Generic (Green) Update Title.

So, I decided (after almost 30 months of the red and black scheme)… it was high time for change.

My next favorite color is green, so…yea.  And just to be obnoxious, I call my diary now ‘The Green Book’ and have Twiztid as an icon.  

It stormed last night.  I stayed awake until 0215 with my neck craned against the window, watching the lightning.
I love lightning.  It is so gorgeous.
It’s unbelievable the power of Mother Nature…
Last night, I felt so small, watching the lightning split the sky.
So small…
Yet powerful.

Kelly said he might be coming on leave in a few weeks.  I think they’re going to operate and send him home on leave.  I’m like, "Yay!" and "Oh no!" at the same time.  I don’t know what’s wrong with him yet.  We haven’t actually talked for a while.

My ex and I have almost completely fallen out. 
Sigh.  Oh well.

OH SHIT!  WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY IS ON!  I’ll finish later-

†  INMATE  †

My mom and I called 911 two days ago because there was a strange vehicle sitting in front of our studio after 2200.    Apparently they were dumping shit (straight out of the cop’s mouth) and they steal our props, too.
They were doing it again so my mom called 911 again but they just took off.  The pansies.
I just checked out our vehicle.  At least our tires are still in one piece.  ^_^
Peace and health.

P.S.  I REALLY wanted my last pancake last night… but thankfully I resisted.
So, I ate it about an hour and a half ago. 

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May 3, 2007

I’m lovin’ the new colours. Twiztid is awesome, and I like the fact that they remain at the side of ICP, rather than f*ck off to another label to record their shit after ICP gets ’em on the map. That’s my theory anyway, though Zug Izland still rocks! RYN: I did two blogs today. I saw the Darth Vader “video” pic & was inspired. – – much clown luv!!!

May 3, 2007

I love the image of you framed by the window, watching the storm. Gorgeous.

May 3, 2007

Whats up fly girl!?!? LOl Thanks for the eyes comment and yes sexwhore=pills lol

May 3, 2007

Ah, delayed resistance, but you gave in to the power of late night pancakes. Hopefully you skipped syrup this time. 😉 Don’t try to fight those thugs yourself, even if you can breakdance the shit out of them. It would be funny to see you kicking their ass in dance-fighting fashion like Shun Di from VIRTUA FIGHTER. 😉 Not sure what to make of so much green…are you a leprechaun? lol. Or it remin

May 3, 2007

reminds me of HOUSE of Pain’s Jump Around. video with the Irish party. lol. ORRRR…You could pass for Poison Ivy….hmmmm, yeah, I like that one. 😉 I love thunderstorms, especially with lots of lightning & thunder. I have a thunderstorms cd, but you can’t really replicate the lightning unless you had a flickering light. lol. We don’t get much rain or even storms out here. 🙁

May 3, 2007

So, is Kelly your ex? Lucky bastich. ‘Course if I was him, I would not have left or let an awesome girl like you go. 😉 ryn: So did you like the drawing? I have room for improvement, but figured it was something different to draw a pose for a friend. What might be harder is your OD Home page shot. Maybe I’ll see if I can give that a shot, if you don’t mind me using you as a model? 😉 Of course

May 3, 2007

always does around all the girls. Especially a beautiful young girl such as yourself. I’d have to wrestle him for ya. lol. It’s okay. I’d win. I’m bigger. lol. I’d be fighting like a mad dog, too. Hey, he has lots of years & a lot more ladies than his Uncle Mark had ahead of him, trust me on that. lol. ryn: Powerade changed their recipe & wasn’t the same. Gatorade seemed worse. I agree. No mor

May 3, 2007

p.s. And WOOHOO! I made your favorites! Does this mean you are keeping me? 😉

May 4, 2007

i like green =)

May 4, 2007

yeah man…it’s real friggin stupiddd. everyones so snobby. girls are worse than guys. we’re switching schools. all the teachers have us under a microscope…so we have to leave in order to do ne thing…fun i guess you could call it. whatever the years almost over anyways :p

May 5, 2007

Yup, the environment fascinates me too, sometimes. It’s amazing how everything works together, how all natural phenomena feed into one another.

May 5, 2007

owww my eyes hurt

May 5, 2007

yeah but i’m also partial colour blind to red/orange and that color scheme is easy for me to see. besides i like the rocks i have for the border it goes with the waves i think.

