I ironed today.   
If only I learn to wash clothes I’ll be good to live in the real world.  Ha!

Thanksgiving went alright.  My family squeaked by financially and we had all the foods we normally do!  It was great.  My mom was sobbing though when we started to cook- I don’t know what was wrong but I have a hunch it was because we barely squeaked by…
I love hearing what people all around the country eat for Thanksgiving because it changes by region.  If you’re reading this, note what you ate  ; )

I had turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing (::runs and pukes::), cranberry sauce, bread, mashed yam, gravy, peas and carrots, and pumpkin pie (the best pie in the world!!) compliments of my grandmother.

My mom told me that there wouldn’t be a Christmas this year.  I told her "It’s okay."  And, almost unbelievably, I discovered that I really meant it. 
I don’t need a whole bunch of presents to make me happy.  Christmas is all about the soul and connection with the world, Christ, the family… everything on top of that is really extra. 

Haha, for Jeana’s birthday yesterday we went bowling… where the three of us (James was there) met up with six other people we kinda knew.

Well, we bowled all-together and I won the game…  With a 96!  HAHAHAHAHA.  We suck ass. 

We also watched Happy Feet.  CUTE, CUTE, CUTE movie!!  I laughed more than anyone else.  I couldn’t handle the Mexican penguins.  That’s some REAL funneh shit right there homie.

Oh, yea, and I pulled a muscle in my back so thank GOD we have a break from dance this week so it can heal.  It’s getting better but for a few days there I could barely move it. 
I have another substitute teacher marathon on Monday, however.  I hope I’m recovered… (AHEM.  Doubtful.)
I also strained my wrist.  Don’t know how I managed to do either of these but oh well! 

James (now, to his chagrin, pronounced YA-MEZ) promised to take me shooting sometime soon. 

Peace and Health.  : )


Wearing::  Blue plaid pj pants with rhinestones and a white TX tshirt.
Last ate::  Turkey sandwich, YAY, cranberry sauce, YAY, mashed potatoes, YAY!
Feeling::  Like I need to clean.  I’m going clean my room…

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November 27, 2006

just my bellybutton. ive always wanted it, and I already have 5 in my ears, and my nose, so I figured this is one of them that my mom will let me get, so lets just do it. She doesnt know yet, but she’ll find out sometime, haha =]

November 27, 2006

RYN:// Thank you. I had to put a little suspense into the entry. Couldn’t just outright say “it’s positive”!! Had to let ya guess!! ♥ Amanda

November 27, 2006

Aww…You can still celebrate, just without presents! ryn: thats funny about the toothbrushes… did you ask them how they dropped them down? did you actually ask them if they had dropped them down the toilet? haha sorry thats just so funny!

November 27, 2006

Yay I’m down with the clownz 😀

November 27, 2006

a 96 in bowling?luckyi usually can’t get above 60.

November 29, 2006

I had plenty of turkey, taters, stuffing, rolls, and corn. And then of course, you can’t forget the pie, tons of pecan pie. Wow, 19 and just learning to iron. I learned that back when I was 12 and how to wash clothes shortly thereafter. Of course, it’s best if I don’t iron because I have a habit of burning clothes.

December 1, 2006

You pulled a muscle? D: Oh noes. YOU NEED A MASSAGE!!!11!!1four 😀 Srysly <3

December 5, 2006

I’m Canadian, therefore my Thanksgiving is in October. Not sure why, must be a metric thing. Anyway, I had turkey, tator’s, dressin'(mmm), gravy, & such. “Happy Feet” is good? It keeps beating “Casino Royale” @ the Box Office. “Casino Royale” kicks major ass. It’s Thug-Wylin’! BTW-Have you gotten the New ICP-Remix Double CD. Surprisingly, it’s not too shabby! Happy Holiday’s!!!