I… *drumroll* DROVE! (EEEEEEK!)

Jeana gave me the driver’s seat (to her dad’s Tribute, nonetheless)!  HOLY SHIT! 
Driving around in the empty stadium parking lot… I was freakin out, dude, like "WEEEEE" and "WOOO-HOOOOO" and a decent amount of "MWA-HA-HA-HAS" were included as well. 

Jeana was like… 
And her 14 yr old cousin in the backseat was like…

::nods importantly:: 

But at least now I know how to drive forward and do all important things under 30 mph like stop without giving my passengers whiplash and use blinkers (not the windshield wipers) and make a 90 degree turn (not a 120).  
  *Over-dramatic GASP!*

Thank God for Jeana– if it weren’t for her I would never learn how to drive…

And I didn’t run anything over and we survived and… I refused to drive to the nearby parking lot but I didn’t run over the people that were walking along the side of the road!!!!


Well, in all honesty, for never driving before I’m not bad.  Jeana says so, too.  : )

Know what?  I ate my cereal this morning with two spoons.

Sunday (the day I drove) we went Christmas shopping with one of her cousins.  She has family out da azzzzzzz. 
And then I didn’t particularily want to go home so I went to her house with her cousins and chilled.  Jeana’s parents had company out da azzzzzzz.  There was me, Jeana (who doesn’t really live there anymore), and her seven cousins- five of them under age 14.  The little kids, of course, became attached to me (except for the baby.  Ick, babies) and fought over who got to sit next to me on the couch.
Hehe.  Kids are funny unless they’re actually under your care.  ^_^

I don’t have any extended family that I keep in contact with.  If I do, they’re old.  : /

This morning I sent my headshot & resume into a competition that’s hiring for judges and I gave them a call… I left a message and now every time the phone rings I get all nervous and jumpy.

I put up my mini Christmas tree on Saturday which included:

  • A pair of clone troopers (One is a captain)
  • Ki-Adi-Mundi
  • Saesee Tiin
  • Yoda on chair
  • Naboo Starfighter
  • Droid control ship & droid starfighter
  • trio of Ewoks including Wicket Warrick  
  • Max Rebo, Sy Snootles and Droopy McCool

When I was putting the ornaments up, my cat randomly decided to smack the tar out of Yoda…
Out of all those selections laying on the floor… she swipes at Yoda… I squealed and yelled at her…
She ran away and came back.
I let her stay and she slaps the shit out of an Ewok and I screamed and tapped her on the head.

She ran away and came back.
I let her stay… and she attacked my Christmas tree box.
I was like, "Okay!!  Have at the cardboard, little psycho… Just leave all my Star Wars shit alone!!"

OOOOOH and at the Hallmark store I saw an AT-AT.  After Christmas, when it goes on sale…
I WANT IT.   : D

Happy Holidays!

†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  Black sweatpants, black and white shirt that says "Brazen Hussie Psycho Dancer Punk from Hell" and white Nike hat.
Last ate::  Peas.
Feeling::  Hungry- I’m about to go eat the rest of my lunch as I noooote!  : )


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December 18, 2006

Two spoons? That’s right. You tell that Togorian bitch to lay off the SW. =)

December 18, 2006

RYN: I’m glad you liked it. =) Please explain the two spoons. Heh.

December 18, 2006

RYN: And did you use both spoons?

December 18, 2006

First time I drove, I SUCKED! MY mom kept reaching over and helping me turn the wheel (cuz I kept under-estimating how much to turn). But the second time, I was MUCH better! You should tell Jeanna that. Have her take you out a 2nd time 🙂

December 18, 2006

Pedestrians beware. ~DK

December 22, 2006

man, the first time i drove was pretty scary…well…never mind, it still kinda is…everytime i drive my legs get all tense and i just freak out…it’s pretty bad :/ haha RYN: man, my tongue hurt so bad, but for the most part it’s ok now 🙂 and i got to pay the bank MOST of the money today…but i still owe like $15!! that’s pretty gay