Halloween survey!

No zombies again this year.  DAMMIT!!
It’s okay, I remain optimistic.
There’s always next year.
(If you’re confused, refer to previous entry.)

Ghosts or Goblins?: Ghosts.  Goblins are warty and bitchy.
Zombies or Vampires? ZOMBIES!!  ::wanders around, zombie-like::
Witches or Hags?: Witches.  Aren’t they the same thing?  Only one name is less derogatory??
Werewolves or Frankenstein?:  Werewolves, I think.
Black Cats or bats?:  My kitty cat.  😀
Trick or Treat?: Treat.
Candy Corn or Candy Apples?: Candy corn.  Mmm.  I love festive candy.
Pumpkins or Squash? Pumpkins.  Carved.  Yay!
Orange or Purple lights?  Orange! 
Toads or Spiders?:  Spiders for Halloween decor.  We have live tarantulas bigger than your fist around our house.  But I like to play with toads year round.
Lanterns or Lit Pumpkins?:  Glowing pumpkins.
Skeletons or Mummies?:  SKELETONS!  ::rattles like a skeleton::


What were you last year for Halloween?: Nothing!  I don’t like dressing up.  : /
What are you going to be this year?: Nothing!  Except for my eyelashes.
Favorite costume you have ever worn?: None!
How do you spend your Halloween?:  Last year I laid face-down in Jeana’s lawn in the "dead man’s pose".  Little kids would come up to me saying, "I KNOW YOU’RE REAL!" but they’d have to touch me anyway.  When they did… all I had to do was change positions and they’d run screaming down the block.  That way I got to eat all of Jeana’s candy.  LOL.
Are you or are you not going trick or treating this year?: My parents decided I was too old to trick or treat at like, 13.  But it’s ok, I don’t know how to say trick-or-treat in Spanish, anyway.
Did or do you pull Halloween pranks?: Except for scaring little kids? XD
Do you believe in ghosts? Yea.
Are you superstitious? It depends.  But probably.  Heh.
Do you like caramel popcorn?:  Ick.  No.
Have you ever been on a hayride?  I think so.
Do you decorate your home for Halloween?:  Hells yea.  A ghoul is hung up on my bedroom door and stares screaming at me while I sleep.  I haven’t even had nightmares yet!
Have you ever gone in the country to look for pumpkins?  Weird.  No. 
Have you ever been to a haunted house?:  Yea!
Have you ever been to a graveyard on Halloween?  No.  I would love to though.  >:->
Have you ever attended a Halloween party?: No, but I usually host one.
Do you watch scary movies on Halloween? Sometimes.
Have you ever had your candy stolen from you?:  No. 
Did you ever steal any ones candy? No.
Has anyone ever gotten hurt due to your prank?: No.
Have you ever dressed as a witch/warlock?: When I was really little.
Are your parents into Halloween?: My mom is.  My dad couldn’t give a shit.
Do you know someone who was born on Halloween?  There was a Pre-K girl that came in today…


Passed out candy?: Stupid question.  Hasn’t everybody?
Bobbed for apples?: No.
Gone to a pumpkin patch?: No.
Hosted a Halloween Party? Yep!
Attended a Halloween Party?: No.
Made pumpkin pie?: Yea, I make really good pumpkin pie.
Raked leaves?:  Yes!  And jumped in the piles and had to rake them all over again.  : )
Watched the Travel Channel with the Halloween specials?: There’s something other than Fox, Sci-Fi, and the History channel?  Wow!

There was a whole section on movies, but I deleted it.  I’d only seen a few of them so it was pretty worthless.


Wearing::  Tight slinky black pants, deep purple backless t shirt, and feather eyelashes. 
Feeling::  I’m getting sick again.  Sigh.  There’s been a LOT of illness in the dance studio lately.  But it’s ok… it’s Halloween!!!  : )

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i’m going on a boning spree not to break hearts but get it out of my system. i love halloween!!!

October 31, 2007

you are going as eyelashes? lol. zombies, eh? You see Planet Terror? UGH–>candy corn. MM–>ralph….that’s like sugar & wax. lol. I wish I would have seen you dead on her lawn. What if a kid got on you & liked humping dead bodies? lmao. You don’t like carmel popcorn, but eat candy corn? woman, you are a strange one. 😉 too old at 13? 🙁 I went as a reaper/dude at 20. lol. In a rich neighborhood.

October 31, 2007

Hope you get better soon, halloween girl. You know the survey started repeating itself? lol. rynS: Yeah, for Inmate returning. Didn’t I tell you about inmate withdrawls? sheesh. I must be wayyyyyy down on your reader totem pole. ha ha ha. jk. ryn1: Cookies. yum. Fresh batch of oatmeal chocolate chip. You should have tasted the walnut brownies. Yes, I can make those, too. Delicious. 😉

October 31, 2007

The werewolves vs. Frankenstein question is unfair. It should be werewolves vs. Frankenstein’s monster. Dr. Frankenstein doesn’t stand a chance against a lycanthrope!

October 31, 2007

haha surveys are cool to pass time..lol! i wish i had a personal packer and unpacker..that would be soo bad ass!!

October 31, 2007

I want to see this outfit you’re wearing! hee hee Hope you feel better quickly and whatever bug is going around slides right by you. =)

October 31, 2007

RYN: I make no promises, but I do make an effort to keep the important fingers! I dont want to be called Nubz the 2nd coz I too lost part or all of my finger!!!

October 31, 2007

RYN2: I’ll dance Emo style…slow, depressed & prolly bleeding *lol*

November 1, 2007

RYN: aww you had no trick-or-treaters? That sucks. I don’t live in a neighborhood where we get any, so that’s good for me XD I didn’t know the Travel channel had halloween specials… weird.

November 1, 2007

I lol’d — Warty and Bitchy. xP just a quick note for you; I has homework and shit. Blah. RYN: Court for child support and all the like.

November 2, 2007

Very nice. Thanks for the note, brought my spirits up. (Been a rough few days) I like the Riddle Box clown, looks cool! You don’t like to dress up? Consider this, next year, dress like Simon Pegg in “Shaun…” You’d look really good, I bet! You believe in Ghosts? For my next entry, I’ll tell my experiences with ghosts. For your enjoyment. P.s. The MARINE CORPS ROCKS!!! Semper Fi