I want me a Spartan!!

If I had one or two Spartans, I could rule the world.  Seriously.  That’s what I decided after watching the movie ‘300’. 
Great movie.  Not as gory as I expected though. 
But then again, I’m a cult fan of the movie ‘Evil Dead’ sooo…

I actually begun laughing at a few inopportune points of the movie.  The major one was when the son of the captain (a crowd favorite, to be sure) was decapitated and all you saw was his headless neck squirt a stream of blood. 
Everyone in the theatre goes, "Ohhh  noooo!" 
And Inmate goes, "HAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" 
And let me tell you, I laugh like a beast. 
Yep.  I ruined quite a few patron’s movie experiences that night. 
But it WAS hilariously overdramatic.  Promise!  Hehe.

I feel blasphemously stressed.  And I don’t know why; I shouldn’t be!  Sigh.
My body is mad at me. 

Um, well.  I guess I should update. 

Kelly is driving me nuts.   
He’s in Marine rehab (for a fractured foot) AKA shitting around.  He went on this whole ‘I love you and miss you’ trip last weekend that’s left me totally confused as to what relationship we really have.
Today he was bragging about girls flirting with him and I finally just ended the conversation with "Kelly.  If your head was any bigger, I could make a fortune with you in Africa."

  He didn’t respond. 
I’m so evil sometimes.

I’ve been dreaming a lot.  Having a lot of nightmares.
I’m cursed with dreams.  Don’t know why but I have recurring nightmares so sickeningly realistic it is not uncommon for me to wake up in tears, fighting, or in pain.
But I have never felt my dreams coming true as they did Sunday night.  I don’t even know how to explain it.  But it was horrible. 

Our house is up for sale!  We got an offer on it a few days ago, so hopefully we’ll take it and leave this place.  My mom asked me this afternoon on the way to the studio where I wanted to move to. 
I said that I wouldn’t mind moving to Wisconsin to live with my Grandma.  I can take the train into Chicago which is a decent hubbub of dance activity whenever I want and I could spend time with my Grandma.
I don’t know what my parents would do.  Maybe they’d go live with my Grandma, too.

Anyway, back to moving.  I’m even willing to sell half of my shit if it just means leaving this place.  I hate Austin.  It’s brought little but bad memories and none of my friends are even left here. 
Jeana’s within driving distance and I’d hate to leave her but… things gotta change.
I know this. 

::sings::  Jeana and I leave next Tuesday for Atlanta!  I hope my body gets kicked into gear by then. 
I’m performing my lyrical/contemporary solo called ‘Adam In Chains’ from last year.  I’m trying to decide whether to dance blindfolded or not… because last year my solo was blindfolded.  There’s a pic of it in my pic entry.  Wherever the hell it is.

If I can be totally honest, sometimes I wonder why the hell I’m doing this. 
I don’t know if I can mentally handle this career path.  It’s overwhelming to think that I will never be set in a job.  I’m always going to have to be looking, and selling myself. 
I don’t like that.  I want a stable job. 
But I want to dance.
Gah-bernacle!  Moments of weakness.  ::kicks them::

I REALLY want to go to college.  But I wouldn’t want to deal with all of the people- I’m SO not a partier. 
My mom is really on to me to go clubbing; she thinks it is embaressing that a dancer my age has never been.  She says to go with Jeana, or someone from dance even.  But I refuse- I just can’t do it.  I told Jeana my mom’s nagging and she said, "But you didn’t even dance when we took you to prom." 
Hell naw- I sat my ass in one chair the whole night (Yea- I was scared SHITLESS).  Didn’t care/know what the theme was, didn’t know if there were free drinks and didn’t receive a single compliment that I looked great and was actually wearing a dress.  So NO, I’m NOT bitter.  LOL.
But ANYWAY, I could never afford college unless I got a full ride.  So… maybe one day.

Okay, that’s waaaay more than enough unloading for a random Tuesday in March.
Peace-icle (pick your flavor).

†      INMATE       †

Wearing::  Satiny black jazz capris with bright blue on the inside; black short sleeve shirt that says ‘Dance is my Happy Place’ with a dancer in place of the Walt Disney logo.  : )
Feeling::  Exhausted.  Didn’t I JUST get over a migraine?  Dude, I need to relax… fuck I work Friday and Saturday again this week…  BUT, we can go grocery shopping this week! 
Last ate::  Cap’n Crunch (yucky shit) and marshmallows.  Heh heh.  Probably why I feel like shit…

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March 27, 2007

RYN~ Thanks! I’ve added you to my friends list so you can read ALL the craziness. 😉

March 27, 2007

woohooo! lmfao i’ll be your sparton

March 27, 2007

DUDE !!1 I laughed my head off in 300 and of course.. my stomach was waiting for food threw out the movie..i get this pycotic hunger through to any gory like movies..loved it..xept for the booby scenes..never really was a fan of boobs.. -_-

March 27, 2007

*hugs* You rule. =) But hey, if you ever need a friendly voice when you wake up from a nightmare, you can always call.

