I’m on un-official burglar house-watch. : D

There was a burglary a few houses down from mine; cops have been everywhere most of the day today.  My dad and I had been talking in the main room when we heard a bunch of horns and then the squealing of tires- we didn’t think too much of it at the time because stuff like that happens a lot in our neighborhood.  Yea… that was the robbery we’d heard.
I’d say the job was pretty impressive considering that there were so many cops- they even came and talked to my mom outside and warned her to make sure we keep everything locked and shit.  But no, it has nothing to do with the gigantic meth lab that was discovered a few blocks away. 
Better yet, last night my mother had woken up my father because someone was banging on the window trying to get it open.  I don’t know why she didn’t wake me up.  I wouldn’t expect her to hand me a weapon and say, "What’s happening- Go find out!"  …but I was sleeping in the main room of the house.  If someone would have broken in, wouldn’t they have to come by me?  I would rather be awake and fully conscious, thank you very much.  But anyway, I told her that the noise couldn’t have been from the windows near me.  I’m a light sleeper.
My mother came to me a little while ago and asked, "What do you do if a burglar tries to come in?" 
I said, "Call the cops."  Then I thought better about blurting out my next statement so I tactfully paused and murmured, "Then I go get the bat."
My mom didn’t hear me; she goes, "What!?" the same time my dad (who DID hear me) laughs his good-natured ‘I-can’t-believe-I-have-such-a-daughter’ laugh.  I hear my mom ask my dad what I’d said, but my dad just said hurriedly, "Nothing.  I didn’t hear her either."
Since that avenue was blocked, my mother then proceeded to scold me for my response anyway because apparently the first thing you’re supposed to do is run the other way.  I stared at her and managed to recover myself enough to smile and nod. 
…What a RIDICULOUS idea!
If anyone tries getting into my house. . . I got more than a bat in store for them.  Fuck runnin away, I’m running straight for the motherfucker with the biggest object I can swing.
Mwa-ha-ha, I pity the person that would even think we have anything to steal inside our house.


Wearing::  White boxers with red hearts (They’re my dad’s apparently… I didn’t know, I just found them in my drawer.  He made a big fuss over the fact that he hasn’t seen them for years) and a t-shirt colored like the American flag.  No I don’t match.  No, I don’t care. 
Last ate::  Graham with peanut butter and grapes. 
Feeling::  Like I wanna glock someone’s wig.  Heh heh heh.

OH YEA!  I finished the last Lord of the Rings movie and book yesterday.  It was really good.  I liked the books better.  I hate to say it, but if I were to resemble anyone in that movie it would be Gimli the dwarf… someone shoot me.  But Aragorn is my hero.  Legolas was cheesy as hell.  Pippin was my favorite.  : D  I loved the sound effects in the movie, too.  But there is something so majestic about the book that the movie only partially portrays. 
That’s all.  Pz.

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