If you’re looking for details of a recent explosion, you read my entry title too literally.  There is no detailed explosion in this entry.  Maybe the next one. 

School is only in session for two days this week.  Annoying.  Heh.  First period I avoided doing the assignment.  Second period I was suckered into displaying a contortionism stunt and played french bingo (my foreign language).  Third period I sat and stared at my table.  Fourth, lunch; I listened to my boyfriend and his best friend talk about shooting shit up- great entertainment!  Fifth I took a quiz.  Sixth I took a Benchmark, and seventh I reviewed for a test.  Not bad, considering I’m in four college AP courses.  O.o  Tomorrow should be more of the same.  Yea.  Sounds exciting. 

I haven’t talked to my ex yet.  My best friend has seen him twice, and apparently he was at school today.  I’m kinda nervous… he’s probably avoiding me.  Because we have a “habit” of running into each other.  I want to see his ass badly, and he better not be ignoring me, or I’ll pop a cap in his ass.  : /  We’ve changed so much, lol.  When he left for the Marine Corps, I was basically a little goth girl, and he was a nerdy rap music kid who shot off the word nigger like he was at least half black.  Now, we’re three years older (and have seen each other ONCE in this long ass time).  I am now loosely gang affiliated (RED AND BLACK Y-EA), and all about the TRUE hip hop culture (which doesn’t have shit to do with being necessarily ghetto and all black male and shit.  I hate stereotypes.  Sure I’m “gangsta” but that doesn’t make me any less female or authentic, or anything like that.  People piss me the fuck off.).  …Anyway, and my ex is all cowboy shit now… cowboy hat and spurs and Copenhagen… it’s so funny how people change. 

I don’t have dance for a whole fucking week.  I’m going to lose my fucking mind.  I will be so out of shape, I won’t be able to get out of bed.  Not that I can do that easily after dancing five hours the night before, but you know what I mean.  Right?

Represent the JRB!!

Juggalo Rydas, Bitch!


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May 8, 2007

Damn, your photo album thru the ages would contain interesting pictures & very cute ones at that. Goth, Ghetto & Dance pics. 😉 Very cool, tho. I will enjoy reading these. And you already have subplots with the ex to see where this leads. What a storyteller. 😉 lol. 😀 alright….next