March 27, 2007

by no means is it a bad city. i just meant that it isnt spectacular. if anything those mofos dont stop partying for anything. of more two or 3 visits there one was right after 911 and the place was on lock down. people were still going clubbing. i think i’m just not a fan of the south. oh and std’s run rampant there so take care.

March 27, 2007

after watching 300 i wanted to grab a broom and trash can lid and terrorize the neighborhood. luckily by the time we got home i had calmed down. I never went to prom, i went to 1 homecomming, didnt dance either. good luck

March 27, 2007

Where 2 begin! 1)Who’d put up the bigger fight? 300 Spartans or 300 Juggalos? Something 2 think about, huh? I once laughed @ a scene in Saving Private Ryan. People were appauled. It still makes me chuckle, though. (2) I dream almost always. Nightmares only come if I eat chocolate right before bedtime. They get VERY frightening. Mostly I dream of a better life 4 me, though.

March 27, 2007

Once in awhile, I dream about my Dad, but in the dreams he never recognizes me as his son. It’s strange. (3) I don’t know much about Austin, except that pic of U in the parade. Hope you’re happy wherever U turn up. I’m going 2 move in the approaching wks, myself, but I’m not sure where, yet. (4)As far as U dancing as a career, I believe that 1 should do whatever makes them happy…,

March 27, 2007

Don’t make the mistake that I & so many have made, by getting a “job”. If U enjoy what U do, that’s what’s important. U seem like a strong individual, U’ll make it. As far as college, I bought a lottery ticket on 2morrows $25million draw. If I win (the grand prize), I’ll pay U’re way through school, how’s that?

March 27, 2007

AND (5) As far as your Prom, You looked absolutely gorgeous in your dress, & I don’t blame U 4 not wanting 2 dance. U might have ruined your dress. That night, though I was 1000’s of miles away, I was rendered speechless @ the sight. {How was that?} & lastly, RYN:Thank U 4 the offer 2 shower “her” w/ hateful mail. I appreciate that! Sweet Dreams, inmate!!!

March 27, 2007

You should go clubbing here, drinking age is 18…I gave up on trying to dance when I found out white men cant dance & there isnt anyone else in my air-space in public. Being tall means all eyes on me wheather or not I can dance *lol*

March 27, 2007

the 300 movie was great. I loved how to me it seemed there were parallels between current history and the story in the movie. def going to get that movie when it comes out. “freedom isn’t free!” eat my shorts hippie!

March 28, 2007

Well if you move to VA look me up. Be safe and have fun on your trip to ATL…

March 28, 2007

That part of the movie ROCKED!!! Every part of that movie rocked…well not when they ALL died but you know…it was a kick as wicked rock on movie!!!! And I agree with you about the clubs…Who wants to go to a place where there are a bunch of drunk staggering men drooling all over you when all you want to do is get on the dance floor. That is IF you get the courage up to get on the dancefloor. BUT…. Once you get on that dance floor…and go into your own zone…and the music is blasting…and its all you can hear and feel…That is the most amazing feeling! I miss the days that I used to be the ONLY one on the dance floor just doin my thang. Didnt care who was watching or how stupid I looked, I was dancing, I was free, I was feeling it!!! …. Damn…now I wanna dance…Somehow dancing all around your living room just isnt the same eh? lol. You will do GREAT in Atlanta!!!! but BEST OF LUCK ANYWAYS!!!

March 28, 2007

I’m so with you at Laughing at the wrong movie. Me & my bro laugh hysterically during Exorcist. Evil Dead is F’N awesome. Our family rented it so much we say we caused the sequel back in the day. lmao. If you want to move, come here to AZ. You can stay with me. We also used to have a cottage in WI, it’s beautiful. We were in the NW part of the state near St. Paul. Winters suck, tho. Damn cold.

March 28, 2007

Continue pursuing your dreams, just like you are going to Atlanta. You are only young once & you are good enough to succeed. Have Faith. Things can always change, but as long as you try, there is no such thing as failure. You’ll succeed. I have a good feeling for you. Spiderman 3 will top The 300. My prediction. I’m a comic geek, so don’t mess with me. lol. PIC ENTRY? WHERE? You have prom pics?

March 30, 2007

I’ve been wanting to see 300. xD It’s all over the damn place. It seems like everything is moving so quickly. So much change, it seems. You can conquer anything. :3 <3 YES, M'BABEH. You're a fvckin SPARTAN. Kukuku.