Hell YEA I Think I Can Dance!!!

It’s official- I’m attending So You Think You Can Dance auditions in Chicago
::waits for claps and cheers to subside; gives her acceptance speech::    Uh!

(I have my flight- my dance studio sponsored it- so I just have to pay for hotel, transportation, meals and incidentals… ewww)

Yea, me and 2000 of my closest homies!!   
Which will turn out to be a good thing, actually, because I can’t check into a hotel in Chicago without a person 21 years of age or older.
Completely retarded, no?  I officially have no legal guardian because I’m an "adult" but I have to have an "adult" check in a room for me.  Riiiiight.
I mean, I have no qualms about spending the night in O’Hare airport and washing my face in the sink and changing in a bathroom…  I’d just really rather be able to relax in a hotel room and take a full-fledged shower!
(Is that too much to ask?)

I’ll be waiting in line at 5 am in the morning anyway with the previously mentioned 2000 homies.  X D  Where I have to befriend someone 21 years of age or older so we can get a room… unless I want to spend the night in the train station!

I have my plane ticket… I leave next Wednesday morning and delve deep into Chicago by MYSELF.  *Gasp* 

It is going to be SO MUCH FUN!
And at the same time I’m VERY scared to death! 

I’m going to visit my grandma after the auditions, spend some time with her since the doctors aren’t sure how long she has… cancer’s a bitch.  I get to ride da train all by myself and everythin’!  WOOOO.  
(I’m a very, very sheltered girl- this is BIG for me… You must remember, I don’t even drive a car.)

GAH Whaddindafuck.  I can’t do this whole travel planning thing.
Alright, I’m running short on time…

But Kelly fractured his foot and I spent Saturday night in a hotel in San Antonio talking to him on the cell and listening to him make fun of some poor Army ninja… (tell me again, who was the pansy who broke his foot…?    )

I got Chris’s e-mail today(!  the dude from beg. tap class  !) … my mom said I’m too slick… ::brushes dirt off her shoulders:: 
He also asked if I couldn’t tutor him a little bit before tap class in a few weeks.  I was pretty damn excited.  : D 

I’ll write and note when I have a moment of breathing time.

Hope things are good with y’all.  Peace.


†  -INMATE-  †

Last ate::  Grapes
Feeling::  Overwhelmed and excited and terrified.
Wearing::  Gray cut off sweatpants, dark blue limited too halter top (Yea, still fits from 6th grade…), and white sweatshirt.

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February 28, 2007

Need help. Can you help me put digital pictures on my diary. I just bought a digital camera but can’t put them on my diary.

February 28, 2007

that’s cool. dance your ass off!

February 28, 2007

You are gonna kick ass. I wish I lived in Chi Town so I could help out!

February 28, 2007

holy crap i’m so excited for you-=jumps around=- if theirs anything i can do to help you let me know..and why not ask a realtive or the grandma lady…sorry to hear about her also <333 my hopes,and prayers and everything are with youuu

February 28, 2007

chicago is a big airport, dont be afraid to ask for help. and get to the port early. with all the lame safty measures in place lines are slow and long. oh also your liquid products have to be in insanely small containers encased in a … i think a quart sized zip lock bag. when i travel i just buy soap n such when i arive.

February 28, 2007

Hey if you get some spare cash, pay for me, I’ll put my name to everything…then skip the country qucik as f*ck with my middle fingers waving at everyone that wants me on the plane as it takes off hahaha…New Zealand??? Isnt that in Arazona?…sure is mate!, sorry I ment Australia…

February 28, 2007

wow!! that’s so exciting! i’m sure you’ll do great..i wanna go to CHIcago too…i’ve always wanted to… 🙂

March 1, 2007

Oh WOW!! BEST OF LUCK!!! Represent for all the Juggalos out there!!

March 1, 2007

Wow, that’s frickin awesome! Best of luck, love. Hopefully I’ll see you on tv! 🙂

March 1, 2007

RYN1: You can’t get in to see the Wizard! No way, no how! RYN2: I look forward to seeing that entry. What’s so great about Lebanon anyway?

March 1, 2007

Chicago can be dangerous. Be Careful. I just came from there, it was damn cold in my short stay, couldn’t wait to get back here. I’m originally from there, I could have taken care of room, board, meals, transpo. lol. AZ is an extension of CA as is a lot of the west coast now, but if you don’t believe me, come visit & I’ll show ya myself. Your soup is a great movie prop. lol. Best wishes, be safe

March 1, 2007

RYN: yes glitter as a kid deprssed me greatly lmfao .eeekkkkk bring back post cards and i’ll mail you some from fl and when i go in july from NY, just make sure your parents aren’t all like WTF

March 1, 2007

RYN: hahaha, 1 time I was random chatting with some americans & they asked where Im from…NZ…& they asked me isnt that in Arazona? That & you guys & the Canadians cant tell the difference between our accent & the Auzzies. Like us with the north americans & south Canadians.

March 1, 2007

Actually I was surprised to read you are 18

March 1, 2007

Ahhhhhh thats so great!! Yea, it is worth it, while your doing it lol. I’m excited for you. Good luck!

March 2, 2007

RYN: Achiles is my baby puppy…I dont have a child. Just didnt know if it sounded like that. LOL Oh and thats whats soooo weird about the ring. My parents were never around when I had it cause they lived three hours away. So I have no idea how it got to be up where I live now. Weiiirdness.

March 2, 2007

Chicago is sooooo much fun!! Yay! I wish I could go party it up with you. Thats awesome you have an audition!! Good luck, your gonna kick some butt!! 😉

March 2, 2007

That kicks so much ass. HOLY SHIT. You are going to pwn those sons of bitches. <3 DANCE YA BALLS OFF, BABEH! <3 I'll be waiting for you on the other side of the television. 😀

March 2, 2007

TUTORING, too? 😀 OH, Jesus. You kids. <3 Don't tutor too rough– um. Much now. ;D

March 2, 2007

By the way, G, your avatar is tres cute. 😀 Me gusta.

March 2, 2007

Thanks so much! I finally got it, check it out!

March 3, 2007

Wow, good luck with the auditions! RYN: The snow is melting now, no more shoveling yay!!

March 5, 2007

I’m not one to who rents a lot of movies. I tend to tape a lot of TV, then struggle to find time to watch it all. CSI:NY is on as I type this note, in fact. So I’m guessing that “So You Think You Can Dance” may be another that I have to start taping. Support my ninja-home-girl. Best of luck my friend…, “Break a leg!”

March 5, 2007

Yea, I just dont like strangers I see maybe 2 times a year poking round in my mouth.. something just eerily wrong about that lol. Yes, yay for non-pukage! Read you soon.

March 5, 2007

you go, hot stuff!