mine that you might want to read. =)

December 5, 2006

twinkling toffe nailpolish? sounds like a pretty cool color! wow congrats on the scholarship… i love getting my way paid to events. seems like u’ve had a pretty great couple of days! good auditions, scholarship… sounds freakin’ fantastic!

December 5, 2006

Congratulations!!! That’s just awesome!

December 5, 2006

RYN1: Yeah, that’s definitely Chewie in Revenge of the Sith. (Before the Imperial occupation, his enslavement, and Han’s rescue of him.) RYN2: Yeah, I only watch the original CSI. Because it rocks. RYN3: You’re an Evil Dead / Army of Darkness fan too!? *smiles* RYN4: One of my friends plays a stormtrooper in my SW roleplaying campaign. He’s in training to become a Royal Guard. RYN5: The 30 dozen eggs box contains LEGOs. An assload of LEGOs. So does the box above it. =)

December 5, 2006

RYN: Okay. So you like Star Wars, Evil Dead / AoD, CSI, chicken nuggets, you dance, AND you’re a kunoichi? *swoons*

Hi thankyoufor visitng me! I hope the scholoship is what your heart really desires!

December 6, 2006

the ensor is *not* the only major SW freak on OD, ya know. 🙂 Mir auch. Oh and grats on the scholarship. 🙂

December 6, 2006

RYN: I was a history minor in college. Yes, I’m a history buff. =) And my list of OD interests in no way encompasses all of mine. It’s just the ones I’ve spotted thus far.

December 6, 2006

RYN: Well, there is the whole gender thing. And the age thing. And the hotness thing, what with you being hot, and me, not so much. I’m a rock, alternative, classic rock, punk, metal, ska, indy, lounge act, mix-type. I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Richard Cheese, They Might Be Giants, Weird Al, the Vandals, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, the Ramones, the Rivergods, the Beach Boys… What about you? Faves?

December 6, 2006

Hey Inmate, Just popping in to say Hi, Well Done on your scholarship, The reason for changing my name, Was well my bf decided to read my diary (I stupidly told him the name) and it caused a big arguement between us becos I hadn’t discussed the problem with him, So made life easier for myself and changed it 🙂 Congratz again hun:) well deserved!

December 6, 2006

Congrats on your scholarship! 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful time and learn loads at the convention. And you work really hard… 😛 Dancing all weekend! I’m really happy for you, though, about everything. ^_^

December 6, 2006

RYN: Hey, intelligence, movement, confidence, style… those all contribute to hotness. =) I don’t think ICP is that underground, but it makes sense for a dancer to love heavy beat stuff, like funk, rap, and hip-hop. I do love some funk, though. Early Chili Peppers, George Clinton… On the history side, what are your favorite eras or countries?

December 6, 2006

RYN: My history minor was focused on Germany since 1815, which covers both World Wars and a lot of the Cold War, so those are particularly strong fields for me. I also have a pretty solid knowledge of revolutionary era and civil war era American history, but so do most people. Heh. I have a special place in my heart for Prohibition-era Chicago history, most of the ancient mythologies, and 19thand 20th century Russian. Like I said… history buff. =)

December 6, 2006

RYN: That sounds like a blast. I look forward to catching you online sometime soon. Thanks for entrusting me with such info. =)

December 6, 2006

congrats on the scholarship, you must be awesome and thanks for the sympathy

December 7, 2006

Wow big fan club you got here…LoL Good Luck with everything, I am happy for you.

December 7, 2006

RYN: I’d forgotten that I put that pic on the front of my diary, it’s just that new. As for the wreath, you should buck tradition & hang a wreath with a hatchet-man in the centre. That’d rock. Congratulations again, on your scholarship! Don’t forget me when you’re a rich and famous dancer…

December 7, 2006

Thanks for the advice =] Congrats on your scholarship. That is fantastic.

December 7, 2006

wow..that’s really cool…every time i read anything of yours i get all excited 🙂 haha… RYN: well, i really don’t know why i stopped daNCING…maybe i just figured i wouldn’t be good enough to get anywhere with it…and i’m still mad about everyone around me…it’s like people just take advantage of me because i can never say no.people have always done that to me…i’m surrounded by liars! 🙁

December 8, 2006

Thanks for the note, and congrats on the scholarship! 🙂

December 9, 2006

wow , that’s alot of dancing.Sounds like fun. Glad you made it! Congrats. Just wondering, how many hours do you stretch? See you later.

December 9, 2006

Glad that you got the scholorship thingy. *hugs*

December 10, 2006

I am going to do something I do not do often and quote Oprah “Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance. ” I think those that take that advice are the smartest and strongest among us. Congrats! Keep it up. ~DK

December 11, 2006

You’re news!

December 11, 2006

thanks for the info. and for the note. didn’t notice it until now. sorry I didn’t respond sooner. 🙂 thanks for praying for me and for understanding me.

December 11, 2006

Congrats on the scholarship! That’s amazing! Your migraines are like my dreams because you’re waking around in a fog, and decisions seem un-makeable. Usually, in my dreams it’s because they’re complete non-sence, though.