I’m on the Austin news Thurs; & Food quiz YAY FOOD

Wearing::  Black leotard and satin maroon pants.
Eating::  Chocolate grahams and peanut butter (which are hitting the fucking spot).  I just ate beef wrapped in a tortilla sprinkled with mozzerella.
Feeling::  Tired.

I’m battling this ninja tomorrow morning (SEVEN IN THE MORNING & it’s running at 8 as well as 8:30!  WHICH MEANS I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT FIVE!?) on the news.  Fox 7 is doing a focus on Hip Hop, so they want some local hip hop teachers to demonstrate their stuff. Hahaha.  It will be ballin’.  I’m kinda nervous because I’ve never done any tv stints so this is great practice because hello, it’s what I want in a career.  Except I would really rather a live audience.  But tv is the way to get money and stuff before you go broke, starving artist in front of a live audience.  I just think the duel is going to look pretty funny because I’m 5’2 (& a Half!), a little on the heavy side, and white.  My opponent is just over 6 foot, weighs as much if not less than me, and is black.  What’s even funnier is that I am blacker than he is and I have more of an aggressive male personality than he does.  It is going to be so weird looking.  ^_^  I wonder if they’ll let me break?
I’m also working on getting a teaching job at a new studio for an old teacher.  We are in the middle of planning a date to get together and discuss the important stuff so it’s looking good!
Glad y’all liked the quizzes, lol, I’ll probably post a few more some time later but work calls…
Organizing my schedule…



Food Survey


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

2. What’s your favourite cheese?

COLLLBY.  Mmmm.  Cheeese!  o.o

3. What’s your favourite fish?

Salmonn… I’m hungryyyyyy again and I just ate… why am I taking this AHHHH!?

4. What’s your favourite fruit?

EVERYTHING!  I’m thinking this quiz is POINTLESS!

5. When, if ever, did you start liking olives?

At least since I was seven.  I love olives especially green ones!

6. When, if ever, did you start liking beer?

I’ve never drank beer.  But my dog has.  She LOVES beer. 

7. When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish?

I don’t know what shellfish is.  o.O

8. What was the best thing your mom/dad/guardian used to make?

Mom makes great spaghetti and Dad makes GREAT egg-in-a-hole.

9. What’s the native specialty of your hometown?


10. What’s your comfort food?

Medium salsa w/cheese and tortilla chips!  : D

11. What’s your favourite type of chocolate?

Rrr, probably dark chocolate!

12. How do you like your steak?

I don’t care as long as it’s halfway cooked it’s great!

13. How do you like your burger?
With mustard.  : D  And cheese and lettuce… my dad makes GREAT meat…

14. How do you like your eggs?

Nuked.  Heh heh heh heh.

15. How do you like your potatoes?

It doesn’t matter, I love potatoes.  I like bread more, though.  And meat.  ::drools::

16. How do you take your coffee?

It doesn’t matter.  I especially like fraps or chocolate coffee.

17. How do you take your tea?

Plain.  Usually drunk only when I’m REALLY stressed.

18. What’s your favourite mug?

It’s camo.  ::nods importantly::  You’d never find it.  My retainer is camo too.  I was worried that I’d lose it in the grass or something and I’d have to get a new one but no, I still have it.  It’s not lost in the grass somewhere.  IT’s still in my bathroom because my bathroom isn’t outside.  HAHAHA.

19. What’s your biscuit or cookie of choice?


20. What’s your ideal breakfast?

Cereal.  Any kind of cereal with skim milk and a glass of orange juice. 

21. What’s your ideal sandwich?

Peanut butter and jelly!  NO!  Peanut butter and banana!  NOO!  HAm and cheese!  NO!  CHEESE!  NOOO!  Subway!  No… turkey.  Shit… fuck if I know.

22. What’s your ideal pizza:

Papa John’s!  HELL yea.

23. What’s your ideal pie (sweet or savoury)?

PUMPKIN!  I love Thanksgiving!   Well, I really hate Thanksgiving, but I love pumpkin pie.  My grandma made me pumpkin pie for my 18th day! 

24. What’s your ideal salad?

I make kick-ass salads.  Usually it’s spinach with tuna, sunflower seeds, cheese, pepperoni, Italian or Ranch dressing, some eggs, and olives.  And maybe a piece of bread or a cracker on the side. 

What do you always like to have in the fridge?


26. What food do you always like to have in the freezer?

Ice cream.  : )

27. What food do you always like to have in the cupboard?

Tortilla chips. 

28. What spices can you not live without?

MUSTARD!  I would die if there wasn’t mustard.  Mustard goes on everything.

29. What sauces can you not live without?

Mustard.  Dumb ass.  I already answered that.  …Dumb ass.  You probably don’t even eat mustard.  DUM AZ!

30. Where do you buy most of your food?

Herbert E. Butt.  My parents purchase it.  Hehe.

31. How often do you go food shopping?

Well, parents go once a week, but we usually stop three times a week.

33. What’s the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own?

Hell if I know. 

34. What’s the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen?

Probably a napkin holder back in the third grade.

35. What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without?

My BLENDER!  I also make kick-ass protein smoothies.

36. How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients?


VER!  I can’t cook.  Just salads and protein smoothies.

37. What’s the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients?

Pumpkin pie. 

38. What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig and poultry?

Probably none.  I don’t know.  Fish.  I eat fish. 

39. What’s the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor?

Probably today.  I’m really gross about that.  I refuse to waste food especially if it’s good food.  But I always have to fight my dog for it… it sometimes gets messy… and then I just let her have it.  ^_^

40. What’s the last time you ate something you’d picked in the wild? 

I eat plants.  Umm… and by ‘I eat plants’ I mean that I’ve been known to completely veg out on both plants and flowers.

41. Arrange the following in order of preference: (Chinese, Thai, Mexican, Italian, Sushi and Indian.)

I’ve never had Indian, and I haven’t really had a lot of Sushi. 

42. Arrange the following in order of preference: (Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Beer and Rum.)

Not applicable.

43. Arrange the following in order of preference: (Garlic, Basil, Caramel, Lime, Mint, Ginger, Aniseed.)

What in the hell is Aniseed?  Take your pick?

44. Arrange the following in order of preference: (Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Banana.

Oh, wow, I love food.  This is so hard to rate.  UMMMM

45. Bread and spread:

Wheat bread with mustard.  But I love all kinds of bread.  I eat it plain but I’d much rather have mustard.

46. What’s your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order?

I love Subway even though I rarely eat out.  But I usually get a 6 inch club heavy with green peppers.

47. Pick a city. What are the best dining experiences you’ve had in that city?

I don’t eat out a lot.  But in Vegas a few months ago I ate like three meals (mine and the other people’s that I went with) and it was noodles and soy chicken and sesame chicken and it was SOOOO good.)

48. What’s your choice of tipple at the end of a long day?

Erm… no.  I don’t get it.

49. What’s the next thing you’ll eat?

Probably go home and have a protein smoothie.  I have to WAKE UP at 5:10 in the fucking morning… ::Grumbles::

50. Are you hungry now?

YES!  I AM ALWAYS HUNGRY!  I’m so lucky I have an athletic career otherwise I would be a gigantic individual.

51. Do you eat your breakfast everyday?

Of course, stupid ass.

52. At what time do you have breakfast?

Anywhere between immediately and 30 minutes after I wake up.

53. At what time do you have lunch?

It depends on when I’m out of classes.

54. What do you have for lunch?

I eat whatever leftovers I can bring in a cooler to eat at the dance studio.

55. At what time do you have dinner?

Well I get home and I eat dinner so that time usually varies.  But maybe, uh, um, 8 or 9 pm?

56. What do you have for dinner?

Either chips and salsa, salads, eggs, or protein smoothies.  Or some leftovers.  I got home last night and had a giant ass bowl of beef.  It rocked like nothing else. 

57. Do you light candles during dinner?

Uhh…. no.  Why deviate any interest from FOOD!?

58. How many chairs are there in your dining room and who sits in the main chair?

Six.  No one sits at the head of the table.  Ever.  Well, every once in a while when we have company my parents sit in the main chair.  But we rarely have company.

59. Do you eat and drink using your right hand or the left one?

I eat with my right and drink with my left.  I’m ambidextrous.

61. Mention the veggies that you like most:

Corn.  Peas.  Those are best from the can.  But mixed veggies from the freezer are good. Broccoli and carrots are best fresh.  : )

62. What fruit and vegetable do you like the least?

Lima beans.  Fucking gross, dude.  They’re like chewing slimy starch.

63. You like your fruit salad to have more:

Cherries!  Manadalay or mandarin!  Mandarin cherries?  I don’t know.  Cherries!

64. You prefer your vegetable salad to contain more:

I don’t get it.

65. What’s your favourite sandwich spread?

Ohh, this is a hard one.  I bet you can guess.  MUSTARRRRRRD!!!

66. What’s your favourite chocolate bar?

Whatever it is it will take me ten minutes to eat… no lie.  The only chocolate bar I usually ever eat though are protein bars. 

67. What’s your favourite dessert?

I don’t know.  I don’t care.  Give me something and I eat it and I hella enjoy it, dude.

68. What’s your favourite drink?

I usually only drink water and skim milk.  Sometimes I drink Kool-aid but I only use two tbsp. of sugar.  You’d probably retch.

69. What’s your favourite snack?

Everything.  o.o  I love all food equally.

70. What’s your favourite bubble gum flavour?

Minty and extremely powerful. 

71. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?

Mint chocolate chip, motherfucker!

72. What’s your favourite potato chip flavour?


73. What’s your favourite soup?

Split pea.  MMMM That sounds really good right now.  Awww mannnn…

75. What’s your favourite type of dish?

Round with giant lips on the side… so that my food doesn’t run off the plate.  I don’t think the question was exactly asking this but that’s ok.  This is what I think.  Grr.  : D

76. What food do you hate? 

I don’t hate much.  As a matter of fact, there are very few foods that I dislike.  But there ARE two foods that provoke a gag reflex (Yes, it is that bad.)  They are, ladies andgentlemen… Macaroni and Cheese and stuffing.  ::goes run puke in the corner::   

77. What’s your favourite restaurant?

Olive Garden!!!!!!!!!!!  But I haven’t eaten there for a long time.   I haven’t really eaten anywhere for a long time.

78. Do you eat homemade food, food delivered from outside?

Homemade.  And stuff from my blender.  : )

80. Who cooks at home?

My dad usually- I just help out.

81. What kind of diet (e.g. low-fat, high-fiber, high-carbohydrate, balanced diet etc.) do you have?

Uhhh… I don’t know if I’m on a diet.  I don’t really have a diet.  But I do eat some rather odd thigns and I think it stems from being a dancer and needing different foods to keep my body going.  I usually eat high-protein.

82. How do you keep yourself fit?

Only God knows.  I have no idea.  But it has to be dancing… I don’t know what else it could be!

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