May 6, 2007

Wow, the green is drastic… but I like it. 🙂

May 6, 2007

ryn: Hey, what were you doing reading that entry? Did you see Spidey 3? tsk tsk…lol. You had to wait…couldn’t resist stalking my soul a little more, could you? 😉 lol You were so quick noting, you missed a late addition after cookie comments. So now you must reread what I put after the oatmeal cookie lust. lol. Hope you are doing well. Where is the pic of you in a skirt? I must have it. 😉 lol

May 6, 2007

p.s. And are you bragging about eating all those tacos & cake? Give me some. 😉 lol. And you turn down a cookie? No way. I wonder if I dangled it & tempted you-being that it was home made by yours truly…..I wonder what would happen if you were craving a cookie & I put it on top of my lips. I wonder if I could catch you with that bait. 😉 heh heh….can’t resist a dirty thought in a note. sorry

May 6, 2007

Damn, girl. Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE. 😉 So, where ya wanna go? 😉 lol I think I need a fellow FBI. Normally that means Full Blooded Italian, but I think FULL BODY INSPECTOR will work. Would you like to be mine? 😉 You will have to be thorough, tho. 😉 If you give my abs the thumbs up in person then you will win a prize…. Your very own Spartan/Italian to do with what you please. 😉

May 7, 2007

Thanks for sharing the other entry. Damn, I gotta reread them all now. 😉 So, you have no boyfriend then? 😉 Hmmm….how old is too old for one? 😉 Thanks for keeping me. You won’t be disappointed. 😉 And hmmm, we can certainly channel our mutual energies for good & nefarious purposes. As long as we are not corrupted by the force. lol. But warning….your Force is corrupting my thoughts. 😉

May 7, 2007

I think I’m done with the latest pic. I’m kinda nervous of what you’ll think. I know I can’t fully capture your beauty. It’s impossible as you are so beautiful & have a glow & aura about you that can’t be captured. 😉 But hopefully I did a decent enough job capturing a bit of you. 🙂 Let me know how I did. I’m going to scan & e-mail it to you shortly. Talk to you soon… {X}

May 7, 2007

p.s. We have to go to a game at the Cell. You have White Sox gear? I can prolly loan ya a shirt or hat if you don’t. 😉 But there are other places to go see the White Sox, too. So any time you want to take a Road Trip to see the Sox anywhere, I’d so do it. 😉

May 7, 2007

If you wrote them, I bet they are hella entertaining. You are very witty, fun & cool. 😉 Can’t wait to get into your soul, too. 😉 Thanks for the kind comments. I live my life to see her again by being the best person I can. I’m trying to make her proud. Thank you, sweetie. And hmm, I don’t know if I can keep my Force out of you. That might be tough & asking a lot. 😉 lol. And hmm, I tell

May 7, 2007

ya what: If we ever meet & I help you put up a Christmas Tree, I PROMISE we’d open Darth Maul. Providing you don’t have one. 😉 Deal? 😉 See? I can open some stuff. lol. It just takes a really special woman to get me to do so. 😉 lol. And DAMN, you looked really good there, I can only imagine how hot you are now? (I’m still drooling by the way. 😉 lol Alright, I gotta scan your pic.

May 7, 2007

p.s. Hmm, so your hardkoreness scared away all the thugs, eh? Would you protect me? 😉 lol. I think if you have us cross our arms & stand back to back, maybe nobody’d mess with us. 😉 lol. Back in 1995, ShocXwavE’s favorite outfit was red & black. I made a custom figure even back then in those colors. Hopefully you’d get a kick out of the top of my entertainment center w/ all those figs. 😉

May 7, 2007

And I screwed up the other day. Those shows were slightly less than a half hour. It was the BEST OF dvd that was an hour. So, if you saved 16 hours to watch them, cut that time in half & we can make better use of the other 8 hours. 😉 wink wink. lol. sorry, you’ve corrupted me, Emperor. 😉

May 7, 2007

Well you are much younger, feminine & sexier version of the Emperor. lmao. There is no cool sexy female Star Wars villainess to call you. 😉 lol. I have YAHOO Instant Messenger & Also MSN Windows messenger, too if you can be persuaded by yours truly to get either one, I promise to make it worth your while. 😉 Anything you want. 😉 And throwing objects at me? Is that any better? lol.

May 7, 2007

yeaaahhhhh people suck lotz

May 7, 2007

RYN: I’ve been playing the guitar for 2 years, maybe 3? Im not bad, but definatly not great. Limp – Im a fan of those 2 albums too, but the green covered album I cant stand (1 of my worst buys ever) & the unquestionable truth I thought sounded very…recorded in a garage?…no fancy pedal sounds. Car – Thats my wagon that got written off, yes, I kept the plates!!!

May 8, 2007

Green is one of my favs. Yeah, I think it is the weather. It’s just so…..bleh. But I have nothing to complain about. Look at all those Greensburg residents. They have nothing now.

May 8, 2007

p.s. and yes, Undertaker as well as another were out with bicep & tricep tears. That must be the new injury now taking guys out. lol. & the face shot has gotten a couple compliments, one from an artist herself, so definitely some improvement 4 me. The actual drawing before I scanned it, looked better which was a contrast to the last photo. So, I dunno. Comp either helps or hinders. Hmmmm… {X}

May 8, 2007

I love “Whose Line..” and the color green. Behind the place where I work, people are always looking in our car windows, digging through our trash and many other strange things that I’d rather forget. It’s not even that bad of a neighborhood, it could be a lot worse.

May 10, 2007

D: Sons of bitches. They can’t touch this.

May 10, 2007

I noticed the diary change. :3 I’d have to have some serious issues to NOT. :] But I like. Great success. Very nice, babeh. <3