Graduation, dehydration and travelation.

Feeling::  SPASTIC!  Like low blood sugar kinda hyper kinda shaky like WHOA!
Last ate::  Two pieces of pizza, and I’m still hungry.  What the FUCK?

SO, I fucking had like two pages written when my body started complaining for me to move it… so I did… into the plugs and the computer restarted and I was like NOOOOOOOOOOO.  I’m using like a lot.  Heh heh.  I’m writing like a prep OH NOOOOO  ::hangs upside down with a banana hanging out of her left incisor::   I’ll just start writing my entry all over again because I’m a calm, relaxed, nothign bothers me person.  But the entry will be a lot shorter, LOL.
Graduation was a lot better than prom even though I had a migraine.  I’d spent fifteen minutes getting dressed and attempting to put on makeup, then I went back to sleep.  As a matter of fact, I’d slept the whole way to graduation.  I think my grandparents thought I was dying.  Speaking of which, I n eed to go pick up my diploma and my transcripts… I think those might be important in the future.  But oh, fuck, I can’t find my planner so I guess I’ll just forget about it!
After that I had my dance recital, my very last one.  It went pretty good, even though I fell on my ass in one of the group dances.  I was performing a short solo part, and I did it so gracefully that no one knew the difference except for the teacher.  She just smiled and shook her head exasperately.  I can’t help it sometimes, but no one can complain because I am such a graceful screw-up.  LMAO.  That’s just my personality.  The girls and the parents and everyone really made me feel loved at the end; they’d bought me this really beautiful necklace and raised some money for me.  I was trying to talk to some of my friends who came to see the show, but I had little kids latched onto my legs in death grips.  It was pretty intimidating, kinda.  For real. 
After that I had a week break, thank God, because I got dehydrated.  Allow me to tell you… DONT EVER FUCKING GET DEHYDRATED.  I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t drink, could barely move I was in so much pain but that was really ok since I spent the majority of that week in the bathroom either throwing up or crapping.  Gives you a wonderful picture, doesn’t it?  Of course, you could probably go to the hospital, but I don’t have enough money.  So if you have money, go ahead and get dehydrated.  That’s cool.  Anyway, I finally managed to force myself to drink and made it worse, but then it got better.  And I’m ok now.  I’m hungry now, two weeks later.  It’s really the first time I’ve been this hungry in about a month.  It’s kinda relieving. 
A few days after that I went to Dallas for STarlight National dance competition.  It was a lot of fun even though I did poorly.  Something was up with the judges though, because at regionals both of my solos tied in second OVERALL, and in Nationals I didn’t even come close to a platinum award.  I mean, riiiiight.  I didn’t think I did THAT bad!
 I went with one of the girls from my senior team and her mom allowed me to go free (no gas, no hotel) and even fed me some really great meals!  Which, at that time, after not eating for a week, anything would have tasted great, lol.  She even paid for me and her daughter (who was 13 and a lot of fun) to go to Six Flags!  Six Flags is a riot; I used to go to Six Flags a lot when I was little and I LOVED it.  I am such a roller coaster person, and so was the girl that I went with.  It was awesome, we had a great time and even met some brothers from Oklahoma who were fucking hilarious.  They allowed the time to go by really quickly.  I make friends everywhere.  I met some other people from the OK in Dallas, too, and from TEnnessee, and this really sweet lady from India.  You should have heard my extensive list of people I met in Las Vegas.  SHIT it was long… but Sheldon is the only one I still keep in contact with.  : )  We talk every night and my mom is starting to get annoyed, lol, but it’s ok because we won’t talk at all next week since I’m GONNA BE IN VEGASSSS!  This Sunday morning (I have to be at the bleeding airport at 6:30 in the blasted morning, ICK!)  I leave for Vegas without my mom- GASP!  I always travel wth my mom and I’m going to be lonely without her but I’ll make lots of friends to make up for it.  Hehe.  I’ll be in Vegas for another Nationals Dance Competition- Encore.  It should be fun and I’m looking forward to the couple of hours I have to relax and pretend I have nothing to do while sitting by the nicest pool I have ever seen in my life.  ::nods importantly::
I’ve become a full-fledged teacher now.  I’m starting to juggle a lot, but it’s really exciting.  My life is never boring even though it’s the same damn thing every day.  WAke up, do chores, go to dance and be on the internet a while and practice, teach/take class, go home and unwind and eat, talk to Sheldon, sleep.  It’s great.  I don’t think I’d change it for much.  Except that Sheldon called me last night and the first thing he said after a lengthy silence was, "I got shot."  The first thing that went through my head was, "Oh my GOD, Kara, you’ve found another one."   Which I did, and I feel absolutely crazy over him.  I’m just scared, I guess, to make any sort of commitment, because my dancing and my future comes before just about EVERYTHING else.  I’ve already proved that dance comes before love.  ::shrugs::  It’s just the way my world works and I don’t want to hurt him.  It would tear me apart to hurt another guy like that.  But honestly, it’s not my fault that most guys that talk to me wind up falling in love with me.  Hell, I don’t know what they see in me, but SHIT.  I guess it’s gotta be SOMETHING. 
I think that’s it.  I’ll write about what happens in Vegas after Vegas.  What happens in Vegas… HAHAHAHA DOESN’T STAY IN VEGAS!


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May 15, 2007

I’ve had more than a few of the “lost” entries & even notes-the ones you say f#ck in are immediately lost when you click NOTE. lol. I gotta watch that. If you subscribe do they allow you to say f#ck? lmao. back to this entry(mind trailed…lol): “Graceful Screw Up?” ha ha Great term. 🙂 I wanna see the Inmate dance. 😉 So no $ or insurance will change when you become a HUGE dance star, right?

May 15, 2007

I can only imagine the horrors of dehydration. 🙁 You betta be in good health & situation out there now or else you should stay with me. I’ll take care of ya. 😉 Plus, it’d force me to keep the air on. lol Hilarious image of you riding kiddie rides with a 13 year old. Were you both the same size? LMAO. sorry. Couldn’t resist. And hey, you called me geek, so I’m allowed to laugh here. lol.

May 15, 2007

understand & deal with. I dunno. It’s funny sometimes. Guys will scare girls when they are looking to have fun with them & they don’t want to get too close. Girls will scare guys….when they are pregnant. lmao. Funny stuff. Even when I was wrestling or moving or whatnot. I have matured. And the one thing i do know now, that I didn’t know back when I was 19 is that a good person is worth it.