Getting out…

I’m thinking of not going to college.  Right, fool.

I’m thinking of going to Las Angeles.  Right, fool.

I’m think ing I want to dance.  Right fool.

I’m thinking that I will be ok.

Yea right, fool.

No, I think I will be ok, really, I do.

I had written a long ass entry but this fucking program deleted it, and I had to force myself to write it the first time.


And if it deletes it again I’m going to cry.


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May 8, 2007

OD & other programs used to do that to me, but now I am copy & paste freak. lol. Sorry you didn’t go to college out here. I wonder if I woulda found ya or you would have been stolen by an AZ jerk. lol. We all have to follow our own path & own dreams, no matter what. Did/Do they have scholarships for Dance? Did you get any offers? Just curious. -you know you’re gonna have a million notes, right?