I’d like to lodge a formal complaint…

WARNING:  Ummm… Minor female problem will follow this warning. 

I keep skipping my damned period.  I can’t complain, really and I would NOT mind if I just stopped having it altogether but I don’t know why I’m skipping it.  In fact, I’ve had it only 3 times this year. 
At the moment I’m not overlly active, nor am I so low on body fat as to warrant this either.
My body seems to be going a little haywire and I’m not sure why.  o.O  I’m having really odd (probably hormonal) food cravings that turn into binges , and one day I will be so full of energy I’m running in circles and the next I’m so tired I can’t do much of ANYTHING athletic. 
It’s all tied in with everything else but I don’t know how to fix it.  *Shrug* 
And my mindset is REAL off, too.  I don’t like it one bit.

Oh well.  Hopefully it’s temporary!



Sunday was my dance studio’s team appreciation banquet. 
I received a teacher award for ‘Weirdest Moves’.  Not sure how to take that but it is well known that I’m very eccentric.  ^_^

I received a call (remember the last entry of me complaining we were falling out?) from my ex at 0222 a few nights ago.  I don’t remember what we had a conversation about- I must have sleep-talked!  O.O 
That’s mildly worrying, wouldn’t you say, Frodo?

I AM SO TIIIIRED.  And hungry.  DAMN it! 
I really don’t even have the energy to make this entry worthwhile. 

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black satin capris with a black short sleeved shirt that says ‘Dance is my Happy Place’
Feeling::  Grumpy, Tired and Juvenile.
Last ate::  Some chips.  *Cringe*
Listening to::  MONEY MONEY makes the world go round, MONEHHHH!  Makes the world go ROUND! 

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May 8, 2007

Have you visited a doctor? It sounds like a hormone imbalance. Either that or the pressure of the 30th anniversary of SW is wreaking havoc on your body! =)

May 8, 2007

missed periods could be lack of some nutrients. Makes sense if your eating is out of whack, too.

May 8, 2007

Geek? You betta run. lol. It’s okay. If I catch you, you will be spanked. 😉 lol. And Cubs are first, then Sox. Sorry, cutie. If you want to fight over this declaration, you are welcome to try to wrestle me down. But all you will do is scream Cubs! Cubs! Cubs! 😉 lol.

May 8, 2007

Gosh! Maybe I should be concerned too! I haven’t had one either. Not in a very long time. In fact, come to think of it, I’ve never had one. Shit! I wonder if I should be concerned… I’m a guy… Hmm. What orifice would I… O.O Uhm.., never mind…. Don’t mean to make light of your situation. I’ve had insomnia for the better half of a week. My head is pounding and I can’t think straight…

May 8, 2007

Get Well Soon. I don’t want anything to happen. I enjoy your notes & blogs. They make me smile… 🙂

May 8, 2007

I had 1 of those phones calls too many years ago…I only really woke up when I hung up