I am one excitable and exhausted critter…

I CAN DO WINDMILLS NOW!  ::waits for cheerful cheering to subside::
Weee-oo!  I was taking class from Trevor again and he was teaching the beginner steps to the windmill (the gymnast/breaker move)… then showed us the end result.
I said to myself, "Okay.  If he can do it, I can do it." 
And so I did it. 
It was AMAZING. 
Needless to say, I jumped up from the floor (where I’d just wiped out from sheer excitement) and started screaming and dancing around, "I THINK I DID SOMETHING COOL; I DID SOMETHING, WEEE!!" in a class of around 30 people.  Yep.  Thankfully they all know I’m special so I didn’t scare them too bad. 

My ten hour days are over for at least a little while.  There were auditions this morning where I received a scholarship for some free classes at Broadway Dance Center in NYC.  Which is pretty cool, especially since I’m planning on staying there for a while eventually…

Apparently one of the judges, a hip hop teacher that taught, really liked me.  I need to e-mail him and thank him for the class and let him know I’m available for work at any time. 

And Trevor is staying in town for a while!  I was SO excited- he’s going to take over my hip hop class for the next few weeks and since this was totally unscheduled, I’m compensated in pay AND I get to have Trevor teach me more absolutely awesome stuff! 

Ummm, also planning on entertaining him this weekend.  Our house is full of boxes but my dad can grill outside… GREAT shit right there… and my mom came up with the great idea that we should go clubbing down 6th St
WOW.  That would be a sight to see.  We would probably destroy Austin’s club scene.  He is a sick, SICK hip hop ninja.  Between his gymnast skills/capoeira/martial arts/technique/popping… gezis christ.
I have NOTHING on him but I could probably hold my own.  Hehe.  Hehe.  : )

My mom teasingly said, "You and Craven and him could all go fishing!" 
Heh. …Right.

I find it difficult to schmooze with people but with Trevor it’s different- I think it’s because he’s so down-to-earth and I know he’s the same age as me.  I guess I don’t even consider it schmoozing- we just get along.  *Shrug*
My director said he talked about me forever to her husband (who is basically serving as his chauffeur during his stay in Austin).  I felt EXTREMELY honored.  And before he was supposed to leave… he took down my e-mail address so if he had any jobs or anything for me he would let me know. 

Either way this weekend will be interesting.  So instead of going home and going to sleep, I get to go home and clean and organize boxes!  YAY! 

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black sweatpants with IMAGE down the side in white, and a black tank top.
Eating::  Frozen yogurt.  Snacking.  I’m starving still.  Gained weight from dancing so much.  Who the hell knows what my body does.
Feeling::  Excited and exhausted at the same time. 

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June 28, 2007

That’s awesome! *cheers and applauds and fires off cannons and such* Let me know when you’re in NYC. We can meet! =)

June 28, 2007

Excellent! ** clapping loudly and whistling, too! **

June 28, 2007

ryn:I dunno, I think offhand, I’d guess it’s 3-1 ppl who no longer watch {bad}news. It’s depressing to watch. Maybe you’ll miss some important goings on, but some watch to feel better about their own lives & i know for sure some watch for entertainment. It’s a damn shame because 90% is BAD. I don’t need to be brought down in life, I need to be uplifted. & the media knows ppl love disaster, such as

June 28, 2007

George Carlin who said he loved the breakdown of society. That might be extreme, but sometimes we have 2 create our own comfort zone & our own positive environment. It’s not 4 everyone. Life certainly isn’t perfect, but all you can do is try to be happy. I don’t think the news would help me in that. lol. Congratulations on everything going on! Keep continuing to work hard & good things will come.

June 28, 2007

should you be doing that when your preggo ith my baby? lmfao i’m proud -=cheeers really loud,tries doing it falls on butt=-ooooffff…..

AWESOME Also, I lived in Austin for a wee bit, but never got the chance to go to 6th street. I’m rather jealous 😛

June 28, 2007

I never got to go down 6th Street while I was in Austin, which made me sad as it looked fun. But we did go out to Lake Travis, which was awesome in itself.

June 30, 2007

thats pretty cool and congrads on the windmill, the most i ever got from that is busting my ass and accidenlty kicking someone.

June 30, 2007

It’s muscle weight. That is a GOOD THING. If you diet, you’ll undo all your hard work.

July 1, 2007

Organizing boxes! Yay! *Doing back-flip to celebrate (crash) My lamp! (smash) Oh boy! (bonk, bash) ouch. (puncture) I’m gonna feel that tomorrow. (drip) What-? (drip) Uh-oh. Is that blood? (splish) Yep! (splash) I need a band-aid. (squirt) Where the hell are those band-aids? (squirt, squirt) Maybe I need a towel. (spill, sploosh) Uhm… I’m feeling faint… (squirt, zzz) Ca- I’m fading…

RYN: Thanks! I really appreciate the kind words … also the randomness 🙂

July 2, 2007

woooot. 🙂 that’s fantastic 🙂 🙂 ryc; oh, ill do just that. Look at the, sternly, raise my eyebrows, clear my throat…. all that jazz 🙂

July 5, 2007

ryn-I guess I have to be on home page to get a note, now, eh? lol. jk. Cardio is a MUST for wrestling or you blow up. I will prolly start with jump rope. I like to do sets of 100. 😉 Chips & salsa are good. The combos were surprisingly very good. I may get some more tomorrow. We’ll see. 😉 Hope your 4th was good, sweetheart. Have a good weekend & Keep working hard. {X}

July 6, 2007

CONGRATS, BABEH!!! (A little late noting, but whatev, chica~) :B <3 Howdoyadoit?