Getting over IT!!!!!!!

Time:: 10:42 pm
Listening to:: ‘Scrimps & Juice’ Psychopathic Rydas
Wearing:: White sweatshirt that says "Grand Champion News Years Championships" and my dad’s khaki pants that are too long for me and have no button
Woke up:: 11:36 am

Gezis… it doesn’t matter how strong I am, I just can’t get over it.
I hear his voice and suddenly the world slows down, and I could be silent and be happy just being on the phone with him but… time is limited.  He gets married end of January.  Then I have to let it go.  But I know he’s not 100% happy, and I know I’m not 100% happy.  I may not be able to dance professionally because of my feet or my ego but I have to try.  I can’t just give up no matter how much I want to because I will never live it down.  I love him so much though.  God.  He’s the only person that can piss me off so much I want to just hang up and start screaming, then call him right back and say I’m sorry.  I LOVE HIM DAMMIT WHY CANT THAT EVER BE ENOUGH!  I can’t keep talking to him and try to get over him.  I can’t.  I can’t get over him and still hear his voice adn hear him pretend he’s happy.  It hurts.  And I love him oh my god, I guess I was expecting it to be all happy and pretty, but love is a nasty thing and it won’t go away and it makes me feel like a little kid that can’t get everything she wants and ohhh…
Isn’t love supposed to cure hte world??
I mean, I’m not the domestic kind of female, but every time I think about him, I know I wouldn’t mind cooking and cleaning for him and just… it’s like my "other" program sets in.  It’s so fucking crazy.
If I didn’t love dance so much, and if he wasn’t in the damn Marine Corps.  It doesn’t help that my parents don’t "like" him, so I can’t exactly talk to them about it… Maybe if I had the money to go to college, I could start my but I have to dance.  I have to. 
God help me.  Please.  I can’t give up dance.  It’s my childhood dream, but I know I won’t love again.  Not like this.  I know I won’t. 


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May 9, 2007

Yeah, lots of songs that reiterate the fact. Love Hurts. Love Bites. Love Bleeds. Love isn’t always enough I have sadly learned, too. And then it makes you think how big was it really when an another doesn’t make the same effort or think that much of you to make it happen. Some things are meant to be, some aren’t & sometimes our feelings be damned. 🙁 Life forces you to move on & it sucks.

May 9, 2007

What’s important is if you love/d & you know you did everything you could, that’s all you can do. I always say that each of us are all one 1/2 of an equation if we are destined to find the other person or rather if we are ABLE to find the other 1/2 in life, then count yourself lucky & blessed. I see no greater joy than that & I love a lot of things. That other 1/2, tho, THE other 1/2 of that

May 9, 2007

equation. That other person that completes you. They would be worth it all. And I think if they are, then you don’t have to give up anything or any part of yourself. They enhance you, support you & are right beside you at all times as you both fulfill all of your dreams. Or try to, at least. 😉

May 9, 2007

quick question, some 1 1/2 years later: Do you still feel you’ll never love like that again?