Glennman’s Hopefully Pretty-Original Survey

1.) How old do you feel?  Patty-cake, patty-cake, bakers man!  Put him in the oven as long as you can!  ::looks up, startled::  WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT (*Vile profanity deleted*)!?!?  ::stands up, hobbles over to you with vicious-looking ninja cane::
Does that answer your question?

2.) What smell evokes the best memory?  Umm.  Probably has to do with food.  Yes, food is a good guess. 

3.) What is your biggest worry?  In order to get myself a life and away from my parents and get/keep any money, I’ll have to join the army.

4.) Where is your favorite place?  In the big dance room at my studio!  Spinning in circles, laying down, or working out… it’s my heaven.  My spiritual place, if you will.

5.) Where is your favorite person?  I don’t have a favorite person… I have people I like more than other people for certain reasons.  And then by the time I figured this out I’d have to figure out where they are and then it would be time for me to go home and eat DIN-DIN! 

6.) What’s the best quality you think you’ve kept from childhood?  My energy and my enthusiasm (despite people trying to RUB IT RAW!)!

7.) Savory or sweet?  Savory.  ::drools::  I’m so HUNGRRRY.  Rawr!  Feed me like hungry LION!

8.) Rivers, lakes, or the ocean?  Is it a body of water?  Okay, then I like it!  FINALLY, an easy question!!  ^_^

9.) What has the most beautiful texture?  ::stares::  Wow.  This is a very perceptive question.  You want me to tell you the last text I just umm, texted‘Fuck yea.  I’ll nuke the sons of bitches!’    I’m not particularily perceptive at the moment.

10.) What’s your favorite mythical creature?  Maybe a dragon.  I say dragon funny.  Also diagonal.  People make fun of me for it.  But I still like dragons AND diagonals.  *Nod*

11.) Describe your perfect kiss.   Hot and heavy.  Probably unexpected.  Spur of the moment.  BAM!  In your face.  Suddenly it’s NOT just about the kiss… it’s about… ::flings arms everywhere::  EVERYTHING!

12.) What’s the comfiest outfit you own?  Cut-off capri sweatpants and a tank top.

13.) If you had to live the rest of your life at one age, what age would you choose?  I don’t know, I’m not old enough to make a good decision about this yet.  o.O  I don’t think I’ve particularily liked any age the best so I’ll stick with 19.  : )

14.) If you had rhythm, and you had music, would you ask for anything more? If so, what would you ask for?  I’d ask for money to further explore rhythm and music.

15.) What are your top five pump me up and get me going songs? What about your top five sad songs?  Ooh.  Good question.  STUMPER!!!  Because of the extreme difficulty in finding sad songs that I actually LISTEN to… I’m forced to skip that half.

Pump-up Songs!-

  1. Marz  ‘Third Eye’
  2. Eminem ‘Til I Collapse’  (Yes I like Eminem, get over it.)
  3. Prodigy ‘Spitfire’
  4. C&C Music Factory ‘Everybody Dance Now’ (::dances!::)
  5. ICP ‘Posse on Vernor’

16.) What was the best toy you ever owned?  My books.  I’m not a big fan of toys and never was…  You gave me books if you wanted to keep me quiet (still works, too )! 

17.) What is the least amount of money you’d have to make to consider yourself rich?  To have enough money to pay for stuff the majority of the population takes for granted.  And maybe a little bit in the bank.

18.) Whose thoughts would you most like to read?   My own.  Is that an option?  Cuz that’s what came to my mind.  Perhaps I AM a mind-reader?  Of my own?  Doubtful.  Which is WOO-HOO I lost my train of thought and YES it chugged away from the station!  I WATCHED it!!!  ::grumbles::

19.) What’s the best way to get rid of a dead body?  Mail it first-class/priority mail to the Ensor

20.) What quotation raises your spirits and refortifies your resolve?  It’s on my front page- "A turtle makes progress only when he sticks his neck out."  -James B. Conant

†   INMATE   †

Wearing: Gray sweatpants, purple tank
Last ate::  Some turkey pepperoni.
Reading::  I, Jedi & the Far Side Gallery 5.  (Yay Far Side!)

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May 23, 2007

It is so fun reading your diary! =) Thank you for keeping me entertained. ** giggling **

May 23, 2007

This was AWESOME. =)

May 23, 2007

I’d have to say, this was a pretty interesting survey. 🙂 I liked it much. 🙂 Have a great night funny girl that dances. 🙂 Take care. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

May 24, 2007

Heeeeey thanks, I don’t know if I ever wrote you a note back… but I am rarely on here sooo owell. Do you happen to live in Austin? If so, can you pleeeaaase tell me if you know of any apartments or people looking for a roommate? Thanks! Ps. You left me a note on my OD a looong time ago.

May 24, 2007

RYN: What? No comment on the Owen Hart blog? Some of my finest writings as of late, or so I thought. I can’t believe you’re an Eminem fan, but so you don’t feel left out, I too, own an Eminem CD. Best way to dispose of a dead body is simply a pig farm. Didn’t you ever see the movie “Snatch”? Awesome pic. Should see it if you haven’t yet. CHEERS!

May 24, 2007

RYN: Lay my pimp hand down coz its way strong? *lol*

May 25, 2007

hi hi and hi again i use it 2 chat silly xXx

May 25, 2007

xDD What’s a diagonal?

May 25, 2007

RYN: I think its a troll of sorts from that side of the world. I vaguely remember it from when I was about 4 or 5 when I’d have story books on tape & ‘read’ the book at the same time. Thats how I got to have such high reading age when I was a kid. & for answer 13 or 14, well if I could dance so awesomely, what would there be left to do??? *lol*

May 26, 2007

RYN: I have trouble remembering my childhood. I remember certain things. Specific moments locked in time, like photographic images, which spring to life by trigger’s. There’s no rhyme or reason for it that I can see, but they occur nonetheless. As for the incident with my teacher, I remember that day, but I can’t recall the days before or after. Not yet anyways. Have a nice day, Inmate!