Get yo drivin’ on! (And your gangsta lean.)

To everyone who has noted:  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Hopefully soon I’ll be able to respond personally again. 

For now, I am attempting at returning to my normal (err… as close to normal as I get) self.  STORRRRY TIME!  XD

My best friend took me driving a few days ago for like an hour and a half.  I went 55 mph!!!!  Even drove on a highway!  And at night!!  Stop signs, stop lights… I was PIMPIN.  (Also in an old school Buick.  Yea-ah!  I love that car.)
I’m okay at changing lanes, staying at speed, braking, accelerating… my only faults are stopping at all intersections (stop signs or no) forgetting to use my blinker and a lot of times I’m not so hot at going in a straight line.  I’m told straight lines get easier with practice.
Oh yea, and I talk to myself.  The whole time and I barely realize I’m doing it. 
I’ll pull up to an intersection, check for cars, see one in the distance, and let loose a high-pitched squeal, "Hi.  I’m going now.  BYYEEE." 
Another fond saying is used for a) passing other cars, esp. while they wait for you b) inanimate objects, such as mailboxes or c) people standing in the road:  "Bye Bitchesss!"
During this escapade, I’m told I also frequently use, "Y’all niggas is in my way!"  "My turn.  Stay."  "Uh.  Not brake… accelerator. Oops."  "Hi… I follow you!  We’re off to see the wizard!!"  "Anybody coming?  Fuck, anybody coming?  *Makes turn*  Don’t come don’t coooome!"
It was DEFINITELY not as scary as I thought it would be.  This coming Friday Jeana’s taking me basically on a road trip… speeds of 75 mph, skinny lanes and shit, passing traffic.  She’ll teach me to park, parallel park and all that shit. 
I’m praying she’ll be willing to take me to go get my driver’s license (in her awesome car) before she goes back to college in August.  That would be FANTASTIC. 
My family has two cars:  a broken-down Pontiac and a massive (but gorgeous) V8 4×4 Dodge Durango which is my mom’s vehicle for work.  So, I can’t drive a broken car with my limited auto knowledge nor can I drive the Durango which is a) a GAS GUZZLER and b) my mom’s ride to work. 
But I need a license.  A car will come later. 
A Buick, hopefully.  Haha.  Get my gangsta on.

The other day I went for a walk… passed a dismembered chicken in the road.  There was also a dead dove.  And a dead frog.  And a cop car. 
For those of you that are new to me, it would help to give you a bit of background.  I don’t live in the best of hoods.  It ain’t bad but I’m one of few white families around.  I’m short and small in stature but I stand up straight, have a bodybuilder physique and always look you in the eye.  I am also told I have a gangsta lean (which has gotten me in trouble before).  Heh.
Anyway, there’s not a lot of people walking around on your average day and this cop car pulls onto the road I’m walking along. I’m like "Uhhh… why the FUCK are the COPS out here???" but smile and wave cordially.  The cop stops in the middle of the fucking road as soon as I pass it.  Does not MOVE until I am completely out of sight. 
Humph.  Apparently I look more suspicious than I think.
Or else somethin’ was goin down and he just wanted to keep an eye on me.  But I find that hard to believe.  Guess I’m just lucky… I’ve had few people ever try to mess with me and I’ve been in some bad places.

Friday morning I sent in my dance resume & video to a casting director and she hired me, rightaway for a a feature dancer in her 5-6 week long production.  Unfortunately there was no pay, a ridiculous commute, and my feet are pretty busted.  She was sooo excited that not only was I technically trained, I tap as well, and she fell in love with me when she realized I "hip hop" and have gymnastic/breakdancing talent.
But… I had to decline.  I’m a little upset about it but I know there’s nothing I could do… it would hurt me worse knowing that I accepted the job and might have had to let this woman down because I can’t dance.  That would hurt me AND my reputation.  So I spent the rest of Friday going up and down with Medicaid, dr. offices and such.  I don’t have an appointment yet- I make that tomorrow.  In the middle of convention.  0700-2000, and 0700-2030 are my next two days of dance.  And Saturday I have a hip hop performance down at the Galleria.  I uh, still haven’t finished the choreography so it won’t be fantastic… but eh.  Who knows.  I think I work best winging shit, and I can’t tell you a performance that I have ever been 100% ready for.  My best performances are made when I’m not too serious about it.  😛

Hope all y’all are well.  Peace and health..


LoL, and my mom made me talk… she was like, "You’ve been crying.  I will sit in your room until you talk to me."  We stared off for at least 10 minutes until I started talking… about Kelly… and she laughed… said I was hit by the lovebug… and she wasn’t mad at me (which was what I’d been afraid of).  She told my dad, so I didn’t have to.  And my mom gave me the KIDS talk.  Ugh.  She was like, "The fun part is thinking of what they’ll look like."  I was like, "HAHA.  NO.  I have the TWINS gene, Mom, and they’ll be ADD/ADHD like NO other."  (I’m ADHD, Kelly’s ADD.  LOL  Maybe they’d cancel each other out?)
I brought up the subject to Kelly, said ‘twins’ and he started choking.  No kids, please.
P.S.  My dad and I are on bad terms.  We’re almost always yelling.  It’s sad cuz he’s my dad but I’m so SICK of him.  I can handle him treating me like shit but I flip my lid when he treats my mom the same way.  >.<

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July 20, 2008

<3 driving becomes easier. i'm teaching my sister how to drive and its TERRIFYING for me. but you'll catch on quickly! the more you do it, the better you'll be.

July 20, 2008

OMG, you sound like me while I’m driving! I always do this thing about talking to other cars on the road like they can hear me and everyone laughs at me. I also talk back to the radio (on the rare occasions I have it on) and sing WAY too loud along to my MP3 player and so a little off-key. LOL

July 20, 2008

HAHAHAHAHA I gotta use that next time Im out driving! Hows your DVD sh*t coming?

July 21, 2008

Sorry about you and your dad… Sounds like you had a good time driving!

July 24, 2008

So the trick to cheering you up is handing you a set of keys and pointing you to a clear stretch of highway? [shrugging shoulders] Who knew? You never elaborated on the dismembered foul and frog on your street. You live in a cult-neighbourhood or something? and I must’ve missed it, but what the heck did you do to your ‘feet’???