Happiness lies in cheap books!

I despise weakness.  I have no idea how to handle some people (including my parents) because of this.  My mom especially- they’re driving me NUTS.  It’s because she’s weak, emotionally and physically.
That’s one negative aspect of myself that I usually hide and I do a fairly good job, I think… However, people that know me real well find me intimidating because of that fact. 
I pretty much believe I can do anything because I refuse to admit that I can’t for fear of being weak.  It’s all bad.  : /

Anyway, I didn’t really come on here to bitch- 
I came on here to gloat. 

Inmate LOVES Half-Price books, especially at Labor Day sale!   
I purchased 3 Star Wars novels, Jarhead, Inside Delta Force, a Katharine Kerr novel, a complete collection of Sherlock Holmes, and a collection of horror stories for $20.46.  ::celebrates!::

The horror book I found in the clearance section… and it was definitely one of those books that remind you of a horror story themselves…
Pretty creepy looking book, hidden in a corner, that you begin to read… and wake the dead.    Or something like that.  Hehe! 

And I was pouring happily over the History section, particularily World War II and military history (MMMM!), when this employee started moving books around me.  Kept asking me if he could help find me stuff.  I was so involved in the books that I barely looked at him.
FINALLY ready to move on, I picked up my collection and he stopped me again… this time I looked at him.  Practically jumped a few feet in the air. 

Talk about the epitome of a military man.  And there I had been, completely engrossed in histories of Hitler and Stalin and espionage. 
And he wasn’t just looking at me.  He LOOKED at me.  HARD.  I smiled, muttered something and scooted away.  I felt a smote bit awkward.
I’m glad I looked pretty (Church! ::nodnoddle:: Skirt!  Heels!!  I love to dress up!!!), instead of all tomboyish like I frequently do.  ^_^  You know, less incriminating!

We made friends at the check-out counter though.  ‘Twas fun.  We talked about playing with lightsabers! 

LOL I was at the Star Wars section  (sprawled on the floor- why not?  I knew I’d be there a while) and a dude walks over and picks up ‘Iron Fist’ from the X-Wing series.  I say excitedly, "OHH, that’s my favorite book in that series!" 
He looks at me oddly (like ‘How would YOU know?’) and says, "Oh.  I’m still trying to find book 7."
"Yea?  Solo Command?" I respond enthusiastically.
"Ummm…"  He reaches for the book titled SOLO COMMAND, pulls it out, reads the part that says BOOK 7 and makes a choking sound. 
I nod amiably in response his disbelieving look and return to my own book perusal.
He took the book, recovered his manners enough to stammer a "Thank you" and promptly left. 

Also on a good note… I got my driver’s permit!  YESSSS!  Scored an 84% on that stupid test that asked questions about babies and minors and other things not applicable to me.  o.O
I also got my hair cut again.  4 inches off, thank GOD.  It just hits my shoulders now and has about 80 million layers.  It’s really cool when I flip it out.  : D

Dance starts on Tuesday!  Then I can stop feeling like such a slacker.  
Plus, I’ll have more available access to a computer.  : )  For noting purposes.  And being friendly.  Instead of anti-social.  : ) 

†    INMATE    †


Wearing::  White boxers with red hearts all over them, and a rolled-up pink Fall Creek t-shirt with cacti on it.
Last ate::  ZOMG My parents and I had a gift certificate to Carrabba’s Italian grill and I had the Pollo Rosa Maria… chicken… IT WAS SO GOOD.  ::dutifully wipes drool off computer desk::
Feeling::  Good! 


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September 2, 2007

I’m glad you got your Learner’s Permit! =D

September 2, 2007

Yea! for the permit and yea for great book deals and interesing people perusing the books with you. ** giggling ** I’ve always believed I can do anything as well. Not for fear of being weak, though. Just because I think so highly of myself. Not always the best quality. =)

September 2, 2007

Woohoo for hair, permit and halfpriced books! I love all. I love to read… Esp. world war 2 books!

September 2, 2007

There is nothing better than finding a treasure trove of lingering literature. Also Congratulations on the permit. The outer limits of possibility are growing ever closer. ~DK

September 3, 2007

Hi, I wrote today, but I don’t know if I’m back for good.

September 10, 2007

“I despise weakness” Amen sista friend!

September 10, 2007

Italian food rules. Glad you made some friends at the book store. That is cool. Not surprising to have a guy swoon over you, you are beautiful after all, dress up or casual. 😉 DId you see the Star Wars Simpson intro on my one entry? I made sure I posted it here for ya. 😉 Boo Hiss for cutting that much off your hair. I cut a little off mine, but you can’t. lol. Where’s the pic of the do